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Guide Welshy's Road to Moderator Guide

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Jul 1, 2012
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Quality over quantity? Lies I tell you! It's quality and quantity trust me I am clearly a god of making applications. As well as that I will add a few small things on to Welshy's guide. Firstly being, try not to make yourself seem big-headed as I just did it gives people the impression that you are an attention seeker not a great quality for being a moderator.
Now for a lesson in grammar: Unlike in real life, when online the only thing you can judge a person by is what they write and how they write it - someone who typez liek dis communicates an entirely different impression tan someone who types with proper grammar and spelling. A lot of people don't realize how unintelligent it sounds when you typ liek dis 2 mke urself snd kewl. (The pain it burns).

Now take a look at this and learn, learn it now. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling

I will stab anyone who even dares mention the word alot: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html

Next thing, is kinda complex, but I'm sure someone out there, will get it, if you notice what I have been doing, throughout this line or so, is called a comma splice. It's where you make extremely long sentences just by using commas instead of full stops. The general rule of thumb -and this is something I do incorrectly at times- is to only use one comma per sentence.

When typing in game it's often of good use to type with full grammar, for younger people it can help familiarize yourself with it in-order to get a better score in any exams you take. Then again it helps to have neat handwriting too.

The apostrophe! Its shows that someone owns it. Where as it's means it has and should only be used for that.

The only time of which multiple use of punctuation marks at the end of a sentence is when you are supposed to sound surprised/ in shock ?!?!? You do not need multiple ! at the end of a sentence.

Capital letters, use them once at the beginning of a sentence and for any names and leave it at that. Use a exclamation mark in order to try and get peoples attention. Or to emphasize the meaning of something.

Acronyms are a bit iffy, but certainly don't use examples such as gtg, brb and others of the like the only way it may be good to use acronyms is Pm as in personal message. only time I find it acceptable.

Follow these rules and do well my brethren.


Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
Quality over quantity? Lies I tell you! It's quality and quantity trust me I am clearly a god of making applications. As well as that I will add a few small things on to Welshy's guide. Firstly being, try not to make yourself seem big-headed as I just did it gives people the impression that you are an attention seeker not a great quality for being a moderator.
Now for a lesson in grammar: Unlike in real life, when online the only thing you can judge a person by is what they write and how they write it - someone who typez liek dis communicates an entirely different impression tan someone who types with proper grammar and spelling. A lot of people don't realize how unintelligent it sounds when you typ liek dis 2 mke urself snd kewl. (The pain it burns).

Now take a look at this and learn, learn it now. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling

I will stab anyone who even dares mention the word alot: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html

Next thing, is kinda complex, but I'm sure someone out there, will get it, if you notice what I have been doing, throughout this line or so, is called a comma splice. It's where you make extremely long sentences just by using commas instead of full stops. The general rule of thumb -and this is something I do incorrectly at times- is to only use one comma per sentence.

When typing in game it's often of good use to type with full grammar, for younger people it can help familiarize yourself with it in-order to get a better score in any exams you take. Then again it helps to have neat handwriting too.

The apostrophe! Its shows that someone owns it. Where as it's means it has and should only be used for that.

The only time of which multiple use of punctuation marks at the end of a sentence is when you are supposed to sound surprised/ in shock ?!?!? You do not need multiple ! at the end of a sentence.

Capital letters, use them once at the beginning of a sentence and for any names and leave it at that. Use a exclamation mark in order to try and get peoples attention. Or to emphasize the meaning of something.

Acronyms are a bit iffy, but certainly don't use examples such as gtg, brb and others of the like the only way it may be good to use acronyms is Pm as in personal message. only time I find it acceptable.

Follow these rules and do well my brethren.[/

Cheers for the feedback kinda lol at the "alot" thing, well thanks for correcting me on that. Although I didn say that there are most likely mistakes in this very guide which I said. Well, thanks for the feed back and I wnt tryz to type like dis anymooare.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Well, as soon as I turn 15 I can reference this. Someone should pin this.


Jul 1, 2012
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As it goes Welshy I wasn't quoting you I was merely stating some common grammatical errors people make.


Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
Well the problem is, if you have this things but you are under age.

I'm not talking for myself but for some others to be clearly on this.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks, this is quite helpful. My application fits this formula pretty well, I'd say. Just curious, what sort of questions do they ask in the interview? Any examples?

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