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How to fix MCSG


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Also, I was talking about current active players
I'm pretty active still xD. Although I play for fun now more than competitive pvp. Yet i've had some great fights with a lot of the people you mentioned on that list. I've beaten the likes of Sixzor, hup, pyr, and Ace. Had some amazing fights with them. NOT saying i'm better than them by any means, it's always back and forth fights.


May 22, 2013
Reaction score
Servers that just want "memories" of a past server won't ever be successful because they miss exactly what made them successful in the first place, and instead try and copy the results... That, and there being no Chad (or equivelant) are the two main reasons why MCGamer won't succeed. It's possible (but hard and still unlikely) to fix if those two areas fall back into place. So though this kind of thread is nice to see, it's still not going to solve most things


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Suggestion #1: Rebrand MCGamer and just call it MCSG

In my opinion this would be great as everyone calls this server MCSG anyway. Also, think about this: this server has always been and will always be an SG server. If a new player is looking up minecraft survival games servers, www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com will definitely catch their eyes faster than www.MCGamer.net will
Okay, so I don't really get this at all, I don't understand why you want to change the server name back to MCSG. SG isn't the only gamemode on the server, the only way we can change the server back to MCSG if we removed all of the gamemodes and kept SG. But in your suggestion #2 you say you want to keep battlegrounds but add a 1v1 plugin to it. That means the server would have to stay as "MCGamer".

Suggestion #2: Add 1v1 to Battlegrounds

1v1 has always been a highly requested gamemode, and, in my opinion, the best way to implement would be right into battlegrounds. Basically, make it so when you join the server/die you are given the option to join a 1v1 queue.
I sorta agree, 1v1 or as they call it "Arena" was a highly anticipated and voted gamemode to add to the server. But wouldn't it be better to just add "Arena" it self and make a whole new ladder of gamemodes? I know people will complain and say that we copied other servers, but if we listen to the community, we can make a whole new gamemode that's not copied. Plus there's a ton of ladder ideas and kits I could come up with since I have some experience with it. But don't worry, the Administration and Chad most likely know that everyone wanted Arena or 1v1's.

Suggestion 3: Hire more developers

I get that this is waaaay easier said then done, but it's clear that the current developers aren't catching up to the glitches and new hacks coming out everyday. There hasn't been a development change log in 4 months, whereas they used to come out, at worst, weekly. Too not be misunderstood. I'm not bashing on the developers (as I'm sure they have more than enough experience and knowledge for the job at hand), I'm pointing to the small number of them. I get that devs have lives too. That's why we need more. Enough to where, if there is a game-breaking glitch, it doesn't take more than 24 hours to fix.
There's a ton of problems to this, for example a big possibility could be a lack of funding. If we hire a ton of developers at one time, it could be hard to pay all of them if the month's financial status was bad. I feel like maybe hiring, time by time, it would be good. Also, I feel like Chad want's local developers, because if a serious issue happens, Chad has those local developers he can contact and talk to if needed.

Suggestion #4: Anti-cheat.

I don't think I even need to mention how terrible the current anti-cheat is. Obviously when there are people speeding across the map at ridiculous speeds there is a problem. There are more departures from MCGamer then there are from Heathrow. Jokes and giggles aside, the current anti-cheat is probably punishing more legitimate players than hackers. I can say from my own experiences that at least 15-20% of the playerbase is filled with hackers. If the developers can make a new, more effective no-cheat, this alone will probably bring a lot of players back.
Alright, one thing I see a lot is how people bash on the developers are making a anti-cheat, come on give the guys some respect. They tried their hardest to make a anti-cheat but all they get is negativity in the return, that's not right. Maybe they wanted to try something new, it's not easy to make anti-cheat, they had to put a lot of time into it. I want to see everyone who complains about the anti-cheat to make a anti-cheat of their own that is the best in Minecraft. That takes a long time of education and skill in coding, it's not easy at all. They possibly know the anti-cheat isn't the best, but it does something at least, they can just work on it and improve it. Please, give them time!

Suggestion #7: Bring back AU/CA

By closing the AU and CA servers you have essentially forced away 2 decently-sized communities. Canadians can still play US so that would be 2nd on the list, but AU is left nowhere. If you don't bring AU back as soon as possible there won't be much of a community left and nothing to salvage.
In my honest opinion, it would be a waste of money. If you didn't know AU, CA & AS barely got any players in the first place. The highest AU would reach would be around 100+ players while US & EU got more than 500. Please don't get me started on CA, no one played on CA, to be honest the only reason people played on it was because they had really good ping and maybe some clan battles. CA barely even got 30+ people on it, sometimes games took hours to fill to start it. AS as well, no one played it, it was a waste of money, if we would of kept it, I felt that maybe a lack of funding would be the outcome. I don't want to get any hate, but I'm just stating the truth. I rather have Chad save his money for US & EU.

