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TeamSypher [EU Elite]

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Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Tom
How old am I?: 13
What's your In-game name?: CandyBoy19
In which country do you live in?: UK
Skype name: captainbeastotron TS3 name: CandyBoy19
Donorship?: Gold donor
Wins?: 273 :/ :,(
games played?: 1.9k (I know it's terrible but I'm much better!)

PvP strengths?: I'm quite a defensive player, I'm extremely good at protecting teammates and getting them out of sticky situations. I have good map knowledge and chest routes. I'm extremely good with all weapons and secondary weapons; especially the FnS
PvP weaknesses?: cold hands and water fights.
Teaming skills?: I am very good at teaming, as I referred earlier. I am very good a keeping teammates alive, I work well in good formations. I am generous and share loot out equally.
Why should you accept me?: I am extremely positive, I keep spirits high when it seems all hope is lost!
I am a extremely determined player and I won't stop until I win.
I play to succeed and I keep that saying in the back of my mind at all times.

Previous clans?: Ghost, ZethoX, Duality.
Activeness?: I am extremely active and always will be.
Favourite maps?: valley side, Holiday Resort and Moonbase9


Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Tom
How old am I?: 13
What's your In-game name?: CandyBoy19
In which country do you live in?: UK
Skype name: captainbeastotron TS3 name: CandyBoy19
Donorship?: Gold donor
Wins?: 273 :/ :,(
games played?: 1.9k (I know it's terrible but I'm much better!)

PvP strengths?: I'm quite a defensive player, I'm extremely good at protecting teammates and getting them out of sticky situations. I have good map knowledge and chest routes. I'm extremely good with all weapons and secondary weapons; especially the FnS
PvP weaknesses?: cold hands and water fights.
Teaming skills?: I am very good at teaming, as I referred earlier. I am very good a keeping teammates alive, I work well in good formations. I am generous and share loot out equally.
Why should you accept me?: I am extremely positive, I keep spirits high when it seems all hope is lost!
I am a extremely determined player and I won't stop until I win.
I play to succeed and I keep that saying in the back of my mind at all times.

Previous clans?: Ghost, ZethoX, Duality.
Activeness?: I am extremely active and always will be.
Favourite maps?: valley side, Holiday Resort and Moonbase9
xD i am tha Captain :3

Kris | Kriszy

Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Nathan
How old are you?: 14
What’s your ingame name?: pevasty//YoureTanked_
In which country do you live?:England
Skype/TS name?: PevastyFTW//PevastyFTW
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Yeah I just bought Iron Donor
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 400): Pevasty:510+/2810 YoureTanked_:5/15+
What are your PvP Strengths?: Im good at using and dodging flint and steels as I moved to hive and they added them and i have became a lot better with them. I am also good at getting combo's wtih the 1.7 bsm andthe fishing rod technique. I am average with a bow but i could improve on it. I have good routes on all the maps considering I have been playing hive for 3 months.
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: As i said i could improve on my bow technique as i can hit short shots but i cannot really hit long shots. I am really bad at pvp when my hands are freezing as i cannot click very fast.
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join TeamSypher as i was in it a long time ago and i really enjoyed my time but i left which i feel was a bad mistake and I would love to join the clan again as it has so much more experienced players.
Why should we accept you?: You should accept me because i feel i could bring even more experience into the clan and i feel this is the right clan for me to get into mcsg again.
Which clans have you previously been in? Well i havent been in any because i left for hive 3-4 months ago
How active will you be?: I will be more active as i am enjoying mcsg a lot more now. I would say i would spend 1-5 hours a day. I know I was in it before and I was never in the TS but If you trust me I will be on the TS everyday
What is your favourite map?: Well it is probably Icarus as i just feel you get really good pvp aspects out of it. They're are different routes to take, which some of them are OP and there can be some challenging fights
Thanks for reading my app
Congratulations! We decided to accept you! Rank: Corporal

Kris | Kriszy

Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Tom
How old am I?: 13
What's your In-game name?: CandyBoy19
In which country do you live in?: UK
Skype name: captainbeastotron TS3 name: CandyBoy19
Donorship?: Gold donor
Wins?: 273 :/ :,(
games played?: 1.9k (I know it's terrible but I'm much better!)

PvP strengths?: I'm quite a defensive player, I'm extremely good at protecting teammates and getting them out of sticky situations. I have good map knowledge and chest routes. I'm extremely good with all weapons and secondary weapons; especially the FnS
PvP weaknesses?: cold hands and water fights.
Teaming skills?: I am very good at teaming, as I referred earlier. I am very good a keeping teammates alive, I work well in good formations. I am generous and share loot out equally.
Why should you accept me?: I am extremely positive, I keep spirits high when it seems all hope is lost!
I am a extremely determined player and I won't stop until I win.
I play to succeed and I keep that saying in the back of my mind at all times.

Previous clans?: Ghost, ZethoX, Duality.
Activeness?: I am extremely active and always will be.
Favourite maps?: valley side, Holiday Resort and Moonbase9
Grats, we've decided to accept you! Your rank: Private (Trial)
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