I really can't tell whether that's a compliment or not, but thanks...? xD
Okay, well, I had several ideas of what to write while reading the thread, but by the time I actually got to the bottom of the page I think I forgot most of them, so I'll write whatever I can remember.
- I've been present when some new staff members were hated on. Either recent promotions to Sr. Mod, or maybe new Moderators. I can remember it happening months ago, but it always seems to fade after a week or three. Certain promotions such as
Lively's were so-called "community-approved", which I guess means that the forumers and rumor-spreaders approved, and I for one have been expecting it for quite some time. Others, however, (no names), have tons of rumors afoot. There's the traditional "Oh, this person sucked up to these people to get this rank!" and then there's also "WTF? So and so definitely doesn't deserve Mod!" blah blah blah. It happens all the time, I hope that eventually the community will learn to promotions that they don't like, or that MCGamer will start picking promotions that the community likes. 2MuchDrama IMO.
- Sometimes, people are promoted for specific reasons. (This is from my point of view, feel free to add on to or correct me if you see something incorrect. This paragraph thingy will be mainly focusing on Sr. Mods.) I know of a few Sr. Mods who excel at tasks such as answering forum threads, general questions, quelling rumors, or general community management - These are the Senior Mods that I generally see around the forums, and I recognize them. While other Sr. Mods specialize in handling ban disputes, helping new Moderators, and doing behind-the-scenes work like subtly managing Mod meetings, and other work that the average player of forumer is not generally privy to - basically, they aren't really aware of how much those Sr. Mods do, and these are usually the Sr. Mods that I see rumors about.
Next topic thingy! (ffs, google chrome keeps lagging when I try to type :c It's so tough.)
- Staff should be more open to criticism topic
I'm going to say that I personally agree with this statement.
Don't get me wrong - I understand that taking criticism is never easy to take, but the staff members should be responsible, capable people who are capable of taking criticism, both good and bad.
However, the criticism should be
constructive and
helpful. Something that a lot of people don't do, when they should, is ask themselves this: Is it helpful?
I have to go walk a dog so I can't finish this post :c