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The Rebels EU Division

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Oct 15, 2012
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To be honest I am not a big fan of someone bringing back and continues something that I've started. I feel as though this is something that should not continue unless Tim, Philly or I are a part of it. For example when James brought back EU Rebels I wasn't ready or motivated as a leader but I gave it a try as I wanted to be part of the thing that I started. What would most likely feel better for me is if this run would have its own clan war records, a new original thread, etc. I also think that starting your own clan would feel a lot better for you yourself rather than continue someone elses clan. You decide what you want to do, whether you continue this clan as it is or if you create your very own run of Rebels EU.

Good luck.


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
To be honest I am not a big fan of someone bringing back and continues something that I've started. I feel as though this is something that should not continue unless Tim, Philly or I are a part of it. For example when James brought back EU Rebels I wasn't ready or motivated as a leader but I gave it a try as I wanted to be part of the thing that I started. What would most likely feel better for me is if this run would have its own clan war records, a new original thread, etc. I also think that starting your own clan would feel a lot better for you yourself rather than continue someone elses clan. You decide what you want to do, whether you continue this clan as it is or if you create your very own run of Rebels EU.

Good luck.
I do really appreciate the post Kall, I was originally thinking about making a new thread because this is this thread and yeah but eventually got told to keep the old thread going. I will make a new thread and I will leave this one as your legacy, it will be Rebels but it will have a fresh start.


Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
I made a new thread that can be found here.

I really do not know how to put this in words but I do really respect what Kall has done and what he has accomplished together with the other members, what can I say, you already know. To the people asking why I am not starting a clan on my own. Here is my answer, Rebels has been the best clan I have ever been on and it has faded away, the new people do not know what Rebels stands for and I want to change that. I want to get to the top again, I want for Rebels to be Rebels. I know I am not an old member as some other people might be but I have contacted them and most of them, pretty much all of them have no desire to come back. We have to accept that things change, Rebels will never be the same itself because it will never have the same people as it used to be but what I can do is make Rebels sounds as it used to sound back then. Rebels. I am also not James so please do not judge me for what happened. I will really try my best to make this happen and make Rebels the best of the clans. Also do not expect me to do it in 1 day because this is gonna take time. I have many things planned but they will happen in matter of some weeks. We have to practice together and work on some strategies and all of that kind of things.

Closing up. I decided to make a new thread to make some sort of Rebels v2 but Rebels v2 does not sound good. I know many people will hate me for this but I will work my ass off to change people thoughts. I know if we work together we can do it. I also will ask for a mod to lock this thread and wont log back on this account.


Ceroria Giggity69Goo Giggums
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