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What's It Like To Live In America?


Oct 2, 2012
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Even if your health care is expensive, (It's not as bad as some places) you have to realize that the U.S. is probably one of the best places in the world to have cancer or get in a motorcycle wreck. We have very good medical treatment for any illness you can imagine. Not only that, much of the world's breakthroughs in medical science and science in general, come from the U.S.
In response to that,


Apr 20, 2012
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There's the problem right there.
Well I wasn't going to lie, a lot of them were. But they're true in some circumstances. Of course, I mentioned multiple times that they were in the eye of a foreigner and I don't completely understand how the country works, even after listening to a course explaining the global reserve currency and the U.S.A's relation with other countries in trade and influence, it's corruption and who's controlling the world.


Apr 13, 2013
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Corruption controls the world, eh? So pertinent to MCGamer. Oh so pertinent. That's all I shall say.


Jun 21, 2013
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Well, the U.S.A. is second on the list of most polluted (Co2) countries.
I'm glad to see most of my points were actually true :3
How can the U.S. be the second most polluted in terms of CO2? Once something is released into the atmosphere, it spreads to the entire atmosphere. If you are talking about cities being polluted, we are not that bad. China, Mexico, most of Latin America, India, and some of Africa have worse air pollution than us.
I assumed my points weren't completely accurate, since I don't actually live there and I've only been to the U.S.A. a few times in my life. A lot of my points were influenced by media or stereotypes, so I'm glad you went into further detail explaining each one.

By the way, in my "expensive healthcare" point, I wasn't talking about the quality of it, but generally how costly it was and that some people cannot afford to pay for it (I know the quality of the healthcare there is excellent).

I searched the internet for a bit, and it seems linguistic diversity the most popular way of determining how culturally diverse a country is (usually, more languages = more cultures). I know that, in Canada, a lot of the aboriginal languages are very similar to each other. There are also many obscure and very isolated languages (like Inuktitut in northern Quebec) that also contribute to that number. It would be interesting if there was another way of determining a country's cultural diversity, other than linguistically and by how many immigrants it receives.
Indeed health care does still cost a lot, but as stated before, the U.S. has the third highest G.D.P. per capita in the world, so most people can afford expensive surgeries. Also, the U.S. has many non-profit organizations that raise money for hospitalized people undergoing surgery or who have cancer, etc... I will admit that health care costs are still very high.
In response to that,
That's funny, haha, but pretty misleading. That meme mainly pointed out that the U.S. is richer than Spain, and also more inflated. The U.S. does spend a whopping 18% of its G.D.P. on health care, and that is a real problem. There are a lot of reasons for it, but one of the biggest is that the U.S. does not push health care providers to be competitive and they exploit the fact that citizens are willing to pay an unlimited amount of money to save their own life, or replace a hip. Such exploitation is not allowed by many governments in Europe.


Apr 20, 2012
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How can the U.S. be the second most polluted in terms of CO2? Once something is released into the atmosphere, it spreads to the entire atmosphere. If you are talking about cities being polluted, we are not that bad. China, Mexico, most of Latin America, India, and some of Africa have worse air pollution than us.
Whoops, forgot to mention emissions :p


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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While people can say anything about the US (I wont ever call the country America because America is a whole continent, dont worry though I dont mind others calling it America), for example, people complain about debt, yet you have much better life quality than lots of other countries, I just think its better to look at the bright side...
Yeah theres debt, but unlike countries like mine, you CAN recover.
Here's a small interesting fact for you all, the Middle class from my country equals to the poor (low) class form the US... so technically, Id be rather poor if I lived in the US, yet id be happier than where I am.

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