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Is this clan randy?

  • Yehhhh

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Nahhhh

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • catz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • pie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • dawg

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • poop

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dec 18, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: dobbyroxsmysocks (I'm currently trying to get an alt)
Age: 12
Skype: pm if accepted
Wins: 120 (I started tryharding to get to 200 before stats reset ;-;)
Games Played: 1662 (I have used this account on MCSG since 1.4 soooooo)
Strengths: Sword PvP, rods, fns a little above moderate.
Weaknesses: im terrible at bow, water fights, hackers.
Timezone: Eastern USA
Donor: Entered two contests to possibly win one, