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Teaming is unfair and anti-competitive.

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District 13
Oct 2, 2012
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This was a very interesting take on teams, and to be completely honest... I wouldn't completely mind teaming to not be allowed. (As long as scrim/ clan battle servers were implemented)


Apr 14, 2014
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Sure, the act of teaming that occurred in the movie and the teaming that occurs in-game are quite different, but it's not something that can be abolished just by saying and wishing upon it.

Teaming has, is and always will be something that goes on in MCSG. All you can hope for is that you don't get teamed on or hope for someone to take out the team.

I've mentioned this before too, but we've all been undergeared and finding ourselves in deathmatch teaming with another undergeared person to take out the fully stacked guy. At least this is what I have seen and what I have experienced.

TL;DR - Teaming truly is a double edged sword. It can be useful when you have one but a disaster when you're up against one.


Apr 8, 2013
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lol someone else complaining about teaming

Ask any person in a clan about this and they'll laugh at you

Ask any person who actually has the ability to take down a team and they'll laugh at you

Ask any person who plays the game for fun with their friends and they'll laugh at you

Of course teams of 5+ are really annoying, but deal with it. Teams of 2? 3? That's honestly a breeze. Winning solo has definitely became harder due to hackers, teamers, the servers lagging, etc but it's really unavoidable. If winning minecraft is too hard for you and you're getting upset just quit.
There are plenty of flaws in the system, but you've chosen to insult my skill? Why? I'm by no means a bad player- I have >1k wins with alts and 1/3 ratio on my main which I started playing on. I've won 13 out of my last 19 games on EU- do you have any idea how hard that is nowadays? Tons of the top players are quitting because on EU you consistently get hacked on and hardcore teamed on every single game, which just isn't fun. Each one of those 13 wins was an uphill struggle where I had to take out multiple teams and some hackers. Just because you have 3k wins and are big boi of phoenix doesn't give you the right to insult somebody's skill, especially when you've never seen them play.

'Teams of 2? 3? That's honestly a breeze'. This statement pisses me off. Thing is, not everyone can be one of the top players in their region. On EU, you get respectable players- slightly less than, equal to, or even better than you in skill level- teaming on you game in game out. The only way to take out these teams is to be way, way better than them, which is too big of an ask. What I'm saying is that it's unreasonably hard to take out teams on EU. Lots of people think this, I'm just the one saying it.

I also play with friends a lot, but I don't go around in a group gang-banging everyone because doing that makes me feel guilty and sorry for the other players. It's not gratifying to know that you wouldn't have won a game had you not had someone at your side the whole time. It's also way too easy when you team, which takes away any of the excitement of the survival games. I've also been in a couple of clans, and we still didn't team anyone when we weren't doing clan battles- we found other ways to practice.

So I guess I should laugh at myself then?


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
So you think it is 'anti-competitive'.

This makes no sense in my opinion. I play for fun now. With that being said, I truly don't find joy in only winning. I LOVE to face a challenge, which is why I love fighting teams. They obviously add competition to the game so I don't understand where you are coming from.


Mar 30, 2013
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I don't like when people team on me becose if 2 non experienced players are teaming it's ok but if 2 experience't players team it's just way too over power'd.


Sep 28, 2013
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lol someone else complaining about teaming

Ask any person in a clan about this and they'll laugh at you

Ask any person who actually has the ability to take down a team and they'll laugh at you

Ask any person who plays the game for fun with their friends and they'll laugh at you

Of course teams of 5+ are really annoying, but deal with it. Teams of 2? 3? That's honestly a breeze. Winning solo has definitely became harder due to hackers, teamers, the servers lagging, etc but it's really unavoidable. If winning minecraft is too hard for you and you're getting upset just quit.
There are plenty of flaws in the system, but you've chosen to insult my skill? Why? I'm by no means a bad player- I have >1k wins with alts and 1/3 ratio on my main which I started playing on. I've won 13 out of my last 19 games on EU- do you have any idea how hard that is nowadays? Tons of the top players are quitting because on EU you consistently get hacked on and hardcore teamed on every single game, which just isn't fun. Each one of those 13 wins was an uphill struggle where I had to take out multiple teams and some hackers. Just because you have 3k wins and are big boi of phoenix doesn't give you the right to insult somebody's skill, especially when you've never seen them play.

