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What I think can improve SG classic

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Jun 17, 2013
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Hey MCSG, as you all know, SG classic has been out for a while now, and I think I can make a few suggestions on how to make the playing experience better for not only the OLD players, but for everyone.

First off, I think we need to fix the chest tiering. For Example, if you go to pink house or boat, you win. I think this needs to be changed drastically, so people can have a more fair playing experience. If they were a fair amount of tier 2s on each route, players could have an equal change at getting gear.

Second of all, I think more maps need to be added. Me personally, I started playing in October of 2012. I came when there was SG Japan, breeze, sg1, 2, 3, and 4 would be added later. I think if we added all the maps that were in classic as a whole, things would be more fun, and there would be a greater variety in map choosing, therefor having a greater play experience. If these maps are added, it would also give early v1 players a good sense of nostalgia, because they weren't there when it was just sg1 and sg2. If more maps are added players would be able to have more fun then just playing on 2 maps.

Thirdly, I think we should change the map tiering to how it was in v1. Here is an example. CLICK ME.
If it was changed to the tier 2s there were when these maps were played in v1, it would give players such a better experience in maps, and also would give a large sense of nostalgia to the members who have been playing for a long time when they were tiered like that.

I think we could also add the lobby that the lobby before this one is based off of. It is very nostalgic, and people loved it. It could server players, because they might get tired to the old one, especially how you have to wait five minutes.

I think SG classic is great. I think we could make it even more spectacular by adding these changes. I for one would play SG classic a lot more often, and it would be a lot more fun! Let me know what you guys think, and have a nice day!


Sep 23, 2012
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Agree for the most part about maps being added, but... if Breeze and SG4 get added, I will kill someone (okay not really). :p I think the maps should be selected more based on what fits with the Classic gameplay. There are some maps that are a lot better on v2, like sg4. And I think some of the newer maps would be better in Classic, particularly the bigger ones. There's a map that had a mossy temple in the middle surrounded by a dense forest that I think would be a good Classic map depending on the tiering.

Also, the boat isn't THAT op. 2 tier 2s and a bunch of tier 1s isn't too bad. The castle route has about the same amount of loot, though it takes longer to get. And the pink house? 1 double tier 2 isn't op on it's own. It only seems op now since it has 2 diamonds and the gold armor. The quarter of the map to the left has more tier 2s than I've found in the section with the pink house. I've heard there's also a decent tier 2 area on top of some tower, but I haven't found it yet.

I actually prefer when tier 2s are rare in V1, like with the current state of the Classic maps. With the amount of luck involved with tier 2 loot, I prefer them to be a nice bonus, but not something that will automatically win you games. The typical Classic chest route usually ends with the person with a route having 2-6 bars of armor with a stone or iron sword, maybe diamond if they're lucky but it's rare. There are a few times where people get more, but that's usually from a corn sword or going around to all the tier 2s in a boat, or from combining multiple routes when the rest of the players on the map are noobs (more chests are usually taken early when people know where to go). I've found the amount of tier 2s in a v1 map to be directly responsible for how luck-based games are, since usually some people will get lucky loot with their route while others will go through 4 tier 2s containing nothing but food. That used to happen to me a lot when sg4 was v1, but not so much with Classic now. Games where loot is primarily tier 1 oriented with a bit of tier 2 gear sprinkled in have always seemed a lot more fun and intense for me.

However, I do wish that there would be a couple more tier 2s in the sides in the map where people don't usually go. Maybe 1 double tier 2 behind the combination door in sg1 or the double tier 2 behind that square door with the lever behind the tree. Or maybe one in that wood house in the middle of nowhere in the more blind side of the map. And maybe the chest in the bank in sg2, or the hidden brick house double chest that used to be tier 2 in v1 (near the clock tower). I do think there should be an even spread of 2 or 3 tier 2s in different sections of the map to encourage running different routes.


Feb 26, 2013
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Maybe only add the maps that you cannot play on normal sg anymore, for example sg ancient Japan and Hungry Hills as 24 player servers.


Feb 1, 2013
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The only other map I'd want is SG 3. I play SG Classic to play those maps specifically.

The chest teiring and old lobbies aren't necessarily saved. Getting them would be difficult.


Feb 5, 2013
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Instead they should just make sg classic into the time where only breeze and sg4 were played. That was personally my favorite time and would love it replaced gs classic xD


Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score
Hey MCSG, as you all know, SG classic has been out for a while now, and I think I can make a few suggestions on how to make the playing experience better for not only the OLD players, but for everyone.

First off, I think we need to fix the chest tiering. For Example, if you go to pink house or boat, you win. I think this needs to be changed drastically, so people can have a more fair playing experience. If they were a fair amount of tier 2s on each route, players could have an equal change at getting gear.

Second of all, I think more maps need to be added. Me personally, I started playing in October of 2012. I came when there was SG Japan, breeze, sg1, 2, 3, and 4 would be added later. I think if we added all the maps that were in classic as a whole, things would be more fun, and there would be a greater variety in map choosing, therefor having a greater play experience. If these maps are added, it would also give early v1 players a good sense of nostalgia, because they weren't there when it was just sg1 and sg2. If more maps are added players would be able to have more fun then just playing on 2 maps.

Thirdly, I think we should change the map tiering to how it was in v1. Here is an example. CLICK ME.
If it was changed to the tier 2s there were when these maps were played in v1, it would give players such a better experience in maps, and also would give a large sense of nostalgia to the members who have been playing for a long time when they were tiered like that.

I think we could also add the lobby that the lobby before this one is based off of. It is very nostalgic, and people loved it. It could server players, because they might get tired to the old one, especially how you have to wait five minutes.

I think SG classic is great. I think we could make it even more spectacular by adding these changes. I for one would play SG classic a lot more often, and it would be a lot more fun! Let me know what you guys think, and have a nice day!
Also they should add sg3! It's sexy and classic! its Smeaxi!

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