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TeamSypher [EU Elite]

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Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Vid Dovgan
How old are you?: 14
What’s your ingame name?: dovgan2000
In which country do you live?: Slovenia
Skype/TS name?: Viddovgan2000
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Nope
How many wins do you have?: 42
How many games have you played?: somewhere around 1200
What are your PvP Strengths?: Strafing, rod, combo's
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: Bow and FnS
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I am a very nice and good teammate, I am not ignorant, I do callouts, I listen to everyone, what they need and where they are, I always answear and I never insault anyone.
Why do you want to join?: Because I want to feel like a part of something, I have never been in a clan and I know that my stats are not good but if you guys could make an exception I would be really honored to join your clan
Why should we accept you?: Good at pvp, I am very nice, I am not ignorant and I get along with anyone, no matter their race or nationality.
How active will you be?: Every day
What is your favourite map?: My favourite map has to be teweran sg2
What's your name?Aliin
How old are you?:14
What’s your ingame name?:SquizeGaming
In which country do you live?:Romania
Skype/TS name?:alin.cristea44 / Squize
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?:Diamond
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500):160
How many games have you played?:1100
What are your PvP Strengths?:Bow SWORD ! Rod , Fns
What are your PvP Weaknesses?:Lag
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences):I play with a lot of good clans and i can beat a lot of good players
Why do you want to join?:Because i `m a good player and i love thsi clan <3
Why should we accept you?:Because i can beat a lot of players
Which clans have you previously been in?Vision.Fragnatic,ProNubzors,BlackShadow,baccaPowers,NYSM
How active will you be?:Everyday 4-5 hours
What is your favourite map?:Valleside University
I am truly sorry to inform you both that you have been declined. The reason is: Below the win limit.
You may re-apply at 250 wins

Kris | Kriszy

Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Oskar
How old are you?: 12
What’s your ingame name?: jlarse02
In which country do you live?: Norway
Skype/TS name?: oskar3.10/jlarse02
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Nope.
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500):146
How many games have you played?:1162
What are your PvP Strengths?: Block hiting, rod, bow, fns, dodge, strafe
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: hackers, 3'r team
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I'm good at helping players, and I know lots of routes on many maps.
Why do you want to join?: Because #The Return II got disbanded and Joe and Eruzia joined here, and I got the same nationality as some people here.
Why should we accept you?: Because I'm nice, I'm kinda good at pvp and I know some people here.
Which clans have you previously been in? #The Return II
How active will you be?: I'll be on skype pretty much all day, and I'll be able to play 2-3 hours a day and more in the weekends or holidays.
What is your favourite map?: The Survivial Games 2, I'm oldschool xD
Congratulations, you're accepted! Rank: Private (Trial)


Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Updates, Season 783:
  • Jack has overthrown Eskild.. Eskild demoted to trial cheerleader.
  • General renamed to "Power Crazy Dictator"
  • Ferno33 and ThisJKid promoted to Head Henchmen.
  • Clan has now turned into a RU clan.


Feb 8, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Filip Sjölander
How old are you?: I'm 12 years old.
What’s your ingame name?: It's fillemon10
In which country do you live?: I'm from sweden
Skype/TS name?: fillemon10 :)
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Yes, Diamond donor.
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): 520 wins :D
How many games have you played?: 2000 games.
What are your PvP Strengths?: Bow and Block hit :p
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: Bow spammers, hackers and teams of 23 players.
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I'm fair, I'm not trolling with fishing rod/FnS.(Maybe sometimes :p)
Why do you want to join?: Cuz' TheReturn disbanded and Pure and Eruzia joined.
Why should we accept you?: Cuz' I'm a skilled person and I've been in this clan.
Which clans have you previously been in? As I said TheReturn. And #TheForce, #TeamSypher :p and alot more.
How active will you be?: I don't know. 2-3 hours every singel day :pWhat is your favourite map?: SG4 and Valleyside University.


Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Isak Zejnic. This is a tryharding app
How old are you?: 13
What’s your ingame name?: isak_boss
In which country do you live?: Sweden
Skype/TS name?: Isak.zejnic my skype name and my ts name is isak or more names
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: i have diamond
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 500): i have 329 i started to have a bad computer and lost like 1500 games and 90 wins
How many games have you played?: 3300+ ish games i typed the reason how many wins do you havew
What are your PvP Strengths?: FnS i played alot on swish and trained up my FnS skills
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: my weakness is rod and Kristoffer i fail with my hotkey sometimes so i need to train more with the rod.
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): My teaming skills is good with my IRL Friends. I teamed with Pure we have a nice teamwork. And i dont know who i am good to teaming in sypher i know pure. Eruzia i didnt play so much with him but we was in same clan so we little good teamwork.
Why do you want to join?: TeamSypher is one of the best clans eu i hear about. I arguimenting with Eskild cause i get ts banned. I messaged him on skype a message and he agree on the message. And i posted very necessary comments on the thread i need to say sorry about that. And i know my chance is dont so good but i tryharding to get in.
Why should we accept you?: I am good with the FnS and sword. Reason: i played alot on Swish and trained up my FnS skills i am good to make a tourn-around i trained alot on it too and i can take out 2 team very easy.
Which clans have you previously been in? The Return II React EU Rehaz Divided and more.
How active will you be?: I dont know i can be active near i can if i am busy icant be active or on holiday.
What is your favourite map?: SG4 Holiday Resort Demons Breeze Breeze Island 2 Valleyside University Vida Cova :)

Thanks for reading my application! Colonels And Generals! <3
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