'Teams of 2? 3? That's honestly a breeze'. This statement pisses me off. Thing is, not everyone can be one of the top players in their region. On EU, you get respectable players- slightly less than, equal to, or even better than you in skill level- teaming on you game in game out. The only way to take out these teams is to be way, way better than them, which is too big of an ask. What I'm saying is that it's unreasonably hard to take out teams on EU. Lots of people think this, I'm just the one saying it.

I also play with friends a lot, but I don't go around in a group gang-banging everyone because doing that makes me feel guilty and sorry for the other players. It's not gratifying to know that you wouldn't have won a game had you not had someone at your side the whole time. It's also way too easy when you team, which takes away any of the excitement of the survival games. I've also been in a couple of clans, and we still didn't team anyone when we weren't doing clan battles- we found other ways to practice.

So I guess I should laugh at myself then?
As much as I disagree with the idea of this thread, I have to agree with Jonny on this one. I know it's said a lot, but I think people who don't play on EU don't understand EU players pain. I played 10 games yesterday. I won one (which had 3 teams of 2 in it, luckily they weren't good players for once). Apart from that, I died to something like 6 2-teams and 3 3-teams (can't remember exactly). Of those 2-teams, 3 of them were a player teaming with a hacker that then /killed at the end of deathmatch so as to boost the other guys wins. I got ez'd 4 times.

Now for an AU player who is generally regarded as one of the best PvPers around, teams of 2 average players might not be that difficult. But for EU players like me who are pretty decent but nowhere near the level of top PvPers, getting butt-buddy teamed every game by skilled players with more wins than you that say 'ez' and boost wins at the end of DM... It gets frustrating. It is a huge problem, and while I think it can't be solved, it says a lot that so many EU players are quitting.


Apr 8, 2013
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So you think it is 'anti-competitive'.

This makes no sense in my opinion. I play for fun now. With that being said, I truly don't find joy in only winning. I LOVE to face a challenge, which is why I love fighting teams. They obviously add competition to the game so I don't understand where you are coming from.
I like challenges too, but not an insurmountable challenge every other game. I'm not obsessed with winning in the slightest- if I was I'd be the one teaming with a friend on an alt who suicides for me in deathmatch (which is what half of EU seem to do nowadays- many even play with partners who hack because of the throwaway nature of alts thanks to mcalts). The joy I get from the survival games is another solo player giving me a run for my money or narrowly beating me in a respectful fight, but because most of the players near my skill level like to team every game this rarely happens.

As for me saying teaming is anti-competitive, I stick by that statement. If you're by far and away the most skilled player in a lobby and two other less skilled players team, then yes, that does make that game more competitive. However, players for whom this is often the case are in a minority- otherwise, when two or more skilled players team it's gg as soon as they get their route, which makes the game a whole lot less competitive as the outcome is almost a forgone conclusion.


Jun 27, 2014
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I have to agree with this thread. When I first started to play on MCSG in the EU region which was a while back ago I didn't have problems with teams. Sure it was hard for me being the noob back then to deal with them but at least they weren't bragging about how they kill a person or anything (Unless it was a youtuber, but that's another story). In my time here in MCSG I've seen the community change so much after 2014. There was a sudden rise when it came to hackers which at first was a pain for me because I didn't have any clue on how I could deal with them (I am talking before they implement the anti-regen plugin). But what made it worse is the hacker teams, they suddenly became to rise with more players joining the server (which sadly were mostly Romanians & Russians, I have no idea why them), and what pretty much gave up me playing MCSG competitively is how most of them act after killing a player:

Teams overall became annoying in 2014, just like you've mentioned in your thread they became much smarter than the teams that there were back then & they would never try to split from each other, this made me start playing MCSG less & less because I knew that no matter which server I would be in I would either die to hackers, teams or in the worst case hacker teams. Of course I team with players by myself as well, but I don't act like a Feminine Hygene Product when I kill someone because that's just makes me look like a terrible person, but sadly some people just don't care.

I don't believe there is any effective solution to stop that other than the good old saying here "record, upload & report". The only solution I would ever ask if I could was to go back to the times before 2014 and just enjoy and remember the times when teams & hackers weren't the biggest issue in EU, sadly, I is not possible... :/

- Rant off


Aug 24, 2012
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There are plenty of flaws in the system, but you've chosen to insult my skill? Why? I'm by no means a bad player- I have >1k wins with alts and 1/3 ratio on my main which I started playing on. I've won 13 out of my last 19 games on EU- do you have any idea how hard that is nowadays? Tons of the top players are quitting because on EU you consistently get hacked on and hardcore teamed on every single game, which just isn't fun. Each one of those 13 wins was an uphill struggle where I had to take out multiple teams and some hackers. Just because you have 3k wins and are big boi of phoenix doesn't give you the right to insult somebody's skill, especially when you've never seen them play.

