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The Republic {Us Team}

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District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
applying tonight so I can get some teamspeak in actually I can go now


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:mMy IGN's are Krafty_, CraftyKratonite and Golimer. Craftykratonite was my old main account, which is now Krafty_, and Golimer is my old alt account which I gave to Branbob83.

Age: I am 15 years of age, but I'll be turning 16 this coming September 16.

Donor: I am currently a VIP to the Mcgamer network. Earned it by being a lead builder of the map "Valleyside University"

Wins: I have 840 wins on CraftyKratonite, 60 wins on Golimer, and 450+ on Krafty_.

Teamspeak: Yes I do have teamspeak installed.

Mic: I have two Turtle Beach headsets, a zx10 ( I think this is what it is called) and a px21, the one I mainly use.

Timezone: I reside in the Philippines so my timezone is GMT +8

Past clans: I've only ever been in Two clan and have been extremely dedicated to both: The Elite Squad and The Rebels. I was in the EliteSquad from November 2012 to December 2012. And I've been in the Rebels since December 2012 all up to present January 2014.

PvP Strengths: I would say that I am very good with the Flint and Steel, I have my own unique way of using it and I try to make situations easier with the use of this handy tool, I am also experienced with using the fishing rod both offensively and defensively, I can easily get combos on my enemies with this weapon, the only thing difficult about the fishing rod is the delay I get when I use it due to my pesky asian connection. I would say my sword PvP is pretty good as well, though it is not what I'm known by, I can manage to beat highly experienced PvP'ers with my sword alone. I'm pretty good with the bow, I can read peoples strafe patterns and manage to shoot them, I also can quickly switch from sword to bow in fights for the extra damage, again just like the fishing rod delay affects my bow skills.
I would also like to say I'm really good at running, juking and using the terrain to run, I also use flint and steels whenever I juke, so I can escape and leave my foe burning, giving me the upper-hand in that situation, I am also good at escaping tight spots and corners and also good at running and fighting teams especially with the use of my fishing rod and my flint and steel.

Now for my weaknesses? Well let's say I suck at water fights and my internet is horrible, not that I can control its quality besides moving closer to the host.

Diz would be ap if i realllyyy applied
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