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Do you want bounty removed?

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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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False. It takes skill to win, and the people who have realized that they have the skill to win decided to play more, and in turn they've climbed the leaderboards quite a bit.

I dislike when people say that user rank doesn't prove "skills." Players who don't have any amount of PvP skill (minecraftlol), simply don't win.
Yeah, this could be said for most people on the top of the leaderboards. Most, anyway...I've seen some who only have about 200 bounty that play all day up there. (They never go above 200, and their win/loss ratio from wins to games played shows the same results.)

It is still true however that the exact order from most wins to least isn't nearly the same as the order of best to worst, not at all. That's why I still prefer points to show skill.

Oh, and a side note: Minecraft does have some PvP skills, trust me - I've not really thought about it much until recently, but there is a lot more to it than you think - I do a whole bunch of things when PvP'ing people without even thinking about it, but when I thought about it more, I was like "oh yeah...that makes sense, I didn't even realize I did that..."

For example: I pull out my bow at a far enough range that the opponent follows along and pulls his out, but close enough that I can then put the arrow away and rush towards them for several strikes from my sword by surprise while they are struggling with the bow. I never even realized I always did that until recently when I actually thought about it...I learned it a long time ago, but it's not something I really thought hard about, it just came naturally, I adapted from making the same mistakes and learned what actually worked.

On my scale of 1-10 on PvP skills (5 being average.) I put myself at 8. (Yep, I'm bragging. :p) A few people like sixzoseven I'd put more like at 9. Only the true PvP gods that are unbeatable go at 10, I've yet to see any that don't hack though.


Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
I'd say this: remove the command /bounty. That's it.
No resets. No regrets, get it? But on a serious note. What Teovald is trying to say here is that having the command /bounty means that every little no-life with 2 accounts can bypass the system, simply by bounty-ing all their points to a side-kick-account and take ALL the credit from that account while collecting their points with ease on the other because of low point-loss at low points-levels. They are using a loop-hole that should not exist as it favors only those who gets a weird kick from owning a game twice. If this suggestion gets positive feedback, then perhaps reset the scores as well just to give everyone a fair chance, then the highest score would actually mean the best player, not the-best-person-with-a-side-account-and-too-much-time-on-his/her-hands.
Also, Blamph, you are absolutely on the wrong track here. The in your case "best player" iFrox is the opposite of what you just described. He gathers all his victories from the friends he teams with. They do all the work, and he gets the victory at the end. This is shown by comparing scores. Compare Teovalds and iFrox's scores and a few factors become obvious. First: iFrox's bounty is far lower than teovalds. Second: Look at total life-span. Enough said. Third: Compare most kills per round. What I have just proven is that it don't take any amount of PvP skills whatsoever to climb the ladder and reach the top. The leaderboards should instead compare the time-consuming aspects with the active ones. Say victorys compared with points and total games played, and so on.
Minecraft has a whole world of PvP tactics and strategies, do not let yourself to be fooled by hacker and lag. What I wish is the leaderboards to show the ones who are best at these skills and not those who found the best loop-hole.
I'd like to add this to my post as well: G33ke. It's far from all the PvP-gods that even bother reaching the top just because of the scenarios that I just described. And I would also like to add that I may not have met you in combat, but the way that you just put yourself on an 8 and then declared all the leading PvPers in minecraft hackers just made me smile a bit, and then bash my head against the keyboard. XD
I would also like to add that I may come off a bit on the aggressive side, for this I apologize, but what I have brought up pretty much summarize all negative aspects of mcsg, and I want them on the table where we all can see them. I am referring to (A- bad points-layout) (B- bad leaderboards layout) (C- Hackers) (D- The paranoid minecraft-community never late to call anyone better than themselves hackers)


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
False. It takes skill to win, and the people who have realized that they have the skill to win decided to play more, and in turn they've climbed the leaderboards quite a bit.

I dislike when people say that user rank doesn't prove "skills." Players who don't have any amount of PvP skill (minecraftlol), simply don't win.
they do win, they team often and so they win again. actually a win is very simple to achieve the only thing it costs is time.


Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
they do win, they team often and so they win again. actually a win is very simple to achieve the only thing it costs is time.
Time? If you can't PVP and you get spawn, you can easily lose to a guy that can PVP. You need a chestroute, you actual need some luck if you arent 3+ people... You can win easily because you is good at PVP and maybe chestroutes.


