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What are you proud of?

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
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I got Eagle, the highest rank in Boy Scouts, at 14. That's the youngest ever in my troop, and under a year from the record (and I also lost about 9 months from inactivity due to football season, so I did it pretty quick). Probably my best achievement, because I easily did better than others 1, 2, and 3 years older than me and the board that reviewed me didn't even make me leave the room to discuss if I passed. What I find ironic is that about a month before I failed a mod interview, then I went and easily passed a review by adults that is normally done for 16 and 17 year olds XD

I also was on an undefeated conference champion high school football team, as well as making the national championship at Disney world for pop Warner football in 8th grade (we were on ESPN3!).

I have a 4.9 GPA without any AP classes to boost it more. One of, if not almost the, best in my grade.

I scored better than 90% of Juniors and 97% of sophomores on the PSAT as a freshman. In 7th grade I did better than at least 50% (maybe higher, I don't remember) of high schoolers on the real SAT. ACT scores pending.

I am the 2nd highest posting member and very high in likes here with minimal spamming of either. I was able to get the highest non-staff rank here, which is awesome! I also passed my age exception, something few do (though I wasn't able to get my final interview).

I'm not an idiot.
i wasn't exactly referencing forum achievements, but if those make you proud then go for it.


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
Nothing really. I haven't done drugs or drank alcohol, I get solid grades and am pretty athletic, but nothing too extraordinary that I'm "proud" of.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I shouldn't even be browsing this page as viewing everyone else's achievements in life really makes me feel like a minuscule dust particle considering I haven't done a lot with my life. Nonetheless, I'll scrounge around my barren mind and attempt to find something or some things worthwhile, and that may even be comparable with some of the other forumers...

  • Got two of my poems published in two separate anthologies (the names will remain private to prevent people finding my surname).
  • Was on the high honour roll (90+ average) all 6 terms of high school. We don't use GPA here, so I don't know what mine would be.
Okay...honestly, most of the ones that come to mind are school-related, and to be honest, I'm not much of a "nerd" that dedicates a load of time towards his studies, and I also don't want any of this to come off arrogant. In the end, I'm just a fourteen year old male sitting in front of my laptop's screen, recollecting some of my non-existent or unimpressive accomplishments throughout my life. I'd say, for the most part, that all of us here are too young to actually have a fond recollection of something that was truly something to be proud of. Good marks, winning spelling bees and athletic competitions are all temporary and transient, soon to be replaced with greater memories and experiences that life has to offer. I assume this thread is only mentioning small accomplishments like those above, but it would be very fascinating to stumble upon this twenty, thirty or even forty years from now, and have the opportunity to truly reflect upon my years of existence and allow myself to be a tad bit arrogant about myself because of the accomplishments that I hope come with my future. This is definitely a good topic for a discussion, but I feel as if we're all too young to be proud of anything extremely notable, as we're all, or most of us, students working towards our goals and dreams in life, which is an accomplishment in itself; working towards something you really want to do in life. And I hope you'll get there someday, and be proud of the minuscule and often forgettable accomplishments that brought you to where you are today, that you'll think of right now.

TL;DR? Sure, why not?

*edit: I apologize if I made you feel as if your accomplishments in life are useless, everything in life, from the largest to the most minuscule accomplishments help shape you as a person, and are all important c:
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