However, there's a little bit of your logic that I believe could be corrected.
The majority.. that's relative. The "majority" of the community, you could say, doesn't even know of the drama that goes down on the forums. But, there's also the
active, effective "majority" of the community. Those people are YouTubers, high-ranking players, and well-known members,
such as forumers. These are the people that influence other people, through YouTube, connections, social media, hubs, etc., and they are the people that others look up to. If
those people aren't satisfied, it's going to have a waterfall-effect on the general "majority".
Edit: Nevertheless, you do have valid points. And the job of MCG's staff is ever-difficult and never-ending... to appease millions of people? That would require something near to a miracle... or a darn smart Chad