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What's It Like To Live In America?


Apr 13, 2013
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How can the U.S. be the second most polluted in terms of CO2? Once something is released into the atmosphere, it spreads to the entire atmosphere. If you are talking about cities being polluted, we are not that bad. China, Mexico, most of Latin America, India, and some of Africa have worse air pollution than us.

Indeed health care does still cost a lot, but as stated before, the U.S. has the third highest G.D.P. per capita in the world, so most people can afford expensive surgeries. Also, the U.S. has many non-profit organizations that raise money for hospitalized people undergoing surgery or who have cancer, etc... I will admit that health care costs are still very high.

That's funny, haha, but pretty misleading. That meme mainly pointed out that the U.S. is richer than Spain, and also more inflated. The U.S. does spend a whopping 18% of its G.D.P. on health care, and that is a real problem. There are a lot of reasons for it, but one of the biggest is that the U.S. does not push health care providers to be competitive and they exploit the fact that citizens are willing to pay an unlimited amount of money to save their own life, or replace a hip. Such exploitation is not allowed by many governments in Europe.
Nerd alert! :p ((<<< The preceding statement was highly hypocritical.))


Apr 20, 2012
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While people can say anything about the US (I wont ever call the country America because America is a whole continent, dont worry though I dont mind others calling it America), for example, people complain about debt, yet you have much better life quality than lots of other countries, I just think its better to look at the bright side...
Yeah theres debt, but unlike countries like mine, you CAN recover.
Here's a small interesting fact for you all, the Middle class from my country equals to the poor (low) class form the US... so technically, Id be rather poor if I lived in the US, yet id be happier than where I am.
Isn't the cost of living also lower in Argentina?


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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Isn't the cost of living also lower in Argentina?
Not sure about that... all I know is that our coin is so devalueated (if thats how you say it) than 1 dollar equalls to 12 Agrentine Pesos and also that while on Tv I see Us low class people with two cars while my family can barely have 1 cheap car. Im not hating on the US in any way Im actually stating the difference in some stuff.


Apr 20, 2012
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Not sure about that... all I know is that our coin is so devalueated (if thats how you say it) than 1 dollar equalls to 12 Agrentine Pesos and also that while on Tv I see Us low class people with two cars while my family can barely have 1 cheap car. Im not hating on the US in any way Im actually stating the difference in some stuff.
Ahh, well it probably is, but not very much....Certainly not enough to condone the invaluable currency :/


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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Ahh, well it probably is, but not very much....Certainly not enough to condone the invaluable currency :/
Yeah the issue here is also that inflation is very big, things get more expensive like every month, and salaries are never raised accordingly so its pretty annoying :(


Apr 20, 2012
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Yeah the issue here is also that inflation is very big, thing get more expensive every month, and salaries are never raised accordingly so its pretty annoying :(
Yeah that's pretty much the situation in the rest of the world :/


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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In the perspective of a foreigner:
  • Giant Debt
  • Not-so-nice relations with other countries
  • Obese (for the most part)
  • Full of crime (for the most part) cough cough Detroit
  • Air Pollution
  • Obama
  • Natural Disaster Vulnerability
  • Expensive Health Care
  • Some parts legalizing medial marijuana?
I'm not extremely anti-U.S.A, I just find it silly how people think it's better than any other country,when in fact, it does have its major flaws. Most of which can easily overpower it's sights, landscape and military. And Canada isn't lacking any diversity, in fact, Canada is placed higher on the LDI (Linguistic Diversity Index) at .549, compared to the U.S.A. at .353. So the U.S.A isn't extremely diverse.
This map is a good reference:
Alright, alright...let me point out important concepts, aspects, and idea.

First of all, the LDI is merely a measure of the diversity in language fluency, hence the "Linguistic".
Tell me, please, how our "debt" is proving to be a negative factor for us. Do tell.
Air pollution exists globally. Also, the the U.S.'s air quality is great, compared to the quality of several nations on other continents.

Let it be known that, without our help, your country may not exist. Additionally, we house most of the world's technological powerhouses. Our advancements in technology have benefited mankind, including Canada. Don't get me wrong, Canada is a fine country. It has both good and bad aspects, like every country.

A question for you: If Canada were to get attacked by any threat-posing country, would you need the help of the U.S.?

Edit (after reading hip replacement posts):
I'd much rather seek medical care from a world-renowned doctor than one who, in comparison, is mediocre.

Oh, and of course, there's no question about the U.S. military - It's the best and most powerful in the world.
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Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
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Sorry to burst your bubble, but Los Angeles kind of sucks. (In my opinion of course. ):p It's one of the last major cities I want to go to. Jerky people, snobby people, gang-banger people, it's hot, and there's a heck of a lot of smog. San Francisco is much better. However, I would consider living in New York or Boston, especially for the fact that they get snow. I tend to think of myself as more of a country person though, preferably up north rather than south, while I do think I could enjoy living in a big city just about as much.

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