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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Adam // Advacs

Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
Parwez's/SlainBot's Application:
Name: Parwez

Minecraft IGN: FortunateParwez (552/1456) SlainBot (227/588) ImDozy (68/172)

Age: 16

TeamSpeak: Got it :)

Wins: Over 1K with alts.

Games Played: 2.5K + (IDK TBH)

Past clans: Exodus, Eternity, Valor, Phoenix US/EU

Why do you want to join The Rival: To be honest, I've always wanted to be apart of this clan. I remember the day this clan re-band, I was very interested in it. I was a banned player back than, so making it into this clan was impossible, but now that I'm unbanned, I want to give this clan a try. I was a trial member for this clan back in version 1, but I left to remake Exodus :p. I have lots of friends in this clan, including Zlim and Sports! I feel like this clan can be considered a new family.

Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yeah, I play (ed) with this clan a lot, and still do!

Why should you be accepted into this clan (Long Answer): Well, I believe that I have many reasons to be accepted.

1.) Availability: I'm very active with clan activities, so i'll be there if i'm needed.

2.) Communication: After leading a few successful clans, I believe that my communication level is more advanced that others, this can benefit the clan during clan battles.

3.) PvP Knowledge: I've been playing PvP based game-modes for the past year, and I know as a fact that I can assist this clan with my knowledge. I know plenty of tactics that can come in use during times of struggle, and I know when to make decisions.

4.) Personality: I can be rude at times, but mostly, I can be funny and nice. Takes time to know a Persian lol.

All in all, I believe that I qualities that can help this clan out. It seems like a fun environment where I can have fun and be competitive, at the same time.
Haha active funny yolk u spend all day at the gym


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Christopher
Minecraft IGN: Zero_Frosty
Age: 15
TeamSpeak: Yes
Wins: 443 Hive 328
Games Played: 2208/1146
Past clans: Valor , The Beggins , Exedus
Why do you want to join The Rival: I wan't to join Rivals Because, Been Thinking how fun this clan Was Scrimin With my People my Bacca Picklez The Shady Kid With Orange hair the Mighty Spuuuuu And The Inappropriate body part on a male #Mr DickStop also COOLDARKIRADUDE and... Kobe Bryant
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Zlim95 Sportfans Nick
Why should you be accepted into this clan (Long Answer): I think, I Should Be Accepted because I know everyone here Also Most People Know from Past experiences.
Your application is horrible. Doesn't give you a good chance of getting if calling our captain a Inappropriate body part on a male.


Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
Parwez's/SlainBot's Application:
Name: Parwez

Minecraft IGN: FortunateParwez (552/1456) SlainBot (227/588) ImDozy (68/172)

Age: 16

TeamSpeak: Got it :)

Wins: Over 1K with alts.

Games Played: 2.5K + (IDK TBH)

Past clans: Exodus, Eternity, Valor, Phoenix US/EU

Why do you want to join The Rival: To be honest, I've always wanted to be apart of this clan. I remember the day this clan re-band, I was very interested in it. I was a banned player back than, so making it into this clan was impossible, but now that I'm unbanned, I want to give this clan a try. I was a trial member for this clan back in version 1, but I left to remake Exodus :p. I have lots of friends in this clan, including Zlim and Sports! I feel like this clan can be considered a new family.

Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yeah, I play (ed) with this clan a lot, and still do!

Why should you be accepted into this clan (Long Answer): Well, I believe that I have many reasons to be accepted.

1.) Availability: I'm very active with clan activities, so i'll be there if i'm needed.

2.) Communication: After leading a few successful clans, I believe that my communication level is more advanced that others, this can benefit the clan during clan battles.

3.) PvP Knowledge: I've been playing PvP based game-modes for the past year, and I know as a fact that I can assist this clan with my knowledge. I know plenty of tactics that can come in use during times of struggle, and I know when to make decisions.

4.) Personality: I can be rude at times, but mostly, I can be funny and nice. Takes time to know a Persian lol.

All in all, I believe that I qualities that can help this clan out. It seems like a fun environment where I can have fun and be competitive, at the same time.
Hey dude


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Gardner
Minecraft IGN:XxGMoneyxXBrO
Age: 13
Games Played:5800
Past clans:#Excel,#Instinct2, #Thehunted,#Variable and a few more
Why do you want to join The Rival: Because i think all the members in this clan are awesome and totally chill. i would love to be in rivals ive always wanted to be in rivals since v1 and know i have my chance.
Do you know any leaders of this clan:not really but have seen them in game.
Why should you be accepted into this clan (Long Answer): Because i am a pretty decent pvper with lots of experience. and also have great teamwork with people i barley know lol. i really like the rivals vibe i think its pretty chill and focused on mcsg and i like that. you should also accept me because I am skilled with all the the weapons not just the sword and the bow.


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
For those who do not know, I have Quit MC.
I will try to come on to various teamspeaks's to still talk, and I will keep my self updated, and be active on the forums.
These past 8 months have been incredible, the community and the people I have met, all the same.
The reason why I am quitting: Basically with being in high school, there is too much work and also, the fact that my parents are making me quit the game or they take away the computer.

When I first made this clan, I had no idea what I was doing. Slowly but surly I got better and learned the ways of leading. Winning was never the number one priority, it was having fun and keeping friend that even if the clan were too disband the friendship will be upheld. I know that I succeeded in that aspect. That is why this clan did last 7 months.

One more thing that I would have loved to work on now, although I can't, is bringing back the spark, and respect which I think is now lost. I was planning along with Maxypie and Branbob83 to do something that would begin the slow process of doing so. However, I can't but hopefully they can achieve those goals that I set out to achieve. In this past month I have notice a major loss of respect within clans, it is as if something happened, either in mcsg, or in the clan scene that changed the way members, and clans as a whole respect each other. I hope that all of you can take it upon your self to work on that small aspect.