Suggestions #8: New Staff Team

I think it's safe to say that we need a new staff team. When I play on US there are some mods here and there, but on EU they are no where to be found. Again, I'm not bashing on the mods, I'm bashing on the number of them. For MCSG's size we need at least 50 mods (Split evenly across regions) 10-15 Sr. Mods and 5+1 Admins (+1 owner).
In my opinion, this is really unneeded and would be pointless, all of the current staff is amazing and wonderful, they're trained in how to deal with everything, they learn from the best and soon on become the best they can be. Another thing, a reason there're not a lot of staff members is because they want the best of the best, they don't want to accept really bad applications. They want to run a professional staff team, I agree with having a amazing staff team 100%, I rather have 50 amazing, hard working mods, than 100+ instant accepted moderators.

Suggestion #9: Quantum Donor

I get that Quantum is supposed to be this fancy rank that is only released when the server needs more funding, but seriously, there are so many people who want to buy it, and how can extra money hurt?
I agree with Chad, we should keep it a limited donator rank, if he did release it permanently it would just be another Platinum donor. There was a time where almost everyone had Platinum donor. I feel like it should be kept for special occasions like Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. But I don't agree with the fact that he only releases it when the "server needs funding", that's not true at all.

I made this post in order to give my general opinion and response.
This message doesn't reflect the official view of MCGamer nor the MCGamer staff team.


Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Things to bring back:
-Double tapping "w"
-Players points displayed when joining or leaving a server
-Iron Donor
-Old maps/lobbies
-Old sidebar/No sidebar
-AS, CA, and AU servers
-Diamond armour in hub :)
I agree with everything except for double-tapping. Even though I consider it a very skill-based element, the sprint key was a move in the right direction and now everyone is used to it so removing it would do more harm than good.

We already are the #1 search results for "minecraft survival games": https://i.imgur.com/Re8bbXl.png
Thatțs not the point. We all know you are, but you only are because you have been for years. In practice, this is clearly not the #1 SG server out there.

The issue right now isn't hiring developers, it's finding a quality developer that'd like to help Gideon, be dedicated to the network and actually has the skill to do so.
I have 2 things to say about this:

  • #1 I'm sure there are quite a few skilled developers in this community that would be more than happy to help.
  • #2 I haven't seen any sort of effort done by the administration team to hire more developers.

This isn't the biggest priority right now from the Developer's from what I've been told last time I asked about this personally, but trust me, they're aware that the anti cheat needs some additional work done to it.
It should be one of the highest priorities. I don't care how good you tell me it is, if 9/10 times I die to hackers with absolutely no chance of survival, something is wrong.

Much much much easier said than done both as a work force (development team and administration) and financially. When things are monetarily limited, expansion is limited to two regions. AU was not financially viable for MCGamer as it only had about 60-100 players peak time. As much as I dislike the fact AU was removed due to a loss of friends and friends in the staff team, I can understand where Chad and the Development team came from with this.
Money shouldn't matter. I'm sure the server profits enough from the 2 large regions to sustain at least 1 smaller one (AU in this case). Also, there are so many people that bought ranks just to have a better experience on the server. We get that on the main shop page it says that all payments are considered as donations to the server (or something similar) but that's only there for legal/EULA reasons. After all, those people bought ranks for the features, and now they can't use the features.

I am very confused with this. This depends on the number of people who have quality applications, not the way things are ran. I am sorry to say but this does not make much sense to me.
Ok, let me clear things up. There are barely any EU staff members left, and of those 1/2 play US anyway because of the hacker situation. Does that make sense now?

Doesn't make it a unique sight to see in-game if it's always open for grabs! I actually commend Chad for keeping it a closed rank like initially promised, even if it does help with finances (as you mentioned, having extra $). I again, have to disagree.
I guess you have a point too, but it doesn't need to be a unique sight.

This message doesn't reflect the official view of MCGamer nor the MCGamer staff team.

Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
So though this kind of thread is nice to see, it's still not going to solve most things
I think if, as a community we demand this stuff, we can get a change.

Okay, so I don't really get this at all, I don't understand why you want to change the server name back to MCSG. SG isn't the only gamemode on the server, the only way we can change the server back to MCSG if we removed all of the gamemodes and kept SG. But in your suggestion #2 you say you want to keep battlegrounds but add a 1v1 plugin to it. That means the server would have to stay as "MCGamer".
There are only SG-type gamemodes left, and this server has always been known and will always be "MCSG" in everyone's heart. The only reason it changed to MCGamer was because of the AntVenom merge. Now that all of the effects of the AntVenom merge have been completely removed, we can go back to MCSG.

