I personally think this new raffle voting system is good for new players and MCSG itself. Many people get to play some of the good underplayed maps like Survival Kingdom, TSG 1, and several other great maps that are underplayed. Most new players don't get to play some of these maps because its always the same maps that get voted. Ex: Holiday, TSG 2, Sg 4, Valleyside, Highway, and many others that are over played. Some people need to get used to playing other maps that aren't part of these really overplayed maps. I personally like playing maps that I don't have routes on because it makes it more interesting and challenging. However, I don't like this new voting system for clans. During scrimmages and clan battles, we want certain maps to be played for our scrims, but for some reason, it never wins even though it has 30+ votes. I think that there should be some servers with the raffle voting and others with just regular voting. This would make a lot of the people who don't like the raffle vote be able to play on the servers without it and vice versa. This would also make it mush easier for clan scrimmages and battles because then it won't take ages for the map we want to play to actually wins.