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What type of friend are YOU?


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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As the title says,
What type of friend are you?
This is a sort of "self-reflection" thread. You don't have to post your thoughts, I just want people to consider their actions.
I'm only writing this because I notice a lot of people encouraging their friends to do not-very-pleasant things, and it really bugs me.

Do you encourage joking around, teenage dating, inappropriate jokes?
Or are you the type that is conservative and quiet, helping with homework and personal issues?
Lighthearted, or serious?
Social butterfly, or reserved?

And on a more serious note..
Are you the type that encourages poor behavior? Drugs, smoking, partying, and more.

Oftentimes, how we behave influences those around us. While we may not openly encourage those around us to participate in negative actions, your own actions and mannerisms can often influence those who associate with you.
Or do you set a standard that is respectable and honorable? Keeping on track with your schoolwork, and even encouraging your friends to do the same? Steering clear of drugs and alcohol, and upholding a strong sense of morals?

You don't have to reply to this thread, I just want people to reflect on their actions and impact.


Mar 30, 2013
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Damnit, another thread by Alex.. xD Very interesting point. Also, I want to hear your side, Moo.

I feel like I'm social in the manner of talking online, but IRL..not so much. I kinda do, just not as varied. I hope to give off a helpful, energetic vibe when I talk to people. I know I can be inappropriate at times, but I only do it when I KNOW my friends are either ok w/ it and/or they are doing it themselves. And I hope to God I don't promote unsafe behavior.

And I'm kinda a Noah, below. :p

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
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well, i don't exactly have very many friends, but i'd consider myself both of those that you listed up there

i really like to help people and strengthen my relationships with people that i want to be around, but i'm usually carefree and let people do what they want, because it's not my life and i don't feel as though i should interfere with what other people do unless that person is incredibly important to me and i really care about their well-being.

for example, i have very few close friends (like, 4 maybe), and one of them was cutting. i decided that, while i normally would have just stayed out of it because it's not my business, it really was a problem that i wanted to help her with. and so, i did, and taking action helped both of us a lot.

now it's not so easy for me since i don't have any close friends with me at school. my own actions... well, no one knows me well enough to know my own actions, but i for one don't abuse substances and stuff. i don't have enough friends to go to parties.

i'm both lighthearted and serious, and i am both a social butterfly and reserved. for me, it is all dependent on the situation and who i'm dealing with.

however, we are the worst at judging ourselves.
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District 13
May 6, 2012
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It all depends what sort of situation I'm in. If I'm in a situation with my friends, and people I don't know, I will be extremely quiet until I warm up to everyone, and that's often still the case even in a group of just my friends.

I try to help my friends as best I can, and would never encourage them to do something wrong. Often times, I can be the person who's the most uncomfortable when someone else dared them to do something I wouldn't agree with.

I help with homework a lot (not exactly helping... XD) but when it comes to personal issues, I do my absolute best, but sometime I just don't know what to say or do.

Going back to my first point, I'm usually extremely quiet in large settings if people, unless I've had time to warm up to all of them, and I feel totally comfortable.

I spent most of last year quiet, and just listening to what everyone else had to say in group settings, but hopefully that can change a little bit this year. I would never encourage any of my friends to do anything thst could harm them, or get them in trouble, and I don't plan to change that at all :p


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
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Well with me, you need to get me in private for my full personality. In public, everyone views me as a quiet kid who just wants to follow his friends around. I help all my friends with work, and just try to be a helpful, friendly friend.

However, if you get me alone, you see the personality I have on the internet. I'm very open with my friends, partially because I can't control what comes out of my mouth.

I'm a very large believer in inappropriate jokes which leads me to have some rude behavior. That makes me, well, mean at times and I feel awful about it. I do always apologize if I'm mean and I didn't quite mean it, so I still have redeeming qualities of I'm being a d***he.

I don't really think you can compare how much of a friend you are to others because everyone is a different friend. I know that's not the point of the thread, bit I thought I'd say it anyway.


Aug 20, 2012
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I consider myself as a very social person, however I come into situations very quiet and uncomfortable. However I warm up to people a little too quickly, and when I do, I tend to talk a lot. I've been working on being more calm and collected, but then again I do make friends/acquaintances pretty fast like that.

I'm definitely the kind of friend that tries to speak up when my friends suggest doing dumb things, but then again, my friend group isn't the "party-hard-mentality" kind of group. Most of my close friends actually play MCSG, or used to and play Shotbow now.

In real life in general I tend to have a lot of friends from school, but they're more of "Hey, what's up!" Kind of people that you say hi to in the hallway rather than friends you constantly visit outside of school. I guess to get to the point, I'm very social/open irl and don't encourage people to do bad things c;


Mar 11, 2014
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I'm a friend who watches A LOT of anime :p


Dec 19, 2013
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my best friend is chief keef, ill ask him to a reflection

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