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Voxcile's Tips on Becoming the Best you Can Be


Dec 24, 2012
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Hello fellow MCSG beast's my name is of course Voxcile and over the past three weeks I have been perfecting my PvP strategies or as I like to call them Next Level MCSG Strats. I know many of you have heard of a certain player by the name of G33ke. He is an amazing PvPer one of the best to ever play on these servers. If you have heard of him you most likely know that he is a pioneer in the art of the Fishing Rod. He was one of the first people to use the fishing rod as an epic MCSG weapon.

During the last three weeks I have been working on my PvP tactics ALOT. The reason being is I strive to be as good of a player as I can become so I have dedicated my time to achieving that goal. I first worked on my bow skills which are still not at a good enough level yet I shall be continuing to work on that skill. I also worked on my flint and steel which was not hard to master. The next challenge was the fishing rod.

Fishing Rod
I began working with the fishing rod of and on after fighting against g33ke in my first week or so of playing, I was never very good at it so I dropped trying to learn how to become better with it. Then about three weeks ago I began working on my fishing rod seriously. In that time period I have not even come close to mastering the technique but I have perfected it in my own little way. It has allowed me to become a much better player. The fishing rod is not a weapon for everyone but if you have the patience to learn its ways I advise you do.

The bow is a very common weapon on the MCSG servers and they are extremely useful in MCSGv2 because of the amount of arrows. I personally have a lot of confidence with the bow but it is not a weapon I depend on often. The best bow users in my opinion are Reven86 and Gravey4rd. They both use the bow a lot and sometimes they over commite to that aspect of there game. I personally use the bow when I am running away or need to take away a few hearts before in gaging in a fight. IT is also something I use against teams, for example when a team with good armor begins to approach me I do all I can to separate them from each other. A good way to do this is by hitting one with a few bow shots weakening that particular team member. This doesn't always work but the majority of the time the player either stays back and allows me to fight his teammate while he regens or he continues to attack. If he attacks I target him because he is obviously the lowest on hearts so he should be easier to take down

Flint 'n Steel
Flint 'n stell is a fairly easy weapon to master in my opinion. The real trick with flint and steel is knowing when and where to use it. I don't really have any tips about that. That is more of a mental thing that comes with experience. The best tip I can give here is try not to make it to obvious that you are planning on lighting that player on fire. If you give it away it can be almost impossible to catch them on fire. The best person to watch for flint and steel tips would be Philly67 as he lights me on fire almost every deathmatch.

Swords are a basic and obviously needed weapon the weapons I have gone threw earlier are important but none are as powerful as the sword. There are two ways to sword fight 1. block hitting and 2. strafing. I personally strafe as much as possible because it allows me to get around players and get 1 or 2 extra hits on them. There are many good strafers on these servers so I'm not going to tag the best strafers but I will tag the most widely known block hitter ThatOneTomahawk. I have nothing against block hitting it is an aspect of the game and if your good at it then play to your advantage. Sword play is pretty basic but remember not to only use your sword you need to use secondary weapons to your advantage.

Please read it all and give me suggestions and don't forget to tell me your PvP strategies.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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It's actually kinda funny. I remember the days in MCSG where a PvP tips thread told everyone the fishing rod was just for water getaways. I never saw people use them on land. Nowadays though...I actually see a lot of people do it, and all in many different ways. Honestly, the fishing rod is something that can never be "mastered", there are so many different ways to use it that I've seen numerous different, effective strategies for it. I've even learned things from watching others, who picked it up from me, use it in an interesting way. I've honestly almost never seen someone use them the way I originally intended. :p

Because of this, there is still one thing I do with the rod that nobody else does...I'll leave you guys to figure out what that is. ;b When I first started coming up with this tactic, I thought it was just going to be one of those thoughts of mine that I overthought and it wouldn't work. Little did I know that, not only did I find an interesting tactic for myself to use, but it also stems off into many different types of play that other people have come up with themselves. I honestly wouldn't call myself the master of it anymore, there are some people out there who have created some very interesting side-tactics with it I never would have tried otherwise.

Side note: Also, it kinda bothers me when people claim I invented the tactic. As much as I'm sure I did and want to believe I did, I have heard some people argue otherwise that certain people did it before me. Regardless, we can probably all agree that I may have popularized it. (Based on the amount of people early on who claimed they learned it from me, I can safely say I did.) The amount of people I see use it in various places these days is growing. Heck, even people like SixZoSeven and Egrodo are picking up their own versions of it. o.o #End"Bragging"Paragraph


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Because of this, there is still one thing I do with the rod that nobody else does...I'll leave you guys to figure out what that is.
Is it something that has something to do with durability?


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
It's actually kinda funny. I remember the days in MCSG where a PvP tips thread told everyone the fishing rod was just for water getaways. I never saw people use them on land. Nowadays though...I actually see a lot of people do it, and all in many different ways. Honestly, the fishing rod is something that can never be "mastered", there are so many different ways to use it that I've seen numerous different, effective strategies for it. I've even learned things from watching others, who picked it up from me, use it in an interesting way. I've honestly almost never seen someone use them the way I originally intended. :p

Because of this, there is still one thing I do with the rod that nobody else does...I'll leave you guys to figure out what that is. ;b When I first started coming up with this tactic, I thought it was just going to be one of those thoughts of mine that I overthought and it wouldn't work. Little did I know that, not only did I find an interesting tactic for myself to use, but it also stems off into many different types of play that other people have come up with themselves. I honestly wouldn't call myself the master of it anymore, there are some people out there who have created some very interesting side-tactics with it I never would have tried otherwise.

