Both you guys, I spoke to him personally, he really realizes that he made a mistake, the fact that you can't accept his apology, saddens me. When I spoke to him, it was as if he finally conceded to the fact, that he wes wrong, and that he made a monuments mistake, and being a clan owner my self, It really take some sense of maturity and humility, to go ahead and apologize after all that. He could of chose to go down the beaten path, and just say "I am wright, and you are wrong," Like a sill child, but he did not. He went ahead, on the road not taken, and sincerely apologized to all of you. So... Be my guest, and say, "Too little, to late." But this time he really means it. The ability to forgive, really shows something about one, as a person, it demonstrates humility and kindness. On the other hand, not accepting an apology, demonstrates, stubbornness and selfishness. Just, please guys, do me a favor, and respect the man's apology.
An additional note: I, personally lost all respect for react, after what
occurred, I thought that they disrespected both prodigious, and Clan wars staff. However, after speaking with darklumn, I realized, one, that he cared towards his rep, and two, that he was really empathetic. So, I told him, You have one chance, it is better late than never, go ahead and right an apology letter, to all of prod, the staff of clan wars, and the community. That is exactly what he did, and I told him, "If you do that, I guarantee the community has humility, is selfless, and caring, towards you. And I most definitely guarantee, that they will forgive you." But, it looks like I was wrong, You guys just won't budge. Trust me, I understand, he may of ruined your clan wars, and may have caused trouble to many, but I think it is time all of us are mature, and forgive him.