I left a short comment as I was just looking through the maps and wanted to leave my opinion on every one. Yes I know the maker of Highfield estate, but he didn't tell me to comment or anything. I was scrolling through the forums and found it, so I left it a review. Given I know who he is, sure you could say that my opinion of the map is a little biased, but I took a good look at every map. Your accusation that I am trying to 'boost the map' annoys me, so I've taken a better look at your map and here's what I think:
First off, as stated earlier I don't really like the terraforming. This is because it seems really random, with a sand/red sand beach with a river running through it. This leads to a big stone waterfall, which doesn't really fit in with the urban theme. I also noticed that there is what looks like a mega taiga biome, and I feel that this is really random and out of place. The terraforming that is around the urban area looks like you built first, terraformed second which means that none of the builds will really flow. This is not the worst of the terraforming, I understand why you would want to do this, but I'm just pointing out that it's a huge flat area, which can look a bit unnatural.
Next we look at the builds. I would say the the build ideas are quite good, but the quality of some of them just isin't up there. They look like they have just been outlined in a colored clay, and then had the middle filled in. This creates some really boring and repetitive builds. Some of the builds, such as the hotel look good, but there is no detail in a lot of others, and this really lets down the quality.
Lastly, you may think my opinion is just rubbish, but let me point out something to you. Your map, as listed in the map facts, had 18 people that at some point in time helped to work on the map. Highfield Estate had two people that built the whole thing. That map is up to a really high standard, so at this ratio, your map should be amazing, which I wouldn't say it is.
Hopefully this may be the feedback you wanted. In future, please don't jump to the conclusion that I'm trying to boost a map.