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Basic Forum Tips, Tricks, and Guidelines

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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey there,
Well, as most of you know, I've been a member of the MCSG forums for over a year, and its true. So, naturally I've had plenty of time to experience things that go on around the forums, and common mistakes that people make. I'm here to try and raise awareness of these issues, to an extent, as I've recently been seeing some new members and even newer staff members doing silly things, or actions that really just get under my skin.
This thread will have certain "common-sense" tips and basics that are often forgotten about or ignored, what will happen if you do them, and details about them. This thread will also cover things that occur regularly, such as the hundreds of clan threads that are quickly abandoned.
Warning: This thread can easily turn into a rant thread about things I hate on the forums. Let me know if it does. :p
Warning 2: This is going to be long. Get a coffee, maybe your eyeglasses. Prepare for a long read.

I will be posting multiple links at the bottom of this thread, for various things. If you want to find a link, try checking there for things like Report Abuses, Ban Appeals, Donating, Media Section, etc.

Consequence: Thread Lock
Necro-posting is one of the first topics. A "Necro-post" is defined as a post on a thread that has not been replied to in 30 days or more and is no longer relevant, the word "Necro" means "corpse", and refers to "reviving" a "dead" thread.
For example, a Christmas thread that was replied to last in January, was randomly replied to in July. However, a thread about something such as a thread about ChadTheDJ's cat, Mufasa, who was working to raise cat-rights awareness, would not become irrelevant until the goal was achieved. (Remember, this is an example.)
Generally, if a thread is Necro-ed, the thread will be locked, to avoid further necro-ing. Try to avoid necroposting.

If you necro, Mufasa will come after you. *Insert ominous music here*

Consequence: Post Edits and/or Warnings
Multi-posting is when someone posts, multiple times in a row. Generally, this happens if someone is quoting multiple people at once, but accidentally does it in individual posts, but can also happen simply if they're not paying attention, or are feeling too lazy to edit their last post. This is often also called a Double Post, since double-posts are the most common multi-post to occur.
Heck, I've even seen staff members double post. Don't sweat it if you do this a few times, but try not to do it too often.
Generally, if there is a multi-post, the user should try to edit their first post to include the other replies, and then delete any posts after that once they have been copied into the first one.
An easy way to avoid creating multiposts is to use the Reply feature on each post that you want to quote, or use the new +Quote button, both of which are found at the bottom right of each post.

Repeated Threads
Consequence: Possible Thread Lock
Sometimes, multiple threads are made on the same topic, when really there should only be one. Typical topics that have this happen are the latest maps, too many hackers, too much lag, or no staff. Threads like these have often become considered a sort of "Spam", because they often don't contain anything new, or something that would justify making a new thread.
Before you make a new thread, ask yourself: Do I need to make a new thread? Has this thread been made before recently? Does my thread have something new that a similar thread did not have?
If a thread is found to be a repeat of an ongoing discussion, it may be locked, with a link to the more active thread.

Consequence: None at this time
While this isn't actually a cold, hard "Rule", it can often annoy people, and may result in evil glares from other forum-browsers. (Not literally.) Usually, it's when someone goes on random threads such as clan threads, forum games, or feature suggestions, and says extremely short and relatively useless things like "Cool!" or "No, bad idea", depending on the type of thread. This is often done when someone posts several of these in a row, up to a few dozen. Usually, the person is just trying to increase their post count, and they choose to do it in a manner that can be labeled as "unfair" to those who increase theirs with legitimate and helpful posts.

Creating Clans
If you take one look at the "New Posts" section of the forums, you'll see dozens upon dozens of Clan Threads littering the forums. And, many of them have reply counts in the lower double, if not single digits.
Basically, what I'm referring to is having clans that are created on the spur-of-the-moment, and then disbanded really soon afterwards, or never really take off the ground.
I'm not saying you shouldn't make a clan - I encourage that. But before you do, make sure you know exactly what you're doing. No one should ever create a clan, in my opinion, without having past leadership and clan experiences. Join a clan first, and work with them to improve your skills and knowledge, and perhaps do some leadership research. Then, when you feel that you are ready to fly on your own wings, look at guides such as duckluv321's "How to create a Clan" guide. (Click Me) And, perhaps look at successful clan threads, to see examples of a how a good clan thread can look.

Forum Games
Arguably one of the most fun parts of the forums for many people, the forum games is the area that you come when you don't feel like providing insight into a tech issue or answering someone's questions. The forum rules are a bit looser here, like spam-posting threads. Common threads you'll see in the Forum Games include things like "Count to ### before *So-and-so* posts"
While this is all fun and well, it can be a good idea to limit your spamming. Forum Games are the #1 place that people go when they just want to increase their post count, for whatever reason. While this isn't bad, it's not exactly a good thing. A lot of people think that they earn recognition for purely having a high post count - while this isn't completely false, it also isn't true. You can be the #1 poster, above HalfSquirrel, but if you posted purely spam in the forum games, you won't exactly have the best of reputations.

Wrong Section
Often, you'll see a thread posted, and then soon after someone might say "This was posted in the wrong section, Mod please move." Or something similar. This means that someone posted the thread in the incorrect section (duhrr) and that it should be moved to the correct section. (Wait, didn't I just say that?)
An example would be a thread created in the Community Corner that was themed on another video game such as Pokemon, which should have gone in the section called "Other Games"
A simple way to prevent this from happening is to take a few moments and think which section your thread should go in. Is it another game? Is it a guide? Is it a thread introducing you? Maybe a new clan that you're making? Based off of your answer, you should be able to decide which section it should go in. If you're not sure, then post it where you think it should go, and PM a mod asking if it was correct, and if it wasn't then to please move it.

Private Messages
How many times have you seen a thread where someone said "Please don't flame, take it to a PM instead"?
Well, PM stands for Private Message (I think...) And is done by clicking on their name, and then selecting "Start a Conversation". You can also check/create PMs by going to your Inbox.

The reason that people ask others to take an issue to a private message is to prevent flame on public threads, so that the thread does not have to be locked or even deleted, in a severe case, or even a forum ban in the worst cases. However, how often is a PM actually created? Sometimes, people say that they'll stop flaming, but then someone else might come in and re-start the fire, or maybe it won't actually ever die out.
Also, Private Messages are useful for many other things, such as arranging payment for a custom GFX (Graphics) picture or skin.
(Okay, I'll be honest, people around here hardly ever use PMs :c But PMs can be fun, too!!!)

If you didn't notice it in the last topic on PMs, I mentioned flaming. "Flame" is basically arguing or fighting on the forums. It brings unnecessary strife to the forums, and should be avoided whenever possible. If there is too much flaming, the thread(s) that it occurs on may risk being deleted or locked. If you see flame rising or occurring, please try to be the better man or woman, (or cow, or fox, etc.) and stop it, or report it using the Report button that comes on every post.

Alright, this is sort of general, yet at the same time somewhat specific. I'm talking about complaints in general, whether it be the staff, hackers, lag, a map, or anything else.
First of all, I'm usually fine with complaints. They're not really my problem, since I'm not a staff member or developer. However, I still take it upon myself to try and answer or help answer them, but it's rather difficult when someone doesn't give us anything to work with.
When you submit a complaint:
Make sure you submit it in the correct section. Quarter Quell, Survival Games Classic, Survival Games, or even to a Sr. Staff member if absolutely needed. The first three are generally self-explanatory, but the last one is, well, different. Recently there's been a bit more complaints about Moderators - Those go to the Sr. Mods, not the forums. PM them, don't post a thread about it. Make sure to include evidence.
If you have a complaint about something else, such as hackers, please try to include a solution. Maybe a not very well-known way of detecting hacks, a plugin that detects hacks, or something else.
And for the love of milk, please use proper grammar.

Proper Grammar
This brings me to my next topic, grammar. Sometimes you'll see someone typing stuff like "hey m8 how u doin"... That's usually on purpose. I'm talking about terrible grammar, because someone was simply too lazy to type properly.
Pros: It makes you look more serious and professional, and people will pay more attention to what you have to say. People will be able to understand you, and you won't have to say the same thing five times over.
Cons: It takes longer to type? (Actually, plot twist, it doesn't! :eek: Haxy, I know.)
But please, whenever you can, please just try to use it. It'll make the forums a better place.

