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What are you proud of?

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
What have you accomplished so far in life that makes you stop and smile? Something that other people recognize you for or something that you know people look up to you for.

I was thinking of topics to post about after reading several status updates complaining about the lack of interesting threads, so I'm going to do some soul searching and find some cool stuff to talk about. Don't worry, I'm not going to thread spam.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Online achievements:
  • 4,000+ posts on MCSG Forums (And everything below), including Active Member. Also, 6,000+ Likes.
  • 500 MCSG wins
  • 2,000+ Games played
  • Silver Division in League (Don't laugh :p)
  • Mod on over 15 servers/networks, and Administrator on over 5.
  • Learn how to work with plugins and permissions. (Not coding, sadly.)
  • Rank as one of MCSG's top forumers in the MCGamer Awards.
  • Hold the unofficial record for the highest typing speed in the world. (Before my keyboard broke :c)
  • Have friends in 6 of the world's continents.

Real-Life achievements:
  • Get a friend
  • Keep a friend for over a year
  • Contact a friend who lives in another country
  • Can solve the 3x3 Rubik's Cube in less than a minute (all-time record: 11.4 seconds)
  • Recite over 100 digits of pi in a row without cheating (Not anymore, but I could. Now it's like maybe 50.)
  • IQ greater than 140.
  • Never used drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, or any other age-inappropriate substances.
  • Won my grade 4 and grade 8 spelling bees. I later went on to win the spelling bee for my entire middle school, and went onto County.
  • Achieved a 5 in all of my state tests (where applicable) several years in a row, earning me a spot in my school's Gifted program.
This actually took effort to think about. ;_;


Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Well been fortunate to accomplish many things in my life, but they are all fairly small and meaningless. One of the things that I'm quite proud of, however, is that I was the only person to be accepted into the 7th grade year of the Class of 2017 at my school(It isn't an entry level grade, so they usually don't accept anyone at all), which happens to be the second hardest K-12 school in my entire state, and it's in the top 100 hardest in the country :)
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
I'm proud of, despite being the inconsiderate asshole I am, I have helped quite a few people, both online and real life, through tough times. It may not seem like a lot to some people, but hey, it's what I'm most proud of that I've ever done in my life.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I got Eagle, the highest rank in Boy Scouts, at 14. That's the youngest ever in my troop, and under a year from the record (and I also lost about 9 months from inactivity due to football season, so I did it pretty quick). Probably my best achievement, because I easily did better than others 1, 2, and 3 years older than me and the board that reviewed me didn't even make me leave the room to discuss if I passed. What I find ironic is that about a month before I failed a mod interview, then I went and easily passed a review by adults that is normally done for 16 and 17 year olds XD

I also was on an undefeated conference champion high school football team, as well as making the national championship at Disney world for pop Warner football in 8th grade (we were on ESPN3!).

I have a 4.9 GPA without any AP classes to boost it more. One of, if not almost the, best in my grade.

I scored better than 90% of Juniors and 97% of sophomores on the PSAT as a freshman. In 7th grade I did better than at least 50% (maybe higher, I don't remember) of high schoolers on the real SAT. ACT scores pending.

I am the 2nd highest posting member and very high in likes here with minimal spamming of either. I was able to get the highest non-staff rank here, which is awesome! I also passed my age exception, something few do (though I wasn't able to get my final interview).

I'm not an idiot.

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