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Surface Impressions - Points VS Stats

Which is more important?

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District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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I personally believe that points and stats are both equal, while stats do seem more reliable to decide if a player is better than most, points can also tell how well a player could have improved. (Unless they earned it from bounties) Basically, I believe that points tell how much a player could be improving and stats is how well they're doing overall.


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Neither matter. Players with good ratios aren't necessarily the best, likewise, players with bad ratios aren't necessarily the worst. Points have and always will be irrelevant in my mind, having more only gets you targeted by people that want your points (for no real reason, I might add).


Sep 26, 2013
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Before I used to think it was points, but now I realize that its more of your wins, especially your ratio, that should show your skill. Anyone can go and chase after one with a high number of points, I mean that's my story of how I got 48k points one time. xD

P.S. Teh Cow God has posted oncw again!!!1!1!


Aug 20, 2012
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What about boosting? o:
It takes weeks to acquire good boosted stats, it takes seconds to bounty someone lots of points :^)

It should come off rather obvious that stats are much more important. They represent how well you've done over the course of your time here. Even with a stats reset, it still represets how you do from then on.

Although having tons of points is fun ;D


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Points are relatively simple to get, and can be earned in various different circumstances. They can be easily gained through:
  • Killing any player through a game of SG,
  • gaining additional points through killing a player who is bountiful,
  • Having friends to carry you to victory, and when you people are the only ones left, they /kill to let you win with points,
  • Getting to kill your friends at the end of the game,
  • Winning a game with a heavy bounty on your head,
  • Hacking, if you're lucky.
However, when getting wins, it is slightly more difficult to gain, as it would result in having to be one out of the twenty-four individuals to actually survive a potentially long, 25 minute game. Furthermore, being able to overcome the potential risks like a large team, or hackers.
Gaining wins can be earned by:
  • Teaming with a friend or two,
  • Going solo, fighting and winning alone,
  • Hacking,
  • Friends do /kill to let you win at the end
Both situations have their own matters that are determined by the circumstances and choices of the individual. Perhaps someone would have plenty lots of points due to conserving them by not using them for bounties or using them to sponsor another player. Therefore, that individual would have slowly used other methods and strategies to conserve a certain amount of points to actually gain such numbers. However, other individuals could potentially have gotten a large sum of points because of large bounties, for example, there would be a large bounty on their head, and win the game. This means that they would get the additional bounty points, and the prize points for winning as well, in addition to that, the people they have killed. However, the individual could have gotten points by killing somebody else with a large bounty early on in the game. Meaning that they would get plenty of points to spend or keep. The general necessity of points is usually to bounty someone you wish to see dead, or to sponsor someone you wish to see win.

When it comes to winning a game, however, your performance within that specific round of Survival games would be recorded within the leaderboards. By determining how many chests you have opened, how many people you killed, and most of all, to check how long you lasted and see if you did win or not. And the probability, depending on the given skill of an individual, would be considerably uncommon to achieve, as it would be one in twenty-four chance of winning in average. However, with the skill, and strategy and of course, experience, the supposed user is capable of winning a large range of games, as shown in the top of the leaderboards. However, a user can always get killed under the circumstances of either facing a large team of skilled players, hackers, or simply have met their match with another skilled individual. Therefore, the wins would potentially determine one's capability in being part of the Survival games, and with the amount of games they have played, we can determine their experience of playing within the servers. But it does not always mean they would be necessarily skilled. As previously stated before, different methods are performed to get an individual's statistics higher up in rank.

To conclusion, I would believe that neither points or statistics would determine one's skill towards playing within the servers. Although in a majority of cases that it may prove someone's skill; I would believe that it would actually determine one's experience with playing within MCGamer, therefore letting us understand that they could potentially know routes, chests and secret rooms with lots and lots of traps. But ultimately, the statistics are there to spice up the competitiveness of MCGamer a little, and records data on what we have done in-game as well. So all in all, it is better to worry less on statistics and points and simply have fun. c:


Sep 25, 2014
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I personally think that kills/game played ratio is the best to define someones experience. This is why I considrr myself a noob.. ;(


May 7, 2012
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Edit: This thread originated from a joke between me and OhFancy, because he had 2 points more than me (192/194) because I sponsored a friend nearly the entire menu, but I have better Stats :p

You log into a game. You see a player with a lot of points, and check their stats, only to find that they have relatively few wins, and a less-than-ideal ratio.

Or, alternatively:
You log into a game, and find out that a player has a large amount of wins, a 1/5 ratio, but almost 0 points - virtually none at all!

Which makes a bigger difference to you?

Most experienced players would agree that the wins are what count. Points can be bountied away, used to sponsor Tributes, and lost easily. Records, however, last longer and are clearer indications of a person's experience.

However, players who are new to the network and unfamiliar with the workings of the Survival Games Bounty and Stats system may have the impression that the number next to your name is significant, and the color of your name. After all, who wouldn't be impressed with a player walking around with a bright blue or green name, and a four-digit figure?

Taking into account both new and old players, would you say that a high number of points or a high number of wins (or a good ratio) is more significant in terms of surface impressions?

I recently had an uber-srs conversation with OhFancy about whether wins or points are more important, and he put his money on points, whereas I insisted that your records carried more weight.

What do you say? Points, or stats?

(psst: if you don't vote stats you're gonna get 'em reset)
I used to think it was rank.... now that I'm ranked around 200, and 95% of the people ahead of me abused win glitches, hacked or boosted their wins to get to the top I then started to think points.
But in the last 100 or so games I've played in the last month or two, I have won 0 games and have been killed by a hacker or team of hackers in each game. Apparently the only thing that proves how good you are is how long you can hack before you are caught.


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
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I used to think it was rank.... now that I'm ranked around 200, and 95% of the people ahead of me abused win glitches, hacked or boosted their wins to get to the top I then started to think points.
But in the last 100 or so games I've played in the last month or two, I have won 0 games and have been killed by a hacker or team of hackers in each game. Apparently the only thing that proves how good you are is how long you can hack before you are caught.
If you ever see hackers in game, please record (preferably from a spectating view, not playing) and report them here. I know you probably hear this all the time, but eliminating hackers goes a lot faster when everyone is helping out. I hope you stop running into hackers, by the way.


Mar 9, 2015
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I know I don't have amazing stats, but I've got almost 500 which I guess is pretty good. But when I get like 1k points I just bounty them.

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