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Prodigious | US Clan

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Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Looks like it's time for me to resign from this clan, I probably won't be missed because all of you hate me. But the main reason I am leaving is because of the constant trash talking and getting DDoS'd before clan wars.
Well, time to give shout-outs :
Epic_Frog_Song Thanks for letting me in all your clans and giving me a chance even though you don't like me anymore, I have had alot of fun with you in the past but you've been really angry lately and it's kinda weird.
ThatCoolCucumber You've been a good friend but you are really by polar, you are mad at me like 50% of the time and the other 50% you're nice, Well, good look with your leading this clan hopefully you learn how to Lead.
gavinawesomeMCSG You are really bad at MineZ but we've had our ups and downs, Good luck playing with Peter in MineZ, I mean, you're gonna die.
Noob - you're really funny, But you're the weird.
michael harmon ur voice hurts my ears.
Dantelius Ur one of my best friends bbecause you actually know how to help somebody when you are in MineZ, Thanks for the memories, but we'll still play :).
That's basically it, If I forgot someone sorry. I hope you guys sometime in the future like me again.
nuuuuuu <|3 I'll go on eZ TS more m8.


Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Looks like it's time for me to resign from this clan, I probably won't be missed because all of you hate me. But the main reason I am leaving is because of the constant trash talking and getting DDoS'd before clan wars.
Well, time to give shout-outs :
Epic_Frog_Song Thanks for letting me in all your clans and giving me a chance even though you don't like me anymore, I have had alot of fun with you in the past but you've been really angry lately and it's kinda weird.
ThatCoolCucumber You've been a good friend but you are really by polar, you are mad at me like 50% of the time and the other 50% you're nice, Well, good look with your leading this clan hopefully you learn how to Lead.
gavinawesomeMCSG You are really bad at MineZ but we've had our ups and downs, Good luck playing with Peter in MineZ, I mean, you're gonna die.
Noob - you're really funny, But you're the weird.
michael harmon ur voice hurts my ears.
Dantelius Ur one of my best friends bbecause you actually know how to help somebody when you are in MineZ, Thanks for the memories, but we'll still play :).
That's basically it, If I forgot someone sorry. I hope you guys sometime in the future like me again.
Who are you? Ty I guess.


Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: hyperfuse03
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): yes
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths: I'd say I my fishing
PVP Weaknesses: Getting addicted to factions and getting lit on fire trying to run away and my terrible connection

How active are you?(1-10): 8
How would you help Prodigious?: By being active
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Cause why not
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: yes
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I don't think I would want it
Last edited:


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: hyperfuse03
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): yes
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths: I'd say I my fishing
PVP Weaknesses: Getting addicted to factions and getting lit on fire trying to run away and my terrible connection

How active are you?(1-10): 8
How would you help Prodigious?: By being active
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Cause why not
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: yes
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I don't I would want it
Accepted for a Reply!


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: hyperfuse03
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): yes
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths: I'd say I my fishing
PVP Weaknesses: Getting addicted to factions and getting lit on fire trying to run away and my terrible connection

How active are you?(1-10): 8
How would you help Prodigious?: By being active
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Cause why not
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: yes
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I don't think I would want it
Give this man elite froggie he is a baller


District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Looks like it's time for me to resign from this clan, I probably won't be missed because all of you hate me. But the main reason I am leaving is because of the constant trash talking and getting DDoS'd before clan wars.
Well, time to give shout-outs :
Epic_Frog_Song Thanks for letting me in all your clans and giving me a chance even though you don't like me anymore, I have had alot of fun with you in the past but you've been really angry lately and it's kinda weird.
ThatCoolCucumber You've been a good friend but you are really by polar, you are mad at me like 50% of the time and the other 50% you're nice, Well, good look with your leading this clan hopefully you learn how to Lead.
gavinawesomeMCSG You are really bad at MineZ but we've had our ups and downs, Good luck playing with Peter in MineZ, I mean, you're gonna die.
Noob - you're really funny, But you're the weird.
michael harmon ur voice hurts my ears.
Dantelius Ur one of my best friends bbecause you actually know how to help somebody when you are in MineZ, Thanks for the memories, but we'll still play :).
That's basically it, If I forgot someone sorry. I hope you guys sometime in the future like me again.
Cya, I bet you will be crawling back soon ;)
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: hyperfuse03
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): yes
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths: I'd say I my fishing
PVP Weaknesses: Getting addicted to factions and getting lit on fire trying to run away and my terrible connection

How active are you?(1-10): 8
How would you help Prodigious?: By being active
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Cause why not
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: yes
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I don't think I would want it
Accepted as full member!
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