Side note: Also, it kinda bothers me when people claim I invented the tactic. As much as I'm sure I did and want to believe I did, I have heard some people argue otherwise that certain people did it before me. Regardless, we can probably all agree that I may have popularized it. (Based on the amount of people early on who claimed they learned it from me, I can safely say I did.) The amount of people I see use it in various places these days is growing. Heck, even people like SixZoSeven and Egrodo are picking up their own versions of it. o.o #End"Bragging"Paragraph
Is it fishing for fish? :3


Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
This reply mainly covers water battles. Something which I'd say is my greatest skill when it comes to PvPing.

Another great use for the fishing rod is for battling players in water.
Noo, not boosting your teammates or boosting your opponents away.. Theres a third way!

The vast majority know about going underneath your opponent when it comes to water fights, if you don't then if you're under your opponent you have a longer hit radius so you're able to hit them but they won't be able to hit you back..
Now what do you do when you're both trying to dive underneath?
Use your fishing rod to boost them back up on top of you.
It's a technique I've been using over the past month and it works wonders.

Now once you've fishing rodded him about you and you've gotten a few good hits on them and they're swimming away its time to use your bow.
Never ever waste arrows and players with no armour/players not worth killing.
If you see a player with good amour far away that you'll never catch upto.. don't randomly start shooting them.
1. It wastes arrows as it'll only inflict a small amount of damage.
2. If you miss you're just giving them more arrows to use on yourself later on!

Now once they're swimming away unleash your arrows!
Arrows are the best tool when it comes to water combat. But try to use them only after you've managed to get a few hits with your sword first.
If you start with your bow then you'll only boost them away and it gets harder and harder to hit them again.
If you weaken them first then it can be a quick 1-2 shot kill with your bow.

Also when you no longer have a fishing rod, you can use your arrows to boost your teammates!
However be careful with this as you don't want to weaken your teammate too much before he gets into a fight.
1/2 charged bow shots won't do much damage but try your best to only use this tactic when you know your opponent is near death.. Unless you're like me and do this to "accidentally" weaken your teammate yet they're still able to weaken your opponent, however when your teammate gets killed in the process.. you're still able to 1 shot your opponent so you no loner have them or your teammate left to deal with once deathmatch comes!
And you never actually betrayed them ;) Reven86

One last tactic is for when you're in a 2v1 situation and they're boosting each other to catch up to you.
We've all been in this situation on Breeze..
If you have a fishing rod don't boost the guy closest to you away.
Use your fishing rod to hit the teammate at the back whose doing the boosting!
The further away he/she is, the least likely they'll be able to boost their teammate closer to you!

#BreezeIslandIsUnderplayed <3


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
It's actually kinda funny. I remember the days in MCSG where a PvP tips thread told everyone the fishing rod was just for water getaways. I never saw people use them on land. Nowadays though...I actually see a lot of people do it, and all in many different ways. Honestly, the fishing rod is something that can never be "mastered", there are so many different ways to use it that I've seen numerous different, effective strategies for it. I've even learned things from watching others, who picked it up from me, use it in an interesting way. I've honestly almost never seen someone use them the way I originally intended. :p

Because of this, there is still one thing I do with the rod that nobody else does...I'll leave you guys to figure out what that is. ;b When I first started coming up with this tactic, I thought it was just going to be one of those thoughts of mine that I overthought and it wouldn't work. Little did I know that, not only did I find an interesting
tactic for myself to use, but it also stems off into many different types of play that other people have come up with themselves. I honestly wouldn't call myself the master of it anymore, there are some people out there who have created some very interesting side-tactics with it I never would have tried otherwise.

Side note: Also, it kinda bothers me when people claim I invented the tactic. As much as I'm sure I did and want to believe I did, I have heard some people argue
otherwise that certain people did it before me. Regardless, we can probably all agree that I may have popularized it. (Based on the amount of people early on who
claimed they learned it from me, I can safely say I did.) The amount of people I see use it in various places these days is growing. Heck, even people like SixZoSeven and Egrodo are picking up their own versions of it. o.o #End"Bragging"Paragraph
Is it destroying the emenies armour?


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
Side note: Also, it kinda bothers me when people claim I invented the tactic. As much as I'm sure I did and want to believe I did, I have heard some people argue otherwise that certain people did it before me. Regardless, we can probably all agree that I may have popularized it. (Based on the amount of people early on who claimed they learned it from me, I can safely say I did.) The amount of people I see use it in various places these days is growing. Heck, even people like SixZoSeven and Egrodo are picking up their own versions of it. o.o #End"Bragging"Paragraph
I realize I say I have mastered the technique when really I have mastered the way that I use it. I use it differently then most I try not to rely on it to much.


Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
I realize I say I have mastered the technique when really I have mastered the way that I use it. I use it differently then most I try not to rely on it to much.
You own with teh fishing rod

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