'Teams of 2? 3? That's honestly a breeze'. This statement pisses me off. Thing is, not everyone can be one of the top players in their region. On EU, you get respectable players- slightly less than, equal to, or even better than you in skill level- teaming on you game in game out. The only way to take out these teams is to be way, way better than them, which is too big of an ask. What I'm saying is that it's unreasonably hard to take out teams on EU. Lots of people think this, I'm just the one saying it.

I also play with friends a lot, but I don't go around in a group gang-banging everyone because doing that makes me feel guilty and sorry for the other players. It's not gratifying to know that you wouldn't have won a game had you not had someone at your side the whole time. It's also way too easy when you team, which takes away any of the excitement of the survival games. I've also been in a couple of clans, and we still didn't team anyone when we weren't doing clan battles- we found other ways to practice.

So I guess I should laugh at myself then?
Yes, because EU is getting too hard for you we need to make a new system, ignoring US (biggest region),CA and AU.

And hey, you're right. I have 3k wins. You might be better than me, who knows? I didn't mean to insult your skill, I couldn't care less really. In the end, persistence really pays off.

I've played on EU and AU, they're really similar. Teams everywhere, hackers ruling. I should be sympathetic. Man, trust me. I'd love to have teams disappear, I'd love to have hackers never to be seen again but it really doesn't happen like that. Saying no teams allowed just won't work. Truth hurts man, even if you want to believe it.


Aug 25, 2013
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To be honest, I like this idea, because there's so many people running around teaming with their corsair vengeance k95's and their blackwidow ultimates (I'm getting a blackwidow), but the fact that teaming is obviously unpreventable is the reason this idea won't work.
Here's my take:
Teaming always has, and always will be a thing that makes the game more fun for the people teaming. Notice those last few words. It makes it harder for other people to win. But that's what makes the game fun! Survival/Hunger Games is supposed to be challenging! Katniss had to get past that group in the beginning of the Hunger Games Movie ( I forget what they're called.). My point: There will always be teams, and unless something miraculous happens (Like that Auburn-Alabama Football game and that field goal return at the last minute, war eagle!), Teaming won't be prevented, because that takes away a part of the games.
Do you have any idea how much money chad (and others) have to pay for United States European Union, Canadian, Austrailian, And Asian servers? If he made more servers, he would have to pay lots and lots more, so there would be a lot more donations, etc. In my opinion, we need to have what the nexus has developed. Solo hunger games. Their plugin is designed for every player having your skin. e.g, say you have a Huahwi skin, and you went into a solo hunger games, everyone else would have a Huahwi skin. This prevents teaming, but clever (Yet rude people not seeing the point of the word SOLO), find ways to counterattack this, so they team nevertheless and know how to tell who is who by the armor they are wearing. Like I said, teaming can't be prevented.

Honestly, I love this idea so much. But when you die to a team, or just die i general, just say, "Oh man, that sucks." Move on! It's not like 1 game will turn your ratio to 1/9001 or something like that. But yes, teaming is unfair, but like I said, it's supposed to be challenging. But I get the point of this idea. I, too, do not like teams of good players that can easily win by themselves running around in full iron clacking away on their Razer blackwidows, Their Razer Deathadders, Corsair Vengeance K95'S, etc. Thanks for making this.


Apr 8, 2013
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Yes, because EU is getting too hard for you we need to make a new system, ignoring US (biggest region),CA and AU.

And hey, you're right. I have 3k wins. You might be better than me, who knows? I didn't mean to insult your skill, I couldn't care less really. In the end, persistence really pays off.

I've played on EU and AU, they're really similar. Teams everywhere, hackers ruling. I should be sympathetic. Man, trust me. I'd love to have teams disappear, I'd love to have hackers never to be seen again but it really doesn't happen like that. Saying no teams allowed just won't work. Truth hurts man, even if you want to believe it.
I know there's a fair chance it won't work, but nobody's ever given it a good try. I'd love there to be 10 or so test servers to see what it would be like.
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