You are staff - It's your job to say they aren't corrupt. As cool as I think you are, I think your point here is wrong. But it is your personal experience and opinions. But there's a difference between corruption and mistakes. Making mistakes isn't on purpose. Corruption, depending on the situation depends on the kind of corruption. In this case, it's the staff. The abusing power, the taking sides, the gossiping, the ignorance etc.
The taking sides and abusing power can combine into one category. The staff, mainly AU, always take sides and ignore their friends misbehaves. I'm not going to lie, I did do that a few times and I know for a fact that every staff member has. Like you'll say, everyone will say "no I haven't I'm good boy/girl don't spank me" or something.. But I'm sorry it happens. Moderator's friends can be abusing people and the mod can just pretend to be AFK, or log out as soon as they start so they don't have to ban them. And when players bring moderators into situations.. They choose they choose the wrong mod. Because that mod is friends with the person being accused. No matter how valid your point is, the mod will not do anything because they don't want to ban or kick their friend. I know for a fact, that all staff members have done that, I'm going to admit. I've done all of that. Not all the time, I knew that was wrong... I did it not very often.
Staff are also very abusive - well some of them are. But I know all of them have talked about each other behind their backs. And It's terrible.. And I did it too. But they would abuse PLAYERS on the TeamSpeak.. Not in game, on the teamspeak. They would do it on Skype, and on other teamspeaks. It's really bad.. but it's gotten SO MUCH WORSE. Since I quit.. And it was really bad when I was mod... It gets worse and worse. I also did that.
The corruption isn't just in the Mods.. It's in the Sr Staff too. When I was mod I think I was in a Mod Meeting.. No this was not confidential, I don't think, edit it out if it is. But I heard one of the ADMINS say "If we don't like you, you're gone. We don't care how good of a mod you are, you're gone" Yes, I know, it sounds like BS. But it's not, I heard it. It happened. And that's the way it is.
I'm sorry, but that's the way it is now, and that's the way it's going to be.
We can't do anything but help fix it by reports and such.
I was admitting to my corruption so I wasn't making it look like everyone was corrupt and I was perfect. I was far from it.
It's hard to bring out the good mods have done than the bad though, because the bad is so much more obvious than the good.