I'm happy to take on board any concerns you guys have.
In relation to Hub Games, yes it is a bit gimmicky. It was intended as a fun little thing - and it seems to be doing alright. Also RF had nothing to do with the conversion of it to an SG map. so lets sit that one aside.
Atlantis. The wrong version of it was pushed, but there is one with a corn edit that offers more exit points and a fairer gameplay. That'll be pushed ASAP to remedy the issue.
Wasteland I can understand the concern with, but the concept is interesting and the terrain chunky so I can see what you mean.
Enchanted forest and Excavation Zero - I get why you guys have problems with that too.
Turbulence is.. well, turbulence. It's lovely.
Also in reference to Hariku - The map is lovely and we're having chats about it. If you guys want to suggest some major maps to us, feel free to message me and i'll take it further 8D however I will also be paying attention to this thread. The community feedback is important but remember to keep the thread constructive.