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Share the story of your first Survival Games win


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
I'll start off with my own:

This was probably my fifth game ever and my first with 48 players. We were on Map 2 and I'd been here once before with a friend i met playing the game. This time I went solo.

The countdown begins and I decided I would try and rush in to the Cornucopia for a few quick items and then escape in the following chaos. I ran to the closest bush as fast as I could, but I was too late. I decided I didn't want to commit, so I ran off towards the forest instead.

I quit sprinting and immediately lost half a heart. I turned around and saw someone in an Ironman skin running behind me. I gave him a good chase through the forest and eventually lost him in the ruined houses. He didn't have any items either, but the half-heart lead he had on me meant he'd beat me in a one on one fight. I didn't want to take my chances.

But no one attacks captainfatty2x4 without getting their fair share. I doubled back and saw the same guy fist fighting another guy in the same location we were in before. I snuck up behind him and killed Ironman just as he finished his target. As I expected, neither player dropped anything.

At this point I'm feeling pretty good about the game, it was my first kill ever and I felt like I could die this round happy. I wanted to get a better knowledge of map 2 since I had only been playing on 3 previously, so I wanted to just explore rather then go hunting or hiding. The houses were too close to the spawn for my liking, so I decided to just roam along the edge of the map and stick to the glass, hoping to find a chest or two. I did, but all I ended up with was a pair of leather breeches, a stone sword, and two bowls.

Bowls are overpowered in this game, because mushrooms are everywhere. So without any fear of hunger I decided to go back to the ruined houses and give those chests another look. Luckily for me, there were 2 that were not empty. I didn't get anything but a leather hat, but it's alright. The more armor the better.

At this point, there were 4 of us left and I was at the edge of the park where the Cornucopia is located. So I decide, "what the hell, might as well see if all the middle chests are empty" and make my way through the forest. I see two nameplates further up ahead and assume it's a team guarding their stash. I sneak through the trees to approach to get a closer look and of course they're wearing full iron armor. I find one guy sitting atop the Cornucopia while the other is strafing by the bush-chests. They were shooting each other. What I had thought was a team was really a power struggle for the cornucopia.

The guy on the ground was really close to my position in the trees and its a good thing I wasn't seen at all. I decided to loop around the tree line and get a chest from behind the fighters while they weren't paying attention. As I kept moving along the tree line, the guy on the ground kept moving in the same direction, making sneaking past them more than a little difficult. I decided I would switch directions and hopefully avoid them, but just at that moment the guy on the Cornucopia must have gotten bored, and he charged the guy on the ground with a diamond sword. The guy on the ground responded in kind and drew his own diamond sword.

I saw this as the perfect opportunity so I took it: I waited for the fight to end. As soon as the lightning bolt ripped through the air I sprinted through the clearing and backstabbed the survivor with my stone sword while he was busy going through inventory. I could not have asked for a better chance or better loot. I armed myself with full armor, a diamond sword, a bow with a couple arrows, and a lot of food and waited for the 60 seconds to run out.

As soon as death match began I found my opponent to be armored in full leather and wielding a bow/stone axe combo. He began by strafing while shooting, but I cut him off with the speed of sprint/jump and in four hits he was dead. I got a hearty back rubbing in the next games lobby by all the spectators who were cheering for the underdog. I don't think I'll ever win a game quite like that again.
I loved that.I love when you like take a team of 3-4 out and everyone is applauding you in the next lobby cause they hate huge teams it makes you fell so happy


Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
I used to be like super timid. I HATED killing anyone and always tried to truce or ally. Of course that never worked and I got killed almost every round. The first time I won was map 3. I went my usual chest route and found a sword at the very start. I jumped down onto a team of two and asked to join them. Of course they chased me into the river with their wood swords. I fought back and killed both of them, and got their ingots. Made an iron sword and ran into another person. I decided I liked the feeling I got when I murdered them, so I just kept on killing. Got the corn, full iron, diamond sword. Won.

I still say sorry when I kill people though. :I


May 10, 2012
Reaction score
My first win (I'd have at least a couple more if my computer didn't lag so much q_q) was on map 2, it was down to 3 people, and I only had leather armor and a stone ax, so I thought I was done for. And sure enough a guy comes at me with a full Iron Armor set and a Diamond sword so I thought "Might as well go out with a bang!" And fought him and in a couple hits he was dead!

But there was still the other person who was in leather armor too (can't remember the weapon though). Luckily I had an open slot in my hotbar and picked up the Diamond sword and used it to kill the last tribute and sure enough I won! I was in complete shock, and it turns out that it wasn't some weird glitch, the guy who had the Iron set turned out to have low health going into the DM and couldn't heal in time. If that wasn't a gift from the Heavens, I don't know what is! The universe finally took pity on me and my laggy computer and gave me a chance! :D


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
>map 1
>have 0 points
>have leather armor and i think iron sword
>go to cornucopia before refill
>see two guys at corn
>kill one, the other one runs away
>become decked with full iron armor except for golden hat
>deathmatch time runs out, 8 people at dm

At least that's how I think it went down.

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