I sorta agree, 1v1 or as they call it "Arena" was a highly anticipated and voted gamemode to add to the server. But wouldn't it be better to just add "Arena" it self and make a whole new ladder of gamemodes? I know people will complain and say that we copied other servers, but if we listen to the community, we can make a whole new gamemode that's not copied. Plus there's a ton of ladder ideas and kits I could come up with since I have some experience with it. But don't worry, the Administration and Chad most likely know that everyone wanted Arena or 1v1's.
To be honest, I don't care how they implement it. That was just how I saw it.

There's a ton of problems to this, for example a big possibility could be a lack of funding. If we hire a ton of developers at one time, it could be hard to pay all of them if the month's financial status was bad. I feel like maybe hiring, time by time, it would be good. Also, I feel like Chad want's local developers, because if a serious issue happens, Chad has those local developers he can contact and talk to if needed.
Ok, has there been any effort toward this?

Alright, one thing I see a lot is how people bash on the developers are making a anti-cheat, come on give the guys some respect. They tried their hardest to make a anti-cheat but all they get is negativity in the return, that's not right. Maybe they wanted to try something new, it's not easy to make anti-cheat, they had to put a lot of time into it. I want to see everyone who complains about the anti-cheat to make a anti-cheat of their own that is the best in Minecraft. That takes a long time of education and skill in coding, it's not easy at all. They possibly know the anti-cheat isn't the best, but it does something at least, they can just work on it and improve it. Please, give them time!
You know what, no-one bashed on the developers right after the update, but if they really don't listen, we've gotta make them understand one way or another.

In my honest opinion, it would be a waste of money. If you didn't know AU, CA & AS barely got any players in the first place. The highest AU would reach would be around 100+ players while US & EU got more than 500. Please don't get me started on CA, no one played on CA, to be honest the only reason people played on it was because they had really good ping and maybe some clan battles. CA barely even got 30+ people on it, sometimes games took hours to fill to start it. AS as well, no one played it, it was a waste of money, if we would of kept it, I felt that maybe a lack of funding would be the outcome. I don't want to get any hate, but I'm just stating the truth. I rather have Chad save his money for US & EU.
Money shouldn't matter. I'm sure the server profits enough from the 2 large regions to sustain at least 1 smaller one (AU in this case). Also, there are so many people that bought ranks just to have a better experience on the server. We get that on the main shop page it says that all payments are considered as donations to the server (or something similar) but that's only there for legal/EULA reasons. After all, those people bought ranks for the features, and now they can't use the features.

In my opinion, this is really unneeded and would be pointless, all of the current staff is amazing and wonderful, they're trained in how to deal with everything, they learn from the best and soon on become the best they can be. Another thing, a reason there're not a lot of staff members is because they want the best of the best, they don't want to accept really bad applications. They want to run a professional staff team, I agree with having a amazing staff team 100%, I rather have 50 amazing, hard working mods, than 100+ instant accepted moderators.
I'd rather have 50 mods as well.

I agree with Chad, we should keep it a limited donator rank, if he did release it permanently it would just be another Platinum donor. There was a time where almost everyone had Platinum donor. I feel like it should be kept for special occasions like Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. But I don't agree with the fact that he only releases it when the "server needs funding", that's not true at all.
It is true, it literally says that on the quantum thread.


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
There are only SG-type gamemodes left, and this server has always been known and will always be "MCSG" in everyone's heart. The only reason it changed to MCGamer was because of the AntVenom merge. Now that all of the effects of the AntVenom merge have been completely removed, we can go back to MCSG.
If you have multiple gamemodes on a server, it's called a network. I rather call the server MCGamer since if you want to add gamemodes like Arena and 1v1's, since they aren't "SG" based gamemodes.

Ok, has there been any effort toward this?
No idea.

You know what, no-one bashed on the developers right after the update, but if they really don't listen, we've gotta make them understand one way or another.
That's not how you make a developer work hard for his server, I think they rather ignore you all if you were harassing him and his work towards the server.

Money shouldn't matter. I'm sure the server profits enough from the 2 large regions to sustain at least 1 smaller one (AU in this case). Also, there are so many people that bought ranks just to have a better experience on the server. We get that on the main shop page it says that all payments are considered as donations to the server (or something similar) but that's only there for legal/EULA reasons. After all, those people bought ranks for the features, and now they can't use the features.
A lot of people bought ranks? Those 3 servers combined only got like 150+ players. I don't think a "ton" of people bought ranks. But I feel like it would be a waste to bring all 3 back up.

