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Your best win


Apr 5, 2014
Reaction score
Here, you tell the story of your most amazing win you've had so far.

Here's mine, although it isn't really good:
The map was icarus, and so first I go on my path, and get to 6.5 armor, and every secondary. I head back to spawn and craft a diamond sword. Then I get up and someone starts shooting at me. I didn't feel like fighting, so I just run. Then another 2 players come at me, and I thought they were a team of 3, so I run. The person that shot at me was killed by the team, and then one of the actual team comes for me. I turn around and bow spam a little and get two diamond sword hits on him and kill him. Then his teammate comes in and tries to clean me up, and I freak out. I keep running around the map and try to gain space, then I head up into the diamond path. I run around the building, and eat up with 1 heart remaining. Luckily the building is a good distraction and a way to escape. When he starts to really come for me I head back into spawn, and wait for a little more regen. When I get to full health, I run back into diamond and up the stairs, and when he tries to come for me, I rod him down and so he backs off. To me, that spot is kind of a chokepoint. I chase after him, and we both try to set each other on fire, but then we go into a sword fight, and I come out barely alive, with 3 hearts. 3 players remain. Sadly the other 2 were a team, and one of them was there to clean me up. I run away and escape until dm starts. I trick them and juke both of their arrows, although I get hit 1 or 2 times with their swords. With 1 heart, I go yolo and get a quick 2 bow shots on one of the team and go in the the diamond sword and flawless him. Since I am really low, I try a hiding tactic against the last of the opponents. I hide behind the big mid thingy, and shoot whenever he appears. It is kind of cheap, but whatever works works, and I end up winning with 4.5 hearts left.


Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
There was a team with full iron diamond sword and I only had full iron stone sword, without 2ndaries. gg7


Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
On origins I did not even have a sword. One person died and another right after! ^.^ Won that game without killing a soul
Jun 12, 2014
Reaction score
Everyone else has only done a line so ill do a paragraph <3
On Turbulance i was playing with a friend who got disconnected before the game started so i was sitting in silence playing casually expecting to die to wait for my friend to come back on and i was undergeared up the booty like a leather chest gold legs leather boots and no helmet kind of undergeared. I saw a guy with full iron next to the plane north of spawn and kind of wanted to stay close but not close enough he would have any chance of killing me and as i was approaching like a ninja pretending to look in chests a team of 2 full iron cam out of no where to my left so it was like a right angle and i was in the middle. The team of 2 didnt see me and went for the other guy and he killed both of them o: i ran in for the clean up and killed him with only a couple of hearts, he was a good player.... and then as i was going through all the loot and getting geared another guy with basically full iron comes out and chases me and me playing casually i wasnt panicking as usual and did graavey4rds trick to stop sprinting and fns infront of me then they jump past me into the fire, i did that got him on fire and killed him easily with about 8 hearts and as i was burning his loot another guy came out and i was still just playing normally expecting to die so as he came in a pretended to be in my inventory looking at the floor accasionally moving a step and as he came towards me i fns him perfectly he tries to rush and and fishing rod combo with strafe he didnt hit me once, that made it go to the deathmatch then in deathmatch there was a team of 2 with gold and chain and i ran around the centre and they were a bad team because they both chased the same way and i jumped and placed an fns underneath me getting them both on fire, hit them a couple of times from the side they were hitting each other while i ran past then while they were low a couple of crits with a stone sword they both died and then at the end of the game my face was like 0.o WHUT JUST HAPPENED.!? and then i closed minecraft and tried to think why i cant usually play like that XD must have been a lucky game hehe

Damien // Teepwn

Probably when I killed a geared 6 team (6.5 armor and up, stone swords and up). I have a picture from winning the deathmatch but no actual proof of the kills. D:
(yeah i was slightly cocky after killing them (as you would be). but it ain't bannable so, hey, no hate plz)


Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Game on sg4 in early v2 was a glitch where there was only t1s, got stuck in a corner vs team of 5 killed all of them. Then a team of 4 comes right after and I killed all them. We all had like full leather


Feb 3, 2014
Reaction score
won a game without even doing anything, killed no1 full leather. No sword. 1 guy killed some1 and the guy who killed the other guy burnt to death... didnt even go to dmatch
Jun 12, 2014
Reaction score
OMG i won a game without killing anyone, (but it was on the worst server ever.. the nexus) it was me and another person and because the server is so bad he tried to fire a bow at me and got kicked. pretty funny, i recorded the whole game aswell



Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
I won a game within the first 10 seconds without any armor or weapon. It was on April Fools, everyone stepped off their platform a bit too early.


I solo'ed a team of 5 all with 400+ wins. I was pretty proud of that since I had stayed up all night, and around the time it was 5 am :eek:

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