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The Rebels EU Division

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Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: cheezedoodles

How old are you?: 15

Where are you from? Norway

What is your skype name? cheezedoodles.sander

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) 599

How many games have you played? Around 2100

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? I haven't really played MC that much lately, meaning I'm kinda rusty. When I am warmed up I can do decent with most wepons. I would also say I'm a good teammate. I can listen to what the leaders says easily, and get good teamwork with different players easily.

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" Sword, bow aim. When I first go on the computer, I won't really do good with anything. When warmed up I can be a little derpy, and derp around in clan wars a little.

What are your favourite maps? SG4, Great map for casual play and clan wars.

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Because I want a new experience. I've always looked at Rebels as one of the best clans, and I wanna be a part of it. I want to make new friends, aswell as playing more with old friends. (joni c:)
Noob, Congrats :D Best of luck in this clan, I know it's a bit late, but oh well.

btw come back to emperors we shid without u mah dood D;


Jan 1, 2014
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: BalooJack

How old are you?: I can not help my age but I'm 11, -;

Where are you from? Sweden

What is your skype name? SneddoPrivat

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) 608

How many games have you played? 3481

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Fishing Rod, Sword, Ice fights, Combo

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" Bow

What are your favourite maps? Demon'z BreeZe, Breeze island, Solar Frost Survivalgames 4

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Because I want to meet new people, and is not i am not in a clan, so I gonna test to apply


Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: BalooJack

How old are you?: I can not help my age but I'm 11, -;

Where are you from? Sweden

What is your skype name? SneddoPrivat

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) 608

How many games have you played? 3481

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Fishing Rod, Sword, Ice fights, Combo

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" Bow

What are your favourite maps? Demon'z BreeZe, Breeze island, Solar Frost Survivalgames 4

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Because I want to meet new people, and is not i am not in a clan, so I gonna test to apply
I'm sorry but you have been denied. We know you can't help your age, but we want our members to be 13 or older. Good luck finding a clan that suits you better :)

Th1NgY | Will

Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN? thingy182
How old are you? 14
Where are you from? England
What is your skype name? thingy182
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) 1250
How many games have you played? 4606
Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Firstly I am really good with the fishing rod when it comes to using it to get sword combos, I use the fishing rod to hit people into blocks to make their sprint stop, I use it to try and boost friends and I also use it when running to turn and hit them with it to get a bit of space between them. I am also good with strafing and swords as I have 10 ping to MCSG which means I get VERY good connection, this also means I can get combos quite easily. Another thing I am good with is the flint ans steel. As I am a long time MCSG player I have had a lot of work trying to get my flint and steel to the best it can be. I am good when I use the offensive flint and steel if I run at them and I am even better at the defensive flint and steel, this is if I am being chased. Finally I am EXCEPTIONALLY good with the bow. This is the item I have really spent all my time working on. The reason I am good at this and come to get the name "Bow spammer" from a lot of my friends is that I can guess where people are going to dodge and I can then start to get quite good bow combos from doing that. One more thing I am good at is parkour/speed parkour. This is very good if I need to run away from people and trying to get to places quickly, my knowledge of the maps also helps with this.
Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc) I'd say my weaknesses are when I am too cocky as I usually believe I can beat people when I probably can't. Another would be hackers, I know you said "don't include hackers" but usually people find ways of getting round them and killing them, but when I face one, stress usually overtakes me and makes me mess up and then I start to rage which makes me do worse :p
What are your favourite maps? I don't know, I like basically all of them.
Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU? I would love to join Rebels as the last 6 months or so I have been in Phoenix / TeamSypher and, yes it was great and I loved it, but it got a bit repetitive after a while and so I thought that I should maybe leave and find some place else until I want to go back. This place has always been the place I wanted to go to but Phoenix was just too awesome to leave, but now, that I have left I want to come join a strong, yet calm and cool clan.​


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN? thingy182
How old are you? 14
Where are you from? England
What is your skype name? thingy182
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) 1250
How many games have you played? 4606
Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Firstly I am really good with the fishing rod when it comes to using it to get sword combos, I use the fishing rod to hit people into blocks to make their sprint stop, I use it to try and boost friends and I also use it when running to turn and hit them with it to get a bit of space between them. I am also good with strafing and swords as I have 10 ping to MCSG which means I get VERY good connection, this also means I can get combos quite easily. Another thing I am good with is the flint ans steel. As I am a long time MCSG player I have had a lot of work trying to get my flint and steel to the best it can be. I am good when I use the offensive flint and steel if I run at them and I am even better at the defensive flint and steel, this is if I am being chased. Finally I am EXCEPTIONALLY good with the bow. This is the item I have really spent all my time working on. The reason I am good at this and come to get the name "Bow spammer" from a lot of my friends is that I can guess where people are going to dodge and I can then start to get quite good bow combos from doing that. One more thing I am good at is parkour/speed parkour. This is very good if I need to run away from people and trying to get to places quickly, my knowledge of the maps also helps with this.
Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc) I'd say my weaknesses are when I am too cocky as I usually believe I can beat people when I probably can't. Another would be hackers, I know you said "don't include hackers" but usually people find ways of getting round them and killing them, but when I face one, stress usually overtakes me and makes me mess up and then I start to rage which makes me do worse :p
What are your favourite maps? I don't know, I like basically all of them.
Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU? I would love to join Rebels as the last 6 months or so I have been in Phoenix / TeamSypher and, yes it was great and I loved it, but it got a bit repetitive after a while and so I thought that I should maybe leave and find some place else until I want to go back. This place has always been the place I wanted to go to but Phoenix was just too awesome to leave, but now, that I have left I want to come join a strong, yet calm and cool clan.​
Bk scrub
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