So, I am creating this thread to push an implication about have iron or gold donor put on hold.
The reason why I am trying to get this implicated is if you are going/about to leave to go on holiday, taking a short break from mc etc, I think you should be able to ask a Senior staff member to put your donor on hold, which means stopping the 1 month and 3 month timer countdown until your donor has expired. If the player abuses the way of putting it on hold, eg; putting it on hold and just redeeming it when wanted again, lets say 4 or 5 months later. Dont worry because there is only a maximum amount of days you can out it on hold for!
Maximum number of days can be bypassed if given a sufficient note explaining why you have been gone for so long. providing proof.
So, what do you think, should you be able to put your donorship on hold, or keep it the same?