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Omega [US Team]


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
I am going to do a general warning now, please keep flame off of this thead or it will have to be locked


Aug 2, 2014
Reaction score
Ok I'm here to help, so don't get pissed at me for saying this PLS!!! I have never seen Outset battle and so I have no input on whether the toggle or not, but I have many friends who said outset toggles. Repeat: I do not think Outset toggles because I have never seen them battle or played against them. Let's say Outset does toggle and they are all dirty cheaters, it fits their reputation pretty well huh? Even though they are fairly new, their reputation is very bad, and is set out to be a clan full of Togglers and Flamers. Let's say Outset is totally legit and just a bunch of based gods, no one from valiance, aura, Olympians, other clans that have heard word that you guys toggle, will ever think you are legit, EVEN IF YOU ARE. The toggling part I can't help you on, but flaming for about 10 pages straight on your own thread.. isn't very mature. I know that many people are on here trying to troll or retaliate, but just ignore them or get a mod privately to deal with them. There is no point in flaming back towards them.

Don't get mad at me pls, I'm trying to help :c


Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
- Mɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ IGN: ElliotPvP
- Nɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇ: Elliot
- Sᴋʏᴘᴇ [PM ɪғ Nᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ] Elliot0300
- Aɢᴇ: I am currently 12 years although I am a very mature and respectful and I never show poor sportmanchip.
- Wɪɴs: I currently only have 29 wins/133. Although this stats is not really me to be honest. Although I am going to tryhard this weekends and try to make it atleast a 1/3 Ratio.
- Pʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs Cʟᴀɴs: Ascension. And no other clans, although I do know how to communicate with others in the clan in for example clan wars and I know how clan wars works.
- Wʜʏ Dᴏ Yᴏᴜ Wɪsʜ Tᴏ Jᴏɪɴ: I would like to join this clan because it seems like a group of very experienced pvpers, and a lot of nice people. I also love clan wars and this clan have had some of them, and the reason why I actually am applying for THIS clan is because I saw Dragonitas video on a clan war. But I think she quit. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I am not a US player. I am a EU player. But I have no idea why, but I get extremly good ping to the US/CA servers. Like 90-100 on CA and 100-110 on US. Not the best, but I can actually win a lot more games on US then EU, but that is probably because there are like NO hackers on US. Anyway, thanks for reading my application :D Hope I will be able to take place in this clan :D


Oct 4, 2014
Reaction score
One thing to say to you about this, we made up an excuse of our loss. This is quite hilarious how the first two rounds in my opinion played like a powdski clan (No Offense Powdski). Then the rest of them was just Bugatti and 31days picking us off of spawn with their toggles. Don't act like your clan is good because just the other day I was in a game and scraped Lightning nation with hardly any gear while he was full iron. I can take all of you in 1v1s. Wanna know why other people flame? Because they get mad when they are smacking this rand clan and then you guys start to toggle. Honestly you guys expect to have no flame over this. How about 31days tries to not bypass his ban too. Honestly you guys think you are top-stuff, but when it comes to you guys getting smacked hardcore, for instance Olympians was up on you guys 4-0, then you guys comeback and say that you guys are starting a petition to change your clan name to #Comebackkids. Honestly you get trashed by every other clan then start to toggle and act like your legit. Damn if I got headsnaps like them maybe this crap would be on my thread too, but I don't. I have like 5 members that were from Outset and said that Bugatti and Binct always toggled and admitted it. Honestly if 31days (Binct) and Bugatti wasn't in this clan all you would see is 5-0 losses on this thread because when has Josh ever owned a good clan. Good Day my sirs and Aura would love to battle again sometime. Last time im posting on this godly clans thread. Also, play legit and then maybe your flame would be gone. GL
Yes that is true I have talked to past trials and members saying ppl in outset toggle.


Oct 4, 2014
Reaction score
denied, leave now
Excuse my double post but I thought you guys kicked the togglers they are still are your roster. If you did and you think your soooo good I'm pretty sure a lot of us would love to rematch and see how good you are you guys would have been 5-0ed like 5 times by now. The funny thing is all the clans that you toggled agaisnt were up like 4-0 or 2-0 etc. Yet you guys had the nerve to toggle and talk so much. "Oh look at us we are so good with our toggles we should make a petition for the combackkids" That is exactly what you guys are "kids" you guys are so immature to talk so much trash when you guys toggled.
Edit: I'm done flaming this thread I hope you guys disband soon
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