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Extinct [US/CA]

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Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
#Extinct We As Me Owner Of #PerfectionPVP I Want A Clan Battle Add Me On Skype dqsnyder


Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN: ipyroyo
  • Wins / Games Played: 1200 alt, 4k
  • Age: 15
  • Skype name: PM
  • Do You Have Donor: mhm
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): Idek
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): Sword combo, ping
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): Water
  • Why Do You Want To Join Extinct:It's a cool clan
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted: Im decent
NOTE, ik i said a quit MCSG but im gonna give clans 1 more try... I will be active 6/10 :D
Rainbow accept!


Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN: BezerkerWombat BogenHD
  • Wins / Games Played: 30 on Bezerker 10 on Bogen. I have 300 on Bezerker and 40 out of 70 on Bogen on the HiveMC
  • Age: 15
  • Skype name: jack.funderburg2
  • Do You Have Donor: no
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): Purge Mythical, tons of hive ones
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): I am very good with the FnS and can easily get someone into one. I am also very good with the bow. I play alot of UHC and this has improved my bow skills a lot. Playing the hive while the rod didnt work, has improved my straight on sword pvp. I have good ping 50-60
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): Someone that is good with the rod can easily beat me. Im not very good with it, but if I can hit a rod then I can get a good combo. I dont have a good computer 40 fps most the time. Not very good at running away.
  • Why Do You Want To Join Extinct: Looks like a good rising clan and friends are joining
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted Becuz im ok at the game and want to play MCSG more.


May 5, 2014
Reaction score
  • IGN: Finalez/TwerkTeam2014
  • Wins / Games Played: Finalez : 80/300 TwerkTeam2014(Donor account I don't try on 80/500
  • Age: 15
  • Skype name: nathan.muckart
  • Do You Have Donor: Yes, Diamond.
  • Past Clans (Please Don't Lie): I was in InverseSG which was an EU clan since I am a EU player, I get around 90-100 ms to US but as you can see from this part of my latest video I can still get very good hits and rek scrubs
  • Strengths (Be Detailed): I am amazing at the rod, it is very easy for me to rod people back and get accurate rod combos. This makes me good at boosting people in the water so I am decent at water battles. I also play alot of UHC's with my friends BogenHD and ZailorHD who is in the clan and this has make me good with the bow.
  • Weaknesses (Be Detailed): I am a Hive player so I am not amazing with routes but I do still know alot of routes on the most played MCSG maps. On my tryhard accounts on hive on Strideax I have 100/300 and 21k points on zQualify_ I have 50/100 and 20k points
  • Why Do You Want To Join Extinct: My friend ZailorHD joined this clan and my other friend BogenHD has applied, this clan looks promising and I want to start getting into MCSG
  • Why Do You Think You Should Be Accepted: I feel that I am at the right skill level for this clan since ZailorHD got elite and I can kill him in most of out 1v1's. I would love it if one of you could at least 1v1 me so you can see how good I am. Good luck to Extinct in the future!
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