I'd rather have 50 mods as well.


Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks for making this... They wont listen though, we all know it...

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #1: Rebrand MCGamer and just call it MCSG
If you think of it from an Advertising standpoint, then yes, it could be really beneficial, but in the end, the server is more than just a Survival Games server. Finding other ways to advertise the server would be amazing and is what we should do, but if we go back to "MCSG" (Minecraft Survival Games), it would be declaring us as a Survival Games only, as it was back in the day and as you stated, yes, we do have the majority of the server playing Survival Games, but in the end, if the Survival Game concept dies, nothing you have stated up to date and will state will be useless. Everything grows from a standpoint, some things go out of date quicker then others, best to have other backups, because who knows, the current gamemodes we have could spark attention somehow and we could get another big name to come along with the "Home of the MCSG"
You have always been an SG server, and this will always be an SG server, it just will not work otherwise.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #2: Add 1v1 to Battlegrounds
vladthegreat100 said:
I feel like battlegrounds was made to be a live practice of the SG, to warm up to be the closest thing to SG, a live fighting arena where you still have to worry about others. But I can agree on that, 1v1's are pretty fun, but would only prepare you most of the time for a 1v1.
You really didn't read what I said, did you?

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion 3: Hire more developers
vladthegreat100 said:
Like you said, easier said then done. It's usually hard to find someone that has all the requirements to be a developer, let alone a minecraft server. Not sure if you know, but the code Java, is quite a bit different from "Bukkit" which is a form of Java, but is used for coding, so usually no normal developer can jump straight in.
Like I said before, there has been no effort to hire more devs.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #4: Anti-cheat.
vladthegreat100 said:
I'll say, the anti-cheat has saved me quite a few times from blatant hackers, banning them a second before they would be killing me in game. Like I said to everyone else, the anti-cheat is quite good, there are flaws, but no anti-cheat is perfect. I can tell you quite a few people try and get themselves banned by the anti-cheat and have witnessed it second hand, some were just bad luck due to client side problems. There can be an improvement, and I agree, but I don't see it as bad as you are portraying it.
It is horrible tbh. From my experience, maybe 1/20 hackers that I see gets banned.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #5: We need an owner
vladthegreat100 said:
Well technically right now, there is a structure that monitors the staff and is quite efficient actually, you just don't see it because to see it, you mostly have to be on the staff team to see the staff team being monitored as we are shown quite well every month for activity checks of the higher ups watching us, or them coming to us about concerns/gratitude's of what we did that had little to no relationship to them. The server monitoring process is mostly done by Moderators, telling Sr Staff the moment they know something is wrong with the server to pass it onto the developers. And for the community, it's mostly the whole staff team that monitors it, it's a bit of a broad point you are hitting right there, if you go more in detail for that I can go on and explain more on what we do to "monitor the community".
I will not comment on this, I will just tell you you haven't yet signed a contract to accept everything Chad tells you to. You have judgement too, use it.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #6: Listen to the community
vladthegreat100 said:
I'd say we listen to the community quite a lot, remember in 2015 I believe when the 1.8 version came out, the whole server wanted to revert back to 1.7, but they compromised and made it 1.7/1.8 as there are many players who play on 1.8, regardless of your opinion on it. For the anti-cheat, it's easier said then done, but the developers know there are flaws and I'm sure they will improve it when the time comes. Not fix as it does work at the moment.
I took you half a year to revert back, and that only happened because the server was losing players.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #7: Bring back AU/CA
vladthegreat100 said:
I can agree, that bringing back AU/CA would be beneficial for players, but I remember CA was removed due to lack of staff as one of the reasons (I was staff on CA during that time :p), and I believe is the same thing for AU, there were lack of staff on AU. Now we can't force AU players to become staff, nor is it possible to hire staff due to them being Australian, as it would lower the qualifications and quality of the staff team. And nor can you force a certain staff member to go on AU to watch for hackers and rule breakers. If you think about it, US or EU staff go on AU, it gets laggy for them, there could be many false punishments for hacking due not the original player lagging, but due to the staff member lagging which then would be a whole different issue with the community. It is sad that we lost players from the removal of EU, but then there would still be, and maybe even more of that issue of "This % of the server is hackers".
There was a more that large enough AU community and definitely more than enough staff members to monitor it.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestions #8: New Staff Team
vladthegreat100 said:
Again, you can't force Staff members to moderate on a certain region as it could easily affect evidence credibility due to ping, e.t.c. As for balancing out the staff team, it looks like you're adding more Senior Staff. If you look at this, Sr Staff are hand picked when the team 1. Needs them, 2. Believes they are qualified, no extra application or interview process. Trying to balance them out could bring down the work quality of the actual staff team. And seeing that you play on U.S., I'll assume you are American, meaning that when you are on, EU staff are probably asleep which is why you find yourself without seeing many or no staff member on EU when you are online, but I can assure you it does get looked after quite a lot.
Sunt ala care te-a pus sa vorbesti in romana pe TeamSpeak, asa ziceam si eu.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #9: Quantum Donor
vladthegreat100 said:
Well Quantum donor is only of so high money because it is a rare rank that only comes on occasion. If we were to have it as a regular rank, that $200 rank would go down drastically because it is no longer rare. It's a regular stock market type thing. When it's scarcer, prices raise, more common, lower. And if you're going to compare MCSG with a factions server, there are more perks to give out on Factions then MCSG does as they are two different gamemodes thus being able to have more ranks that are within the EULA rules on Factions other than MCSG.
You have a point, I won't argue.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #10: General Glitches (that I have personally found)

