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The God Debate

What is your religion?

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Jul 27, 2014
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OH BOY,Well me speending more than 50 hours studing on consensus and other stuff relating to that topic well start of with consensus its self its like tooking at your self without out like something ot look of off its like i feel like its possiable for us to find out what is consensus but not in a life time. and then there is the cristans well lets start off with jesus was real his mircles wernt doncmented so there is that and how dose God create something out of nothing most pepole will either not awnser or just say "BECUASE HES GOD" well guy thats close minded thats impossable. well my friends dad we were talking about religon and he said "God made man mad made religon" witch is possiable but thats beiffs. Now to athiesm same thing how do you create something out of nothing not possiable. they could explain the big bang and then some one could keep asking where did that come from? and then they would get to the awnser i dont know. I think there are truths scaterd throught the religons In the Bible ect. thats why i am a Agnostic So Good day.
Dec 27, 2013
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I am Christian, thats all you need to know, the Stereotypes on youtube are the ones that make me mad about religion only


Jan 19, 2014
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I heavily lean onto facts with a subject like this.

Currently, I'm a lapsed Catholic/Christian. Now I'm an Agnostic Atheist. My parents are very religious and are currently unaware of the fact that I don't believe in a god. (If they do find out... whew that's the end of me.) Ever since I was a child, I was forced to go to church, even to this day. I only started becoming skeptical about god when I got in Middle School. Thapple took the words right out of my mouth. If people can believe that a so called "God" created himself, why can't they believe that the universe created itself? Of course, either way I can't wrap around my head how either is possible, but whatever happened, it happened.
If someday people find even the slightest proof about God, I may just change my mind. Awhile back, I had this interesting concept in sixth grade. That someone created the idea of religion so every could live the ideal life. Of doing generous good deeds, and such. So there wouldn't be any disruptions in the world, and if you didn't follow the rules of the bible you're afterlife would be filled with eternity of pain and suffering. It would be crazy if that was the case. Of course, there's many flaws of how such a rumor of religion could be spread across the world and kept alive for years, so I quickly shrugged away that thought.


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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While I dont feel like giving out my current religious standpoint right now, heres a thought I have on this topic.
There is a common misconception that both Atheists and Religious people seem to have, both are related.
From one side is flat out saying "God doesnt exist because theres no proof of him" (not saying all who dont beleive say this, but Ive seen plenty) and then there is from the other side, the people who absolutely negate the possibility their religion might be wrong, or not all the way right.
There is as much proof that God doesnt exist as there is that he does. Religion is a matter of choice, you chose wether to beleive or not, and what to beleive on, that should always be kept in mind. There is no way to say for sure what is real and what is not when we live in a world where theres still so many things without an answer or explanation... for all we know we could be some sort of Sims game for some bigger kind of entity or entities! Who knows.


Apr 20, 2012
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The Ancient Greeks utilized multiple Gods to explain why many natural occurrences happen. And if you were to ask a Christian how the universe was made, they will tell you that God made it. It's the same story in both situations. At the moment, I'm sort of neutral/determining/finding myself at the moment. While I do not believe that the entirety of the universe was created by a single being, I've sort of succumbed to the teachings and the surroundings of a typical Roman Catholic child.
(And I know the explanation of the creation of the universe is not the only part of religion, but it's the one I wanted to talk about)

*I'll write a longer post some other time, I'm very tired xD*

I've thought of that plenty of times, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Just the thought, that what we thought meant so much to us means partially nothing.
Or we could be some 3rd Grader's science fair project that he got a C- on...


District 13
May 28, 2012
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Was raised in a not-so-strict Catholic family. We didn't attend church often at all, maybe once every year or three. Though my parents did make me get confirmed in my early teens. I remember never strongly believing or even thinking about God, even in my earlier double digit years. I didn't pray, even when my parents and sister did; so I really just rarely thought about God very deeply because it was never truly forced upon me. It wasn't until I was 16 or 17 that I became a firmly logical thinker, focusing on sciences and the likes. I spent nights researching everything there was to know about evolution, natural selection, known life on earth appearing hundreds of millions of years ago, extinction events, and everything out there about space and the math involved around it. Secretly I was hardcore geeking out, because not even my real life friends to this day know that I'm a knowledge freak when it comes to this stuff.

Anyways, around that time of 17, I decided that I didn't think there could be a god. This was actually the first time that I decided to read the entire Bible. Reading it with the mindset that none of it is true, is actually very interesting. It gave me a whole new outlook on the Bible and why I think that and other religion based texts were truly amazing, inspiring (I love quite a few quotes used in the bible), and actually very much needed for the advancement of early humans. Now, my next statement is going to be intensely debate worthy, and I refuse to argue about religious beliefs, so I'd rather no one argue against mine out of respect that we all have opinions: I think for humans to actually advance to the next stage needed so our worlds don't absolutely crash and burn, we need to put away all religions. This would absolutely have to happen if long term space travel and space migration were to take affect and work out successfully. With the majority of the world not united, and even some places still going to war with each other over who the real creator of humans is, it will make it impossible for one eventual governing power to form for the greater good of our species. At the rate we are going in, humans will either die out due to overpopulation, the proposed World War 3, or an unexpected killer space event (e.g. a black hole). The sooner we can advance our technology and unite together to start migrating to other earth-like and habitable planets, the better.

I'm leaving out a lot of details and opinions so I don't get hate up the wazoo. But this is just my opinion. I also think that the ancient astronaut theory is true, to some extent. So, overall, I'm Atheist.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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I won't state my opinion. If I did, a lot of people would be offended. It's too powerful for this forums.
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