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Ascendancy [US]

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Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
In-Game Name: Azorces
Name: Thomas
Age: 14
Skype Username: look up azorces
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 530 ish two accounts
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: platnium
Time Zone: cst
Past Clans: excel,chromev2,chromev3
PvP Weaknesses: long range bow
PvP Strengths: melee
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: um I think I chat abuse
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Hello, My name is azorces and I enjoy mcsg and pvp ffa etc. The reason I want to join this clan is because this clan isn't about bragging on how great we are and stuff like that. Im pretty sure I know some of the members such as deltrix and smoothpixels. THis clan in my opinion will get very far. This clan will get far is because of their strong leadership of the clan.

Thanks for reading my application


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
I have decided to leave this clan. It was a great experience, Captain | Lqzer and you (most) all are great people. Remove from the roster and peace. <3

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name: Azorces
Name: Thomas
Age: 14
Skype Username: look up azorces
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 530 ish two accounts
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: platnium
Time Zone: cst
Past Clans: excel,chromev2,chromev3
PvP Weaknesses: long range bow
PvP Strengths: melee
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: um I think I chat abuse
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Hello, My name is azorces and I enjoy mcsg and pvp ffa etc. The reason I want to join this clan is because this clan isn't about bragging on how great we are and stuff like that. Im pretty sure I know some of the members such as deltrix and smoothpixels. THis clan in my opinion will get very far. This clan will get far is because of their strong leadership of the clan.

Thanks for reading my application
Accepted as trial! Please be active on teamspeak so we can evaluate you and your dedication.


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name: SunGodMonkey
Name: David
Age: 14
Skype Username: sungodmonkie
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 1000+
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Platinum
Time Zone: PST
Past Clans: The CyanVolts (Original hosted by willyrin and EvilCyanSheep), The Forgotten, The Rebels, The Organizations v1 v2 and v3, The CyanVolts again (hosted by landowicked and The_Great_Tito), and The Organization v4.
Keep in mind that this was stretched over the course of two years. If I left any clan out, it was because it was either too short termed, or the clan itself didn't matter at all.
PvP Weaknesses: It depends on how I play that day. It's generally Flint and Steel, since I either light myself on fire, or I miss at lighting the other person on fire.
PvP Strengths: Again, it's off and on, but usually it's the sword.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: I have three bans that I know of to this day. My first ban was when I started to get good at PvP in MCSG. I was in a game with Cameron (used to be a mod) and I killed him with about 5 or 6 hearts remaining. He accused me of hacks and banned me, which was then appealed because I have never hacked in my lifetime. My second ban was from CamadeusA for "continuing an argument" in an argument between the Blamphs and the CyanVolts. There was only two bans that day, each from the CyanVolts, which lead me and the others to believe that Cam was showing favoritism because the Blamphs were arguing just as well. My final ban was from The_Great_Tito, Get_Pwwnd and some other person, sending proof to a mod about how I was "spamming". I admit I did so, however it was 3 or 4 lines of it, which probably wouldn't bother anyone. Regardless, that was 1 and a half years ago, and I have refrained myself from doing so again. All of these bans listed are no longer on my ban records, since they took place so long ago.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Well, my name is David and I record videos on YouTube as a hobby. If you need any clan scrimmages recorded, or clan battles captured, I can be the guy to record nearly flawless recordings on YouTube. I also enjoy drawing, and I've become quite good at it for my age, I've done various speedarts and avatars for my friends, if you want to see some, just message me on the forums. I also play other games like L4D2, TF2, GMod, Binding of Isaac, etc. Also if I am to judge myself for how good my PvP is at this current moment, I would say it's not to it's maximum potential yet. I haven't been focusing too much on Minecraft at the moment, more of other stuff, but it will be easy for me to get back into the game, I can tell you that much.
Last edited:
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
In-Game Name: SunGodMonkey
Name: David
Age: 14
Skype Username: sungodmonkie
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 1000+
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Platinum
Time Zone: PST
Past Clans: The CyanVolts (Original hosted by willyrin and EvilCyanSheep), The Forgotten, The Rebels, The Organizations v1 v2 and v3, The CyanVolts again (hosted by landowicked and The_Great_Tito), and The Organization v4.
Keep in mind that this was stretched over the course of two years. If I left any clan out, it was because it was either too short termed, or the clan itself didn't matter at all.
PvP Weaknesses: It depends on how I play that day. It's generally Flint and Steel, since I either light myself on fire, or I miss at lighting the other person on fire.
PvP Strengths: Again, it's off and on, but usually it's the sword.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: I have three bans that I know of to this day. My first ban was when I started to get good at PvP in MCSG. I was in a game with Cameron (used to be a mod) and I killed him with about 5 or 6 hearts remaining. He accused me of hacks and banned me, which was then appealed because I have never hacked in my lifetime. My second ban was from CamadeusA for "continuing an argument" in an argument between the Blamphs and the CyanVolts. There was only two bans that day, each from the CyanVolts, which lead me and the others to believe that Cam was showing favoritism because the Blamphs were arguing just as well. My final ban was from The_Great_Tito, Get_Pwwnd and some other person, sending proof to a mod about how I was "spamming". I admit I did so, however it was 3 or 4 lines of it, which probably wouldn't bother anyone. Regardless, that was 1 and a half years ago, and I have refrained myself from doing so. All of these bans listed are no longer on my ban records, since they took place so long ago.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Well, my name is David and I record videos on YouTube as a hobby. If you need any clan scrimmages recorded, or clan battles captured, I can be the guy to record nearly flawless recordings on YouTube. I also enjoy drawing, and I've become quite good at it for my age, I've done various speedarts and avatars for my friends, if you want to see some, just message me on the forums. I also play other games like L4D2, TF2, GMod, Binding of Isaac, etc. Also if I am to judge myself for how good my PvP is at this current moment, I would say it's not to it's maximum potential yet. I haven't been focusing too much on Minecraft at the moment, more of other stuff, but it will be easy for me to get back into the game, I can tell you that much.
^^^ highly recommended.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name: SunGodMonkey
Name: David
Age: 14
Skype Username: sungodmonkie
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 1000+
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Platinum
Time Zone: PST
Past Clans: The CyanVolts (Original hosted by willyrin and EvilCyanSheep), The Forgotten, The Rebels, The Organizations v1 v2 and v3, The CyanVolts again (hosted by landowicked and The_Great_Tito), and The Organization v4.
Keep in mind that this was stretched over the course of two years. If I left any clan out, it was because it was either too short termed, or the clan itself didn't matter at all.
PvP Weaknesses: It depends on how I play that day. It's generally Flint and Steel, since I either light myself on fire, or I miss at lighting the other person on fire.
PvP Strengths: Again, it's off and on, but usually it's the sword.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: I have three bans that I know of to this day. My first ban was when I started to get good at PvP in MCSG. I was in a game with Cameron (used to be a mod) and I killed him with about 5 or 6 hearts remaining. He accused me of hacks and banned me, which was then appealed because I have never hacked in my lifetime. My second ban was from CamadeusA for "continuing an argument" in an argument between the Blamphs and the CyanVolts. There was only two bans that day, each from the CyanVolts, which lead me and the others to believe that Cam was showing favoritism because the Blamphs were arguing just as well. My final ban was from The_Great_Tito, Get_Pwwnd and some other person, sending proof to a mod about how I was "spamming". I admit I did so, however it was 3 or 4 lines of it, which probably wouldn't bother anyone. Regardless, that was 1 and a half years ago, and I have refrained myself from doing so again. All of these bans listed are no longer on my ban records, since they took place so long ago.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Well, my name is David and I record videos on YouTube as a hobby. If you need any clan scrimmages recorded, or clan battles captured, I can be the guy to record nearly flawless recordings on YouTube. I also enjoy drawing, and I've become quite good at it for my age, I've done various speedarts and avatars for my friends, if you want to see some, just message me on the forums. I also play other games like L4D2, TF2, GMod, Binding of Isaac, etc. Also if I am to judge myself for how good my PvP is at this current moment, I would say it's not to it's maximum potential yet. I haven't been focusing too much on Minecraft at the moment, more of other stuff, but it will be easy for me to get back into the game, I can tell you that much.
Accepted as full member! Welcome to Ascendancy. :)


Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name: SunGodMonkey
Name: David
Age: 14
Skype Username: sungodmonkie
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 1000+
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Platinum
Time Zone: PST
Past Clans: The CyanVolts (Original hosted by willyrin and EvilCyanSheep), The Forgotten, The Rebels, The Organizations v1 v2 and v3, The CyanVolts again (hosted by landowicked and The_Great_Tito), and The Organization v4.
Keep in mind that this was stretched over the course of two years. If I left any clan out, it was because it was either too short termed, or the clan itself didn't matter at all.
PvP Weaknesses: It depends on how I play that day. It's generally Flint and Steel, since I either light myself on fire, or I miss at lighting the other person on fire.
PvP Strengths: Again, it's off and on, but usually it's the sword.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: I have three bans that I know of to this day. My first ban was when I started to get good at PvP in MCSG. I was in a game with Cameron (used to be a mod) and I killed him with about 5 or 6 hearts remaining. He accused me of hacks and banned me, which was then appealed because I have never hacked in my lifetime. My second ban was from CamadeusA for "continuing an argument" in an argument between the Blamphs and the CyanVolts. There was only two bans that day, each from the CyanVolts, which lead me and the others to believe that Cam was showing favoritism because the Blamphs were arguing just as well. My final ban was from The_Great_Tito, Get_Pwwnd and some other person, sending proof to a mod about how I was "spamming". I admit I did so, however it was 3 or 4 lines of it, which probably wouldn't bother anyone. Regardless, that was 1 and a half years ago, and I have refrained myself from doing so again. All of these bans listed are no longer on my ban records, since they took place so long ago.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Well, my name is David and I record videos on YouTube as a hobby. If you need any clan scrimmages recorded, or clan battles captured, I can be the guy to record nearly flawless recordings on YouTube. I also enjoy drawing, and I've become quite good at it for my age, I've done various speedarts and avatars for my friends, if you want to see some, just message me on the forums. I also play other games like L4D2, TF2, GMod, Binding of Isaac, etc. Also if I am to judge myself for how good my PvP is at this current moment, I would say it's not to it's maximum potential yet. I haven't been focusing too much on Minecraft at the moment, more of other stuff, but it will be easy for me to get back into the game, I can tell you that much.
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