vladthegreat100 said:
vladthegreat100 said:
1. I believe it is known already.
vladthegreat100 said:
2. That is probably a you problem from internet connection, as it seems pretty normal for me.
And it just so happens MCSG is the only place where I get it.
vladthegreat100 said:
3. That's a vanilla glitch, not a glitch that can be fixed.
vladthegreat100 said:
4. I'm pretty sure you can sponsor people 1 of everything per person. So 2 people being able to sponsor someone the same thing isn't really a bug.
The sponsor menu only contains one of each item, this means that only one of each item can be sponsored per game, so it is a bug.
vladthegreat100 said:
5. Never had that problem before nor have I ever heard of that. No comment on that.
Maybe it's an EU thing.
vladthegreat100 said:
6. Never heard of this either.
I guess you don't turn quickly enough.
vladthegreat100 said:
7. Known bug and devs have knowledge of it.
That's good
vladthegreat100 said:
8. Known bug.
vladthegreat100 said:
9. /join will only bring you to pre-game if you clicked it when it was transitioning in between the lobby and start. /watch brings you into a game that is already being played, so I don't see why or how that is a bug as it brings you into a game that is already in progress.
I'm talking about when you click on a server, and it takes 10 seconds for it to put you in and kick you back.
vladthegreat100 said:
10. Probably a bug from in game.
Umm, yes.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #11: General Improvements (not critical).

vladthegreat100 said:
vladthegreat100 said:
1. From my knowledge, UHC is a game that the final players become really OP game, so I don't see how it can be a problem. For spawnpoints I don't think there really are places you can say "op" as it's kind of random where you would spawn.
Obviously the spawnpoints next to corn is OP.
vladthegreat100 said:
2. That could be a way for non-donors to ask donors to party them just to not get kicked. It's really prone to abuse, if you want to join full games, get the rank to get the perk.
I'm talking about making it so you can /wl 3 times per day or something.
vladthegreat100 said:
3. MCSG Maker is known to be broken and is known by devs.
vladthegreat100 said:
4. I don't remember why Iron donor was removed, but I'd be down to get Iron as I was able to afford it back in the day, but not $2, that's way to little imo and wouldn't do too much of an impact on donation rises.
It would sell like hot bread though.
vladthegreat100 said:
5. Not really
vladthegreat100 said:
6. It skips down to 1 minute if the server reaches 24 players. The reason why its long is so that there is time for it to become full.
It should skip to 15 sec tbh.

vladthegreat100 said:
Suggestion #12: Bring Back the Old Stats System
vladthegreat100 said:
As stated in the example #2 picture, the Old Stats System was really old and had many bugs fixed by "gum and duct tape". Right now I feel the current stats are fine, but if there would be any changes, a new one would have to be made. Sometimes outdated codes are outdated for a reason and need to be changed for those same or different reasons.
That's what were promised, we didn't get any of that though.
Last edited:


Feb 12, 2014
Reaction score
I think mcsg should bring back asia servers since for the ping asia people would play more


Jun 20, 2015
Reaction score
Honestly I agree with your suggestions. About the stats: isn't it better to have the old stats system as in 2012-2014? I really like those screenshots and I miss them now.. And the regional leaderboards would be good to see on the server.


Jun 20, 2015
Reaction score
I think mcsg should bring back asia servers since for the ping asia people would play more
well i know that feel, only Japan gets decent ping to play somewhere.. other countries averagely get ~220 which is not really playable.


Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
Um berk I havent played MCSG in like 6 months xd
Whoops xD When I look at that 1000 wins, it makes me think that you still play actively, and the first four games on your profile were recent. After that, I wasn't even paying attention.

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