Most Importantly: I am always going to be here, if any of you need me, or help in IRL, or in any sort of way. I will always be avail be to help. My main goal for this game was to leave my mark in a positive fashion and maybe even carry out with me some different characteristics of leadership that I would have been without if it was not for this game. Lastly that I changed someone, in someway, for the better, whether online, or IRL. I am glad to tell you I have succeeded in all 3 aspects.

I will say Goodbye to many of you on the ts within the next month or so, but I will just list many name right here.

All of present and former members of rivals: Thank you for the best time of my life, I appreciate all that you have done with me and for the clan. I will remember each and every one of you, I promise.

Jccandfriends Keep up the boating caress bro beans
ITsMeTYL3R spell my name right fool
0gston good man
Kranzo Whatever friken your account
Extempia Hopefully I kind of helped you
NativeTalent Keep talkin bro
HarborSeal Kevin hart comedy baby
Mint_Sibs the minority baby

I may not have a chance to say bye to you guys ^^ so this is a good bye for now
I will try to say goodbye to as many of my friends as possible within the week.

Too lazy to edit, so there will be a lot of errors.


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
For those who do not know, I have Quit MC.
I will try to come on to various teamspeaks's to still talk, and I will keep my self updated, and be active on the forums.
These past 8 months have been incredible, the community and the people I have met, all the same.
The reason why I am quitting: Basically with being in high school, there is too much work and also, the fact that my parents are making me quit the game or they take away the computer.

When I first made this clan, I had no idea what I was doing. Slowly but surly I got better and learned the ways of leading. Winning was never the number one priority, it was having fun and keeping friend that even if the clan were too disband the friendship will be upheld. I know that I succeeded in that aspect. That is why this clan did last 7 months.

One more thing that I would have loved to work on now, although I can't, is bringing back the spark, and respect which I think is now lost. I was planning along with Maxypie and Branbob83 to do something that would begin the slow process of doing so. However, I can't but hopefully they can achieve those goals that I set out to achieve. In this past month I have notice a major loss of respect within clans, it is as if something happened, either in mcsg, or in the clan scene that changed the way members, and clans as a whole respect each other. I hope that all of you can take it upon your self to work on that small aspect.

Most Importantly: I am always going to be here, if any of you need me, or help in IRL, or in any sort of way. I will always be avail be to help. My main goal for this game was to leave my mark in a positive fashion and maybe even carry out with me some different characteristics of leadership that I would have been without if it was not for this game. Lastly that I changed someone, in someway, for the better, whether online, or IRL. I am glad to tell you I have succeeded in all 3 aspects.

I will say Goodbye to many of you on the ts within the next month or so, but I will just list many name right here.

All of present and former members of rivals: Thank you for the best time of my life, I appreciate all that you have done with me and for the clan. I will remember each and every one of you, I promise.

Jccandfriends Keep up the boating caress bro beans
ITsMeTYL3R spell my name right fool
0gston good man
Kranzo Whatever friken your account
Extempia Hopefully I kind of helped you
NativeTalent Keep talkin bro
HarborSeal Kevin hart comedy baby
Mint_Sibs the minority baby

I may not have a chance to say bye to you guys ^^ so this is a good bye for now
I will try to say goodbye to as many of my friends as possible within the week.

Too lazy to edit, so there will be a lot of errors.
thx for putting meh in da baibai post h8 u 4eva <3

Baibai ily


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
For those who do not know, I have Quit MC.
I will try to come on to various teamspeaks's to still talk, and I will keep my self updated, and be active on the forums.
These past 8 months have been incredible, the community and the people I have met, all the same.
The reason why I am quitting: Basically with being in high school, there is too much work and also, the fact that my parents are making me quit the game or they take away the computer.

When I first made this clan, I had no idea what I was doing. Slowly but surly I got better and learned the ways of leading. Winning was never the number one priority, it was having fun and keeping friend that even if the clan were too disband the friendship will be upheld. I know that I succeeded in that aspect. That is why this clan did last 7 months.

One more thing that I would have loved to work on now, although I can't, is bringing back the spark, and respect which I think is now lost. I was planning along with Maxypie and Branbob83 to do something that would begin the slow process of doing so. However, I can't but hopefully they can achieve those goals that I set out to achieve. In this past month I have notice a major loss of respect within clans, it is as if something happened, either in mcsg, or in the clan scene that changed the way members, and clans as a whole respect each other. I hope that all of you can take it upon your self to work on that small aspect.

Most Importantly: I am always going to be here, if any of you need me, or help in IRL, or in any sort of way. I will always be avail be to help. My main goal for this game was to leave my mark in a positive fashion and maybe even carry out with me some different characteristics of leadership that I would have been without if it was not for this game. Lastly that I changed someone, in someway, for the better, whether online, or IRL. I am glad to tell you I have succeeded in all 3 aspects.

I will say Goodbye to many of you on the ts within the next month or so, but I will just list many name right here.

All of present and former members of rivals: Thank you for the best time of my life, I appreciate all that you have done with me and for the clan. I will remember each and every one of you, I promise.

Jccandfriends Keep up the boating caress bro beans
ITsMeTYL3R spell my name right fool
0gston good man
Kranzo Whatever friken your account
Extempia Hopefully I kind of helped you
NativeTalent Keep talkin bro
HarborSeal Kevin hart comedy baby
Mint_Sibs the minority baby

I may not have a chance to say bye to you guys ^^ so this is a good bye for now
I will try to say goodbye to as many of my friends as possible within the week.

Too lazy to edit, so there will be a lot of errors.
cryin brb
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