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Your Top 5 MCSG Maps


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Okay here's mine. (Two can play at that color game)

1. Fortress Pyke- It is very beautiful, even in default texture pack. It has excellent structures and is always fun to play on. It has water but not a lot of it, and the map is relatively small, matches are short but not abrupt.
2. Survival Games 4- Now since it's not the overplayed garbage it was before, I can give an honest opinion on it. It's good, has a lot of structure and balance, matches on this are always fun and interesting, given the multitude of chests in the smaller area map. Matches are fairly short and to the point, and people usually end up having powerul items.
3. Teweran SG 2- From what I've played, it's fun and oh so beautiful. Besides SG2, it's the best detail I've ever seen. It's fairly open, average length matches, and it really can be anyone's game. It offers plenty of areas for crafting and cooking, so the corn isn't monopolized by teams, and it really is an adventure.
4. Solar Frost- What a fun and hectic map. The whole ice mountain thing must have taken ages, but it's definitely a very good looking map. It has a lot of chests and is very small, meaning matches here are generally the quickest matches in the whole MCSG. People are never in short supply, and teams can be fought to some degree, given the traps, short passageways, and generally free for all fighting done at corn.
5. Yellowstone- SURPRISE! Someone who actually liked a map they got rid of. I didn't play Yellowstone often, but when I did the experiences were great. I could kdo great on that map. It wasn't too pretty, but it was fun, average length, and had interesting scenery.

So there you have it, I'm training to become g33ke. But seriously, thank you for not saying both Breeze Island and SG4 and being like "w00t! 2 best mapz 4evuh!"


Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
1. Survival Games 4
2. Teweran Survival Games 2
3. Survival Kingdom
4. Survival Games 1
5. Survival Games 5

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
1. Solar Frost
2. Solar Frost
3. Kharmunrah
4. Drybone Valley (Teweran SG 2)
5. Asia Games
These maps are the only ones I enjoy right now.
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
I didn't know we were making detailed responses, here it goes.

Favorites Maps
  • SG2 - This map is supreme in everything from gameplay to building skill. The map really favors every strategy. The chests are set up evenly for wanderers. The chests are easily chainable for people with routes. There are enough hotspots in the map for exciting hotspotting (Hotspotting is moving from hotspot to hotspot without a specific route.) Pvp is varied, you can fight on a regular flat road, to the top of a skyscraper. Tier 2's are plentiful in SPECIFIC AREAS, making some areas much more dangerous than others. Not to mention the clear thought that went into the buildings, which made the very flat terrain interesting (Glares at SG4).
  • SG1 - No, this isn't up here only because of pure nostolgia. Now, people put this map down because of the general idea, oh joy, trees and towers. Although people dislike this map due to lack of hotspots and boring style, it offers great gameply in my opinion. The trees act as both cover, and make chases far more exciting, but the add a second layer of the map to travel on. Hiding behind trees and stalking corn is cool. The chests are there, you need to look a little harder than most maps (which I like). The corn is simplistic and is surrounded by a sea of trees, making it so an ambush is undetecable until the players are upon you. Not to mention that SG wouldn't exsist without this map.
  • Breeze Island - I feel odd writing these words, I wrote them with little thought and realized that I truly do like this map. This map is generally disliked because of the exsessive water fights and small size. I agree, these are massive downsides. But gameplay on the mainland is incredibly fun. Running from mountain to mountain, scouting corn from a hill. Yelling at the people camping the cornucopia from the safety of the trees. The map is actually very fun to play once in a while. It tends to be very exciting when people are fighting outside the water. The quickfire games are very enjoyable in small doses.
  • Yellowstone - Yep Schnikes, you not the only one! I regret only getting to play on this map towards its downfall. Although it's not the prettiest thing, games tend to be intresting. The map reminded me of an old-school town on a MC server. The buildings could be better, but the idea is there. Chests are well spread out and there is plenty of space for Pvp. Although this map has many downsides. Many areas simply lack chests, and the dome is partially covered in stone I believe. This map was so underplayed that I was the first to discover the massive glitch that you could simply break some leaves and escape the dome!
  • Drybone Valley - This map is beautiful. Seeing as it's so new, I've had very little chance to discover the play style of it, or how well the usual game goes, but god damn is it pretty. The details are stunning. It has a decent score of hotspots, and chests seem to be well spread out. I enjoy the glitch mobs that may or may not still be at corn. Although I don't see this map moving up on my list anytime soon, it's incredible to explore.
Least Favorites
  • SG4 - This is a map that I didn't dislike for being overplayed, I just plain disliked it. For a map with a good deal of natural areas, the terraforming was dull and underwhelming. The whole thing seemed to be built into a natural MC plain biome. The town is the most exciting portion of the map, and even that seemed to be thrown together in a rush to satisfy the hungry SG players. This map constrasts greatly from SG2, looking at the two side to side, you can see that a quarter of the work was put into SG4. The map disallows for people to have unique routes in my opinion. It seems like chests aren't very wall spaced at all, and almost all appear in wholes in the ground or in a hotspot. Not to mention the tiny size, breeze sized but much less exciting. (IN MY OPINION.)
  • SG3 - This map and I have a strange relationship, I love it but would rather not play it. The matches tend to be very long, but in a bad way. SG1 features lengthy games, but you do spot people slightly more often. It has decent terraforming, but the entire jungle seems to be bare of all chests and anything of intrest, for that matter. It is fun to do once in a while, but a game on the good 'ol jungle seems to take eveything out of me, simply because of the boredom that occurs in these long games.
Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
1. Hungry Hills (No longer available D;)
2. SG 1
3. Teweran Games 2 (Drybone Valley)
4. Teweran Games 1
5. Anything but Breeze Island/SG 4


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
1. SG 2 previous version, the v2 version (which is older right?) is bad.
2. Breeze Island.
3. TSG 2
4. Asia Games
5. Solar Frost

I can't stand sg 4 anymore, it used to be my favorite but it is way overplayed. Really I don't mind anything other than sg 4.


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
1. SG2 (any version....i guess)
2. SG4 (I do get tired of it though)
3. Solar Frost (awesome PVP)
4. SG1 (version 2)
5. Breeze (whatever)


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
1) Solar frost! By far my favourite map. Small, fast, a lot of great pvp and tonnes of chests per 20 square blocks

2) SG4. Again, small, fun, great pvp. Too many overused chest routes and overplayed

3) Breeze island. I'm sorry for the haters but I love small maps, quick games, and chances for great pvp.

4) Teweran sg 1. Ok map, ok size. Good chest placement. Ok pvp.

5) Survival games 2. Epic, but too many campers!

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