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What are you proud of?


Jun 21, 2013
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I have accomplishments like everyone else, but I never really feel proud of them. A lot of the things that I have supposedly done don't seem impressive in my eyes, but only in others. The things I am proud of are personal and strange... times when I stood up or had a good strong will in the face of something that wanted to degrade me.

What other people would consider my "accomplishments":
  • Getting a 4.0 throughout all three years of junior high and the first year of high school
  • Getting my eagle scout award at age 13
  • Winning a national writing competition
  • Getting the "most likely to win a nobel prize" award at my school
  • Keeping good morals throughout most of my life
  • Getting 2nd place in a one mile run in 3rd grade for my entire school
  • Hacky sack skills (697 is my record for most consecutive hits)
  • Taking piano for seven years
What I consider my accomplishments
  • Never harming myself or going crazy, etc...
  • Not freaking out at people as frequently anymore
  • Getting to bed on time this past semester
  • Making it through one season of soccer without leaving out of frustration
  • Quitting things I have been addicted to
  • Getting ~50 people to learn the rules and play a pencil and paper game I made called Grid Battles during 7th and 8th grade
  • Not doing anything extremely stupid that limits my opportunities for the rest of my life
When we look back at our lives in a few decades, who knows what we will see here. All I know is that I feel a constant need to be doing something with my life, when most of the time, I don't really work toward my goals in my every day life. Some days I don't even know if accomplishments are a thing, so I don't work towards them. Things that humans consider accomplishments are often not as noble as we think they are. Mooclan mentioned earlier that he moderated for 15 different servers. Not to bash on him, but I don't think anything that happens in Minecraft really matters very much. We may be emotionally affected by it, but once it is gone, it is gone. The connection that the internet has to the real world is thin.

I used to have a single player world where I had spent ~100 hours building great towers and bridges on a survival island. It was the perfect place. One day I literally deleted it by accident. 100 hours of my life down the drain. Every little detail, every door, every torch in my mine, all the squid and all the wonderful things I built were gone in two clicks. The only thing that holds it to reality is the past. It is nonexistent yet it lives on because it was my favorite survival world. Of course, one day, me and everyone reading this will forget about it, and the entire idea of that world will have a second death. The point when it neither exists nor does anyone think it exists or ever existed.

As for real world accomplishments, I don't know about them either. Most people who contribute to the world merely increase our population and further our technology and wellbeing. The more we encase ourselves in technology and a growing population, the faster we drive ourselves towards destruction of Earth's habitats and eventually our own species. To really say you have accomplished something, you have to have defined what is "good" and what morality is. Today, it seems that an accomplishment is more like something to make yourself feel good than something to better the human race.

As young people we are constantly being told that we can be the people to change the world and make breakthroughs in science that will fix all of our problems. However, I am seeing that less and less people are making a conscious effort to make the world a better place. We are in an age of both selfishness and skepticism, and neither seem make people want to achieve and accomplish.


Jun 27, 2013
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Well I can't think of anything. I don't have any great academic accomplishments... The only thing I can think of is I passed all but 1 of my classes in Freshman year.

Oh and I've been playing SG since late may/early june of 2012. Does that count? :p


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Im proud that I'm from New Zealand, and I have put too much time into making the SG maps, my favourite of the ones I've done being Highfield Estate

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