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The God Debate v2

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 49.2%
  • No

    Votes: 60 50.8%

  • Total voters
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Mar 7, 2015
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That's about as reliable as the idea of the sun and all the planets orbiting earth, it seemed to work at first and made sense, but later things changed. I want an actual experiment proving evolution exists.
Darwin's study on the Galapagos Finches. Finches from the same specie spread out over different islands. Through the process of natural selection only a certain groups of finches with favorable traits survived. After a couple of generations the finches of the same species had diverted into multiple different species. TLDR; One species of birds evolved into multiple species of birds.


Jul 11, 2013
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Darwin's study on the Galapagos Finches. Finches from the same specie spread out over different islands. Through the process of natural selection only a certain groups of finches with favorable traits survived. After a couple of generations the finches of the same species had diverted into multiple different species. TLDR; One species of birds evolved into multiple species of birds.
Spawn life from random chemicals and I'll believe you


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
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And have you read the bible?
What about the bible? The book that has no evidence for it being true other then the fact it says itself is true. You are basing the existence of man kind and the universe on some ancient book. At a time when people didn't know that the earth was round but knew everything about how we were created.
Yes I have read the bible many times. I go to a catholic school.

Spawn life from random chemicals and I'll believe you
Thats not even close to how it works. That doesn't even make sense.


Apr 5, 2015
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*snacks on some popcorn* to be honest, people are going to deny others beliefs a lot so this thread should be going on for a bit. This is probably why we have a decent amount of wars *starts playing the Megadeth song*


Feb 11, 2015
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Seeing as I'd like to consider myself a Christian, I feel that you can not prove God through science. The whole idea of believing in God is having Faith. Also there is proof that events in the Bible did occur, for example the Ark and several other buildings and such that I honestly can't recall right now. I don't think that Christianity says you can be a horrible person and still go to Heaven, I think the point is saying we are all sinners but you can be forgiven. That's not creating an excuse saying "I can be terrible" and still be rewarded. I think that's the idea of a second chance that even though we are all imperfect we can be forgiven. That's what I personally believe. No hate. I'm pretty accepting :/


Jul 11, 2013
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What about the bible? The book that has no evidence for it being true other then the fact it says itself is true. You are basing the existence of man kind and the universe on some ancient book. At a time when people didn't know that the earth was round but knew everything about how we were created.
Yes I have read the bible many times. I go to a catholic school.

Thats not even close to how it works. That doesn't even make sense.
Isn't that how life apparently started? Chemicals were put together to make the simplest of life then it later evolved to what we have now? Well create life, any kind with chemicals and I'll believe.

I mean whatever floats your boat I believe what I believe because I see it requires the least assumptions, and you're allowed to believe what you do for whatever reasons you see fit.


Apr 5, 2015
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Isn't that how life apparently started? Chemicals were put together to make the simplest of life then it later evolved to what we have now? Well create life, any kind with chemicals and I'll believe.
I am going to say this right now but I might be wrong, I am pretty sure cells can not be made from random chemicals. To be honest, cells might not even be made from chemicals at all. Also...if God exists I think a lot of us here will be burning by the end of it.


Mar 7, 2015
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Seeing as I'd like to consider myself a Christian, I feel that you can not prove God through science. The whole idea of believing in God is having Faith. Also there is proof that events in the Bible did occur, for example the Ark and several other buildings and such that I honestly can't recall right now. I don't think that Christianity says you can be a horrible person and still go to Heaven, I think the point is saying we are all sinners but you can be forgiven. That's not creating an excuse saying "I can be terrible" and still be rewarded. I think that's the idea of a second chance that even though we are all imperfect we can be forgiven. That's what I personally believe. No hate. I'm pretty accepting :/
Yes! This is what people over look! Religion is not about who is right or wrong, it's about becoming a better person through faith. I don't practice religion often, but I am fascinated by the effect it has on people. Religion can easily bring people together towards a good cause; it truly is a beautiful thing. If people push themselves to do great things all in the faith of their god then more power to them. I never really understood this fully until I read this comic http://theoatmeal.com/comics/religion which I happened to find randomly.


Feb 11, 2015
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This is all based on personal beliefs. This thread could go on forever honestly. I do believe in where you live determines your religion as well as your parents. I have been raised in a Christian household my whole life. I feel like there are too many signs showing that there's no way a big bang could have made a world so complex and beautiful. It's like rolling 12 dice in a cup and saying that by chance it could all just happen to perfectly stack on top of each other. I feel there has to be a creator that made this whole universe. Think of how you're made up of billions of cells. Do you really think that can just happen in an explosion or evolving from fish? Just my thoughts again. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect it.


Apr 5, 2015
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Yes! This is what people over look! Religion is not about who is right or wrong, it's about becoming a better person through faith. I don't practice religion often, but I am fascinated by the effect it has on people. Religion can easily bring people together towards a good cause; it truly is a beautiful thing. If people push themselves to do great things all in the faith of their god then more power to them. I never really understood this fully until I read this comic http://theoatmeal.com/comics/religion which I happened to find randomly.
I think a lot of people might be doing this wrong since...wars...


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
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Isn't that how life apparently started? Chemicals were put together to make the simplest of life then it later evolved to what we have now? Well create life, any kind with chemicals and I'll believe.

I mean whatever floats your boat I believe what I believe because I see it requires the least assumptions, and you're allowed to believe what you do for whatever reasons you see fit.
So in order for you believe in evolution you want me to create life in front of you and you will believe? What? You want me to do something that happened billions of years ago in front of you? *Scratches head in confusion*

Seeing as I'd like to consider myself a Christian, I feel that you can not prove God through science. The whole idea of believing in God is having Faith. Also there is proof that events in the Bible did occur, for example the Ark and several other buildings and such that I honestly can't recall right now. I don't think that Christianity says you can be a horrible person and still go to Heaven, I think the point is saying we are all sinners but you can be forgiven. That's not creating an excuse saying "I can be terrible" and still be rewarded. I think that's the idea of a second chance that even though we are all imperfect we can be forgiven. That's what I personally believe. No hate. I'm pretty accepting :/
What proof is there for Noah's arch? I would love to see it.
Religion does say you can be bad and still go to heaven. So what is religion teaching us?
I can kill someone ask for forgiveness from God and I go to heaven
I don't believe in God and do only good things and I go to hell

Does that make any sense and teach any good morality?
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Apr 5, 2015
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I am going to just say something, must of this debate seems to be directed at one religion in particular...Christianity. First off, I think it is okay to support the bible but I urge you not to fully support it since there is a decent amount of screwed up stuff in there (I mentioned one above and I believe Onision has a video about this).
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