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Time? If you can't PVP and you get spawn, you can easily lose to a guy that can PVP. You need a chestroute, you actual need some luck if you arent 3+ people... You can win easily because you is good at PVP and maybe chestroutes.
actually wins don't require pvp skills, it require a team, as ifrox has proven, so please quit lying, we all know ifrox has played like 1000 more total games than anyone else so i'd say his userrank is just cause of lots of time wasted.


Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
actually wins don't require pvp skills, it require a team, as ifrox has proven, so please quit lying, we all know ifrox has played like 1000 more total games than anyone else so i'd say his userrank is just cause of lots of time wasted.
Now I said that was if you NOT have a team, and what do you want to happen? I think user-rank should be of how much points you have, with no bounty command. And everyones bounty should be set to 100 to stop the people on the top now.


Jul 29, 2012
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Now I said that was if you NOT have a team, and what do you want to happen? I think user-rank should be of how much points you have, with no bounty command. And everyones bounty should be set to 100 to stop the people on the top now.


Jun 12, 2012
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actually wins don't require pvp skills, it require a team, as ifrox has proven, so please quit lying, we all know ifrox has played like 1000 more total games than anyone else so i'd say his userrank is just cause of lots of time wasted.
Why is it that I never end up winning when I team, but win a quarter of my games when I go solo?


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Why is it that I never end up winning when I team, but win a quarter of my games when I go solo?
AND if you have skills, it's very easy to win. but as it is now, just someone without any skills can just team, so, even if a good player has high user rank does it not prove anything cause he could have just teamed.


Jun 12, 2012
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AND if you have skills, it's very easy to win. but as it is now, just someone without any skills can just team, so, even if a good player has high user rank does it not prove anything cause he could have just teamed.
I think no-lifing is more of a sign of not really having proved anything, as opposed to teaming, as someone without PvP skills couldn't get an INSANE amount of wins, but a good PvP'er who was on these servers night and day definitely could.

But I still don't agree with bounty being a measurement of your rank. The most accurate ranking would be your win/loss ratio, and it should be changed to that if it was changed at all - though I don't think it should, as victories are a much easier, more linear score to track.

Really, I think the best solution would just be to have a monthly leaderboard and an all time leaderboard. The monthly leaderboard would allow good players to shine, without having to play constantly to pass those wo had started earlier. And the all time leaderboard would allow those who had worked for these wins for a while to still keep their sense of accomplishment. And, ultimately, it would solve the problem of the leaderboards: of wins being solely based on time spent playing.


District 13
May 26, 2012
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I think no-lifing is more of a sign of not really having proved anything, as opposed to teaming, as someone without PvP skills couldn't get an INSANE amount of wins, but a good PvP'er who was on these servers night and day definitely could.

But I still don't agree with bounty being a measurement of your rank. The most accurate ranking would be your win/loss ratio, and it should be changed to that if it was changed at all - though I don't think it should, as victories are a much easier, more linear score to track.

Really, I think the best solution would just be to have a monthly leaderboard and an all time leaderboard. The monthly leaderboard would allow good players to shine, without having to play constantly to pass those wo had started earlier. And the all time leaderboard would allow those who had worked for these wins for a while to still keep their sense of accomplishment. And, ultimately, it would solve the problem of the leaderboards: of wins being solely based on time spent playing.
Yes, Yes and Yes!


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I think no-lifing is more of a sign of not really having proved anything, as opposed to teaming, as someone without PvP skills couldn't get an INSANE amount of wins, but a good PvP'er who was on these servers night and day definitely could.

But I still don't agree with bounty being a measurement of your rank. The most accurate ranking would be your win/loss ratio, and it should be changed to that if it was changed at all - though I don't think it should, as victories are a much easier, more linear score to track.

Really, I think the best solution would just be to have a monthly leaderboard and an all time leaderboard. The monthly leaderboard would allow good players to shine, without having to play constantly to pass those wo had started earlier. And the all time leaderboard would allow those who had worked for these wins for a while to still keep their sense of accomplishment. And, ultimately, it would solve the problem of the leaderboards: of wins being solely based on time spent playing.
Well said, I agree with 100% of your post.

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