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The CyanVolts™

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Jan 1, 2013
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Gah!! This clan was such a fun community but I guess things just weren't meant to be, I really liked being in this clan and I cant help but feel bad because I was the first to leave that started the mass departure. You guys were such a good clan but stupid things lead to huge problems. The drama over the smallest things caused it to fall apart sadly and caused drastic changes and with no leaders interested in leading during scrims or battles it was difficult to do clan oriented stuff. I met a bunch of new and fun people in here and had a nice month lol. I hope you guys can rebuild.


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
Gah!! This clan was such a fun community but I guess things just weren't meant to be, I really liked being in this clan and I cant help but feel bad because I was the first to leave that started the mass departure. You guys were such a good clan but stupid things lead to huge problems. The drama over the smallest things caused it to fall apart sadly and caused drastic changes and with no leaders interested in leading during scrims or battles it was difficult to do clan oriented stuff. I met a bunch of new and fun people in here and had a nice month lol. I hope you guys can rebuild.
About rebuilding... Just have your eye on the thread for the next few days.


Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score

1. Username: GetWreckedM8
2. Age: 14
3. Donor (doesn't matter): no
4. Wins:11. Check mah stats, decent ratio
5. Teamspeak/Skype: both
6. Good Attitude?: yessir
7. PVP Strengths?: bow and Fns placement
8. PVP Weaknesses?: inability to rod spam. Rod spammers
9. Rank in the world: 2200000039
10. How long have you been in this community?: 2 years
11. Write a paragraph explaining why you think you deserve to join. i think that I shiuld join because this clan is starting to fall apart and I would love to help rebuild it
Gosh darn it pertipied


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
I believe lando and ouch left. They are on Org's roster. ;-;


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
I don't really know what I expected in terms of this clan's longevity, but I overestimated it. I suppose I deserve it after all, as I could have put forth much greater effort into this clan and its members. It was only a matter of time before it fell victim to the weathering of time and hostility amongst the members. But, had I known it would draw nigh so soon, perhaps my past judgement could have been altered. To tell the truth, this clan has been dead for most likely a month now, and I have no one to blame but myself. The inception of the Organization was a strong blow to the moral and population of the group, but the beginning of the Impalers was surely the last nail in the coffin. I have been forsaken by most if not all my "friends" here on MCSG and have no reason left to stay as the sole leader of this clan, and now the sole member. At this clan's genesis I made an affirmation that this group would not dissolve as long as I, the primary leader, was the last remaining individual in the clan. Then it would be carried out.

The oath was not broken, the vow was not shattered, the promise was bona fide. During the 6 and a half month lifetime of this clan I have kept it and stayed here through the worst drama, the most obscene ridicule and the most insufferable altercations. A fellow leader whom you may know of as Landowicked, promised the same thing. Where is he now? Organization. Not that it matters anymore, as this message will ideally be the final one on the thread, and all vexation I feel towards him now, will die soon.

These CyanVolts surely lasted longer than anything I have led before it, and I take pride in it. Though I always visioned this clan disbanding in the height of its decline, it has not. I don't know which is better, disbanding with no one in it or with everyone in it. Nevertheless, this thread is a shrine to what once was, and what could have been. Am I angry? No. Sad? Not really. Truth be told this clan has been a vegetable for the longest time, and I cannot stand to see it suffer anymore; I will end it now before I am accorded with any further repercussions. Put it out of its misery, if you will.

I cannot say for sure if this was worth it, but it surely was not a waste of time. I have many memories I am fond of, but in the end that's all they are. I would write so much more and tell of such elaborate intricacies, but alas, there is no point if no one will read all of it. They will most likely be included in my MCSG narrative coming soon, anyways.

Thank you all for your support, encouragement, kindness, ridicule, hate, anger, bitterness, consolation, relief, surcease, and solace. Your efforts will not go unaccounted for.


Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
A great clan has fallen this day. Cyan Volts may cease to exist, but they will continue to live in spirit. You guys have made an amazing impact on the community and will be remembered for a long time! If you ever would like to reopen, just PM me and I will reopen the thread.

Until then,
Disbanded. Thread locked. <3
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