Staff can, for the most part, keep their cool when dealing with situations. There are attention-seekers out there who try to provoke them into doing things out of the ordinary, so they can feel acknowledged as an influential figure. The fact that most staff are just walking FAQs can annoy those types of people. If you ask them where the report page is, they will link it. If you ask them about an unfair ban, they'll always say the old "if you believe you were unfairly banned" message. I can kind of see from the community's point of view, in a few examples. If someone has legitimately been unfairly banned, and they've been denied several disputes, they might turn to a mod for urgent help, begging them for some advice on what they can do, and the mod would reply with the same message as always. This is likely that this is the kind of behavior that drove people to believing in some sort of corruption, and it just escelated from there. What can we do to fix it?
If Mods could try to be unique, maybe it's the way they respond to report abuses, or their ability to compromise in-game instead of always doing what the text tells them to, the staff would probably be looked at more positively.
And players, if they could once in a while step back and think, "what's it like for the mod?", your considerate behavior would be almost certainly rewarded. If you respect Mods, they will respect you, and vice versa.
Sure, unfair bans will happen all the time. No staff member is perfect. But people should try to build bridges between the staff and the community when it happens, not walls. They are always available to compromise with, and being friendly and considerate towards them just as they try to be to you, that will achieve more than any rebellion could hope to.