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Risk Versus Reward


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Risk versus reward.

That's one of the big things that the Survival Games is all about.
"Is the risk worth the reward if I go to this Tier 2 chest?"
"If I fight this undergeared team of two, will I win? What will I acquire from the kills?"
"If I take this chest route on Survival Games 4, what is the risk that someone else will kill me? If I don't die, what will I get out of it?"
"If I run to the Cornucopia, will I die?"

Really, there are a lot of "Risk vs. Reward" situations in Survival Games. It's been that way since the beginning, and will continue to be that way until the last server comes to a permanent stop.

Now, there's a big question that this revolves around
How does someone decide whether the reward is worth the reward?
Some might say that if there's a "50-50" chance of them dying, then they won't go. Some would go.
Others might try and keep track of how many people run in which directions.
And many would simply take the option that has the most rewards, even if the risk is astronomical.

So, as a player, how do you determine whether something is worth the risk?
What risks do you usually take, or not take? Where do you draw the line between "Do" and "Do not"?
Think about it. Cognitive thinking might help you more than you ever expected.


Aug 20, 2012
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*likes first*

*reads second*

Edit: Actual content

When I consider the risk vs. the reward, I always take into consideration the current situation being presented to me, as well as the future proceeds from said decision I am to make. Say I am about to take out a team of 2 that may have less gear than me. Sure, I may not be able to gain much from them gear wise, however it's better to take out the team now while I can instead of letting them get geared up and having a better chance of killing me.


Mar 31, 2015
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I guess it might depend on how you play the game: defensively or offensively as to how many risks you take. That being said, if you don't take risks you will end up in dm (if you're lucky) with leather gear, uncooked food and a wooden axe :3


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
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He's back!

tbh I completely wing it, but I get where you're coming from. I'm sure it should be safe to simply play defensively and let people fight each other. However, I've come to realize that the best way is to be the best pvper. Generally, the risk to go fight someone who's stacked will have a greater reward because you are now in the lead while if you hang back and fight there's one person who will simply slaughter you at the end. It's best to be aggressive and the reward is almost always worth the risk if you're successful.
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Dec 26, 2012
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I usually try to think things out when I'm playing, but nowadays when I watch other people play mostly all they do is try to kill everyone they see without even bothering to think of risk or reward.

When I think things out, it's pretty simple. If I'm going to waste time killing someone, they need to have something I need (armor, better sword, bow, whatever) but at the same time they can't have so much stuff I need that it makes it too much of a risk to go for them because they'll most likely kill me due to me not being anywhere near as stacked as them.

I usually let people who don't have stuff I need go unless they're right in front of me and I don't have to waste time trying to kill them (unless they're on my route, then I'll try and chase them off until they're far away enough that I can get my chests)
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Most of the time I yolo things. The routine effort isn't worth the possible reward, so I just try to have fun with it, and if I fail, I know I could do it again next time.

Teams for example, I could try to fight, play strategically, and ultimately put in a lot of effort to do so, but I just would have to do it over and over. You could be successful, but you definitely couldn't be all the time. Having fun and taking chances is better, in my opinion.

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