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Questions for you guys about Survival Games 3

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Jun 6, 2012
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I rely like the second one becsue it had so many ways to play I could watch my friers and see them better thire were land makers the only thing hated where the towers and how repetitive they where.

I like the idea of different stills of game play you can camp you can kill you can even scavenge other peoples kills

I don't play vininela

I would like to see many move amay from the traditional coracopea many have teams try something completely different Don't show off how cool you are show off how cool players can be.


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
1. SG1. It has a lot less opportunities to fall or get knocked off a building and it has no tall structures making it less laggy.

2. Dash for familiar and enclosed locations to find loot and to hide until the number of players drops.

3. Make an awesome texture pack to go with the awesomely crafted maps.

4. TNT and redstone.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
1. I liked SG2 because I had a lot verity of different places to go and a lot more traps and secret areas.
Hiding and exploring, 1) When I run from the center I new areas and that are great hiding spots and 2) When I analyse the map on singleplayer I like to see what things i've missed.
3. Hmm, Difficult question, not much to change since the last map(SG2) but more underground complexes.
4. Like I said More Underground Tunnels.
5. Can't wait till next map!


May 20, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
Map one because of how easily you can get a hold of a chest for you to make a comeback.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
Try and walk not sprint unless I am being chased and find as many chests as possible and advoid people until the end.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)? If this map is going to be like map 2 I would say make the chests a little more visible to find.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
Yes more arrow/snowball traps to scare the players to go sprinting and such so it will make them hungrier so they will die easy. And one more thing this survival games have a lot of potential keep it up Varide!! :)

Jack Scrase

May 8, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
Map 1 because I can get to the pirate ship, then I go under water to a double chest, and finally I go to this calm, peaceful underground thing.(and if time I go around the edges.)
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
Map 1=(listed above)
Map 2=Go round the edge
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
More traps around the chests, and where HUNGER GAMES is written in glow-stone, maybe a chest with golden everything (no hoes, pickaxes, axes or shovels)
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
More secret rooms!!!!!!!!!


May 30, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
the one in which the cornucopia is just netherrack and you have to fight in the woods and there are islands
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
run into the woods but try to avoid other people, get food the first night and a weapon by 2nd day
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
the start area instead of the reset action just do the glass box
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
what i would like to be added is something like the 75th hunger games where we start out around the water or maybe just in a big lake and the cornucopia could be on like and island
hoped this helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!


May 7, 2012
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1. The first map because I have took it the most apart and enjoy the more open atmosphere that doesn't have too many distractions in terms of buildings
2.I verify my position in the circle and where the closest not normally sought after chests are, run to the middle for a few provisions, then try to build up as much supplies as possible and hiding from almost all players regardless of how much stronger I am.
3.I think that a few too many trees seem a bit copy and pasted (which they probably were) and so overall variety in vegetation would add to it being almost like a virgin forest untapped minus the secrets and corn.
4. I would like there to be a few more water features so it's not all just a big wall you want to get over.


Apr 23, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I really enjoy the first one the best for the fact it is wide open and easy to get around and away from your attackers

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
I tend to stay high and aware I always go for the chests that people don't go for at the start and try and stay alone... I hate teams

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
No, I don't see why anything needs to be changed

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
More puzzles and more parkor stuff :D


Apr 20, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I love the second one, mostly the ruined buildings filled with traps and such
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
Find chest "hotspots", gather supplies and then try to hold out at the corn at nightfall
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
Make the corn more challenging in a way that people get second thoughts on going near it, surround it by a lava pit or a ton of traps >:D
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
Make chests WAY more challenging to get and get rid of inescapable traps since they make things very frustrating once a tribute get stuck.

Merenwen Singollo

Apr 23, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I enjoy Map 1 as it's true to the books and it is fun to stalk your friends through the woods. It is also easier to get lost which I like as then it makes it more exciting when you lose your way back to the Cornocopia.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
Map 1 - I either island hop and chase people down or I choose a quiet place on the edge of the map to hide and pick off the other tributes one by one from there.
Map 2 - I go into the subway and pick off the players which fall down there by accident as they aren't expecting an attack from below.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
I think that the chest should become more rare closer to the Cornocopia and the contents should become more valuable the closer to the edge of the map you are.
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
I think that you should be able to complete challenges to gain extra supplies. For example you have to parkour over lava to gain vital food or weapons. I think this would make it more exciting as there would be other causes of death not just tribute vs tribute.

Sir Kilmore

May 17, 2012
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1. Definetly map 1 it has many secrets, there are good places to hide. The city is is just very dangerous with mobs and falling damage.

2. First get an iron sword and food (stew is the best) then go to corn and hope that there is no team there. Else just try and find other lone survivors

3. Remove the random holes or at least put some lava in the bottom, very annoying to get stuck. Also in the city make it easier to climb buildings or make the effort more worthwhile. Too many times i have climbed a very high mob infested build and found a stone axe and a feather.

4. Chase breakers! and maybe a hard to reach dangerous place that has stuff equal to corn. Also secrets wich require u to have redstone or so.

FYI u guys are awesome!
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