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Redemption [US Division]

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Dec 14, 2014
Reaction score
Why don't you speak for yourself, instead of having other people to back you up just because you can't do it yourself, and were you not in Tigers?
Maybe he has others speak up for him because other people actually mingle with him.
You illiterate 12 year old you say you were one of the longest running clans? Lol jokes your clan lasted 3 months I've had girl friends that last longer than you.
Acting like your top sht when your clans most memorable achievement was stealing littlerawr's old tiger skin.
Tf you gonna say to that? Inbred imp stfu
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, first of all tell me one good clan you've been in. Second, Elevate has much more respect than your clan. Lastly, what does age have to do with anything? Is their a problem please tell me. I could care less if the whole community hated me so shut up honestly. I'm gonna stop replying because you're probably gonna reply "lol randy or some sht you always make up" Peace tard.
And I have yet to find someone that actually does like you, other than when they like your post about irrelevant sht that you weren't involved in lol, bye kiddo.

revoking application.

Maybe he has others speak up for him because other people actually mingle with him.
You illiterate 12 year old you say you were one of the longest running clans? Lol jokes your clan lasted 3 months I've had girl friends that last longer than you.
Acting like your top sht when your clans most memorable achievement was stealing littlerawr's old tiger skin.
Tf you gonna say to that? Inbred imp stfu
We were, clearly I'm not the illiterate twelve year old here, Tigers started from December 2013, hasn't disbanded yet, just renamed twice. I joined Tigers in around January of 2013, I wasn't involved in the LittleRawr skin thing, so chill, bring it up with someone that can actually explain it and that was a part of it.
"I've had girl friends that last longer than you", LOL, you spend your life on the forums, just like xqueer, you pale fxck get outside, get some sunlight, reconnect with your broken-ass family, then come and rant here, lol 'inbred imp'.


Dec 14, 2014
Reaction score
And I have yet to find someone that actually does like you, other than when they like your post about irrelevant sht that you weren't involved in lol, bye kiddo.


We were, clearly I'm not the illiterate twelve year old here, Tigers started from December 2013, hasn't disbanded yet, just renamed twice. I joined Tigers in around January of 2013, I wasn't involved in the LittleRawr skin thing, so chill, bring it up with someone that can actually explain it and that was a part of it.
"I've had girl friends that last longer than you", LOL, you spend your life on the forums, just like xqueer, you pale fxck get outside, get some sunlight, reconnect with your broken-ass family, then come and rant here, lol 'inbred imp'.
Your attempt at sounding mature was laughable at best. Please lol you're hinestly embarrassing yourself and your clan. Even saying I love you till I left would've worked much better. Hop off my dik and get a real ts.
"You paleface get outside, get some sunlight" rofl I took 20 seconds to right that on my phone.

We were, clearly I'm not the illiterate twelve year old here
Wtf lol we were? Where tf did that come from. Clearly you are an illiterate twelve year old.
Pce until next time you fail at writing a comeback
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Your attempt at sounding mature was laughable at best. Please lol you're hinestly embarrassing yourself and your clan. Even saying I love you till I left would've worked much better. Hop off my dik and get a real ts.
"You paleface get outside, get some sunlight" rofl I took 20 seconds to right that on my phone.

We were, clearly I'm not the illiterate twelve year old here
Wtf lol we were? Where tf did that come from. Clearly you are an illiterate twelve year old.
Pce until next time you fail at writing a comeback
About the 'we were' part, I was replying to your comment about being the one of the longest clans existing, which we were (explained above).
I do hope you know what 'illiterate' means, and didn't get it from the other people calling you it.
The ts part was quite random, we have a ts lol.


Dec 14, 2014
Reaction score
About the 'we were' part, I was replying to your comment about being the one of the longest clans existing, which we were (explained above).
I do hope you know what 'illiterate' means, and didn't get it from the other people calling you it.
The ts part was quite random, we have a ts lol.
You have a room in a multi games ts. I know what illiterate means. As well, you're quite retarded for a clan leader no offence


Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Parker S.
Username: Y0ungqndReqless
Win Count: 465 with reset and alt.
Game Count: 3000+
Skype Name: thetexans-12345
Maturity (#/10, Explain): 8/10, I can be mature most of the time when i need to. But there are times when i like to have fun, but I know how to seperate those times.
Why should we accept you into the Redemption above all? Because I am very good at PVP.
What Skills Do You Possess? (PvP, Teamwork, Etc.): I am good at communicating and not getting mad if something doesn't go my way. I just keep going forward.
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
You have a room in a multi games ts. I know what illiterate means. As well, you're quite retarded for a clan leader no offence
Why do you say 'no offence'? That's what illiterate twelve year olds say, and you call me retarded without even putting a reason? Are you running out of shxtty comebacks? Use Google, that's where xqueer gets his.

Name: Parker S.
Username: Y0ungqndReqless
Win Count: 465 with reset and alt.
Game Count: 3000+
Skype Name: thetexans-12345

Maturity (#/10, Explain): 8/10, I can be mature most of the time when i need to. But there are times when i like to have fun, but I know how to seperate those times.
Why should we accept you into the Redemption above all? Because I am very good at PVP.
What Skills Do You Possess? (PvP, Teamwork, Etc.): I am good at communicating and not getting mad if something doesn't go my way. I just keep going forward.


Oct 4, 2014
Reaction score
Ayeeee cheerleader pls? U cb my clan and after we lost to u guys we disbanded because u guys 5-0ed us :3 pls?

Edit: My new ign is Forbidix if u do add me


Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
I find it humorous when people insult others with a baseless assumption. For instance:
Why do you say 'no offence'? That's what illiterate twelve year olds say,
How does him using the common phrase "no offence" make him any less literate. Is their statistical analysis to support this bold conclusion? And by saying that he's twelve for using common terminology...don't even get me started on the validity of that statement.


Oct 4, 2014
Reaction score
I find it humorous when people insult others with a baseless assumption. For instance:

How does him using the common phrase "no offence" make him any less literate. Is their statistical analysis to support this bold conclusion? And by saying that he's twelve for using common terminology...don't even get me started on the validity of that statement.
Um did I come at the wrong time?
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