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Shout-out to Team Elite


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
In my opinion, The buildings are quality they are builded with effort, but I never play "Kharmurah" nor "The Fallen Empire". I don't know why so much hate! It's just terrible Team Elite puts a lot of effort on their buildings and they get so much bad feedback. As everyone says,"It's my pinion". Yes, but it's not nice to be rude on such hard work. :p


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
First of all, Team Elite (trust me) Has AMAZING people in its team, I for one have personally seen the spawn. You have NO IDEA what kind of builds are there.

This may be a little bit biased as I am on the team:
Team Elite are a wonderful group of people, And trust me, our WIP maps are doing good! ;). Now, all of this hate and stuff is kinda depressing, I mean, We spend HOURS and HOURS building, to see our work get hated on. I for one live by this motto, "If you have nothing nice to say, Dont say it at all". When people start hate threads against maps, lobbys, hubs peoples work in General, it hurts. Put yourself in All of team elites shoes, especially Joshkey Dave kezzer1995 (sorry for the tag) <--They have literally poured there heart and souls into this team and its work, Only for it to be hated on. Now once you have put on our shoes go spend a couple weeks and 20+ hours of constant work, then get someone to talk garbage about it kks? Team Elite will continue to build maps, even if you hate them. (Harry Potter nerd reference :p) Did Harry give up when a quarter of the entire world was trying to kill him? No. I suck at analogies. Point is, Dont hate on things other then yours, infact dont hate on your work!
Team Elite has tried there best, you think we for one second PURPOSELY made a bad map/lobby/hub? No. We strive to help MCSG. When a leader of a large group of people makes a decision is EVERYONE in that group going to like it, No. When a jury makes a decision against/with the defense, the other side clearly wont like it.

Team Elite does there best,
If you have nothing nice to say, DONT SAY IT AT ALL.

G33ke post FTW. Duckluv321 post Colours FTW. Thanks for reading!
I understand negative criticism sucks but it's a part of life (The actual thing, not the admin). Anyone who has ever built anything half decent knows the insane amounts of work that goes into projects like these, but we have to just ignore it and carry on. This whole thing has become way to big of a deal. I'll be honest, do I like the hub? No. Do I like the lobby? Not really but that's just my opinion and it won't stop me from enjoying mcsg. The onl people that seem to be defending Team Elite are it's members. I say we just get the facts straight and move on.


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
I understand negative criticism sucks but it's a part of life (The actual thing, not the admin). Anyone who has ever built anything half decent knows the insane amounts of work that goes into projects like these, but we have to just ignore it and carry on. This whole thing has become way to big of a deal. I'll be honest, do I like the hub? No. Do I like the lobby? Not really but that's just my opinion and it won't stop me from enjoying mcsg. The onl people that seem to be defending Team Elite are it's members. I say we just get the facts straight and move on.
ty, and actually lots of people defend Team Elite. And I agree with you, This small lobby thing has become a big deal.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
I understand negative criticism sucks but it's a part of life (The actual thing, not the admin). Anyone who has ever built anything half decent knows the insane amounts of work that goes into projects like these, but we have to just ignore it and carry on. This whole thing has become way to big of a deal. I'll be honest, do I like the hub? No. Do I like the lobby? Not really but that's just my opinion and it won't stop me from enjoying mcsg. The only people that seem to be defending Team Elite are it's members. I say we just get the facts straight and move on.
Other than that highlighted part above, this post is 100% true, if you don't like it, thats fine, just don't make a huge scene about it as the people this past week have done. Whats done is done and you(not you hawk, its a generalization) will have opinions, doesn't mean that everyone agrees with you and you have to do something about it, just means you're human.


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Other than that highlighted part above, this post is 100% true, if you don't like it, thats fine, just don't make a huge scene about it as the people this past week have done. Whats done is done and you(not you hawk, its a generalization) will have opinions, doesn't mean that everyone agrees with you and you have to do something about it, just means you're human.


Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Just pointing out when chad came to us for the hub we were told we needed it yesterday (if you get the saying) because the last build team did not have time to do it. the hub was just waiting on us so we got it done in 3 DAYS and i am still working on it when it is on the server it is a constant WIP. as for the hellgames all im going to say was bad call on my part. lobby chad came to me and asked me to get it renovated and add the parkor back and things like that so we did in 1 WEEK. the fallen empire requested by chad and built in 1 WEEK in time for the anniversary stream. and you may ask why team elite are asked it is because i have a NDA witch means i can know things others are legally not allowed to know. so theres some of the facts my main point is until you know the time limit we had do not judge.

Kind Regards
Team Elite Leader
MCGamer Admin


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
I just realized something, TE only did it because Chad asked them too.... FLAME CHAD! Jks jks, but as I just said, Chad wanted this guys, you can't get mad at team elite for this.


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Just pointing out when chad came to us for the hub we were told we needed it yesterday (if you get the saying) because the last build team did not have time to do it. the hub was just waiting on us so we got it done in 3 DAYS and i am still working on it when it is on the server it is a constant WIP. as for the hellgames all im going to say was bad call on my part. lobby chad came to me and asked me to get it renovated and add the parkor back and things like that so we did in 1 WEEK. the fallen empire requested by chad and built in 1 WEEK in time for the anniversary stream. and you may ask why team elite are asked it is because i have a NDA witch means i can know things others are legally not allowed to know. so theres some of the facts my main point is until you know the time limit we had do not judge.

Kind Regards
Team Elite Leader
MCGamer Admin
Really its very impressive that you guys got something done as good as the hub in that short of a time, I bet most of the people hating on it wouldn't be able to build anything close to the quality in that amount of time. I do think though that people are hating more on the idea of the hub rather than the actual hub itself. You guys do deserve a pat on the back and chill out for a bit! Don't work yourselves too hard

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