I'll keep this short and simple.
Try not to make one every 20 minutes, it really isn't necessary. Once every few hours is fine, since you might have something interesting to say, but please try to avoid doing it every time you take a selfie or something, this isn't Instagram or whatever you people use for selfies.
Also, replying to statuses and profile posts. You can comment on them, rather than making an entirely new post every single time.

(oh my gosh I just went to my homepage while typing this, I was so worried that I would lose it all and I had a mini-heart attack. *hyperventilates*)

If you notice something that could use improving, feel free to point it out. BUT - Make sure to include a way to fix it! Don't just say "This is bad, fix it." Rather, give a solution, or some examples of better ones. Maybe a better voting system, or a new way of picking maps, or something of the sort.

Question Answered; Thread Locked. This means, obviously, that the thread's question has been answered, and thus the thread can be locked. If you want to request a thread lock, just report the thread using the Report Button and say "QA;TL", and a staff member should get around to it.
If you want your thread to stay open for discussion even after it has been answered, make sure to mention that near the top or bottom of the original thread post (OP) otherwise it might be locked accidentally.

Too Long; Didn't Read. This means that there was a really long post with a lot of words that you simply didn't feel like reading. (Lol, such as this one.)

They look something like this
Mooclan said:
Hey! Test quote! :D
And are used for quoting people, to reply to them. You can use the Quote button at the bottom of the post, or the Reply button for individual quotes.
You can also use them for things like disclaimers, or a super long post that covers a very small subject, like this:
Mooclan said:
See, you had to click the Click to Expand button.
You can make fake quotes, like the "hue hue hue" one, as well. (See Spoilers for details.)
How to use the +Quote button:
1. Click "+Quote"
2. Underneath the box where you should be typing, click "Insert Quotes"
3. Rearrange if needed (Or you can skip this step)
4. Click "Quote these messages" to insert the quote(s).

These are used to hide something that could spoil something, like the ending of a game or movie.
They look like this:
Pretend this was a legit spoiler :p
You can make a spoiler this way:

Report Abuses/Hacker Reports
If you see a hacker, the right thing to do is report them. But how? If you don't have TeamSpeak, you can't go on it and poke a Mod. PM'ing a Mod isn't the correct way to do it, and posting on their wall isn't either.
Create a Report Abuse! Use proper grammar and make sure to tell which hack you suspect they are using.
In-game name:
Key Times on Video [Optional]:

Also, if you see a Staff member abusing their powers or breaking any rules, bring it up with the Sr. Moderators, do not create a Report Abuse. (And likewise, Sr. Moderators --> Administrators)
Make sure to use the correct type of evidence, such as a video for hacks or someone using a glitch, or a screenshot for something said in chat, etc.

Ban Appeals
Were you banned unfairly? Maybe someone accused you of hacks and got you banned? Have no fear, Ban Appeals are here! You can create a Ban Appeal stating why you should be un-banned, and once your ban appeal has been processed, you might be un-banned!
Take note, however, that the people who process ban appeals know what they're talking about, so if they say that the evidence is "sufficient" or "conclusive" and your ban is upheld, then you probably won't be unbanned. Sorry!

Have you seen a funny picture below someone's post? Maybe a quote, or a screenshot? That would be their signature. Anyone can change theirs by following these steps:
1. Hover over your username at the top of the screen on the forums.
2. Click "Signature"
3. Type in something, add a picture, a video, a .gif, or something else!
Sometimes you might have issues embedding an image or .gif into your signature. If you have that issue, try using different methods, such as copying the image itself, or using the "Image" button at the top of the signature editing box.
Make sure that your signature doesn't get too long, otherwise you might be asked to change it.

Tired of the default Steve avatar, or your own Minecraft skin? Want one of those fancy images instead? You can change your avatar!

Recently, there has been an issue with uploading avatars, so it is recommended that you use Gravatar, a universal Avatar system.

Want to show your love for your friends? Maybe someone you admire on the forums? Follow them! It's simple and easy. Just hit this button on their profile! (I'm using JennoKoala as an example, love ya bae)

If you want to find out who is following you, you can easily check! Go on your profile, and look underneath your avatar. It should say "Following" and "Followers" somewhere (If none, it won't show up.) Just click "Show All" to see who's following you! (Or who you are following, depending on which box you click.)

Want to show off your cool video? Don't make a thread about it, stick it in the Media section!
Submit it on the Media section which can be found at the top of the page

And then go to the bottom of the page, and enter the URL (In other words, the link) here:

Donating/Premium Ranks
Want a cool rank in-game? The MCSG website is where you have to buy it. Ranks cost real-life money. The prices are listed in US Dollars, you'll have to convert it to your local currency.
Iron: $10.00, one month. Full-server join (fourth priority)
Gold: $25.00, three months. Full-server join (third priority) /disguise,
Diamond: $75.00, permanent. Full-server join (second priority) /disguise,
Platinum: $100.00, permanent. Full-server join (first priority) /disguise, /pet and /fly in hub, chat colors.
You can often find sales and special deals, and there are also giveaways if you want a rank, but cannot get it normally.

You can pay using several methods, such as PayPal, credit cards, and who knows what else.

VIP/Friend Rank
Have you ever seen someone in-game with a purple or pink name? They were either a Friend or VIP. Friends and VIPs have all the perks of Premium ranks.
Friend: Pink name. Staff member who resigned after serving as a member of the staff team, or someone who is friends with the Senior Staff.
VIP: Map-maker or YouTuber. Map-maker - Someone who created (Or helped create) an MCSG map that was submitted and accepted by the Map Committee. YouTuber - Someone with several thousand subscribers (Generally around 15,000+, with some exceptions) who creates quality videos on MCSG and gathers support for the servers.

Staff Members/Staff Applications
Ever seen someone with a red, dark red, bold dark red, or rainbow username? Those were MCSG Staff members! They watch over the servers and do staff things that we don't really need to know about too much. (AKA, it would take a few days to list all of the stuff that they do, and I'm feeling lazy.)
Red: Moderator
Dark Red: Senior Moderator
Bold Dark Red: Administrator
Rainbow: Developer

Links to various web pages
As promised, here are links to various things. If I miss one, please let me know and I'll add it. I used several guides to find some of these links, thanks to the makers of those guides.

Well, this thread has taken at least 4 hours of my life, so I'm done for now.
If you have anything that you would like me to add to this list - please let me know! I'll give you credit.
If you have anything you'd like me to change - please let me know! I'll give you credit (as long as your information is accurate)
Also, if you feel like this is a useful guide, please feel free to request a sticky, that way more people will be able to read it (Well, more will find it. :p)
I will try to add to this as I think of more things to write, but for now I'm rather tired so I'm going to end it here.
TL;DR? Too bad, you're missing out.

Until next time!
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Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
This is really well written guide. If I was a new to the forums this would help me a lot. It should be sticky in my opinion.
Last edited:


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
That's one way to put it lol.

Great thread though, deserves a sticky + guide.
Yeah, it really is one way XD Necrophilia typically refers to love of dead things (and often is used in inappropriate ways when the concept is used). I think it's more along the lines of necromancy, or the art of bringing things back from the dead.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, it really is one way XD Necrophilia typically refers to love of dead things (and often is used in inappropriate ways when the concept is used). I think it's more along the lines of necromancy, or the art of bringing things back from the dead.
Well, I didn't actually look up the definition, but yeah I knew the basics :p Thanks for clearing that up, I'll edit it.
Apparently "Necro" actually means "corpse" .-.


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Totally agree with the clan one, people just leave clans and they've only been in 1-2, 69 seconds later (1 week later) it disbands, all because they have no clue what there doing, drives me CRAZY !


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I didn't actually look up the definition, but yeah I knew the basics :p Thanks for clearing that up, I'll edit it.
Apparently "Necro" actually means "corpse" .-.
My class started as I was typing that so I forgot to mentioned that you did a great job with this!


Mega Nonce.
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
Really well thought out. I wanted to read it in it's entirety, but ended up skim-reading. This should be very helpful to new members. :p


Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
Wow, this has everything you learn about the forums over time but its in one thread! It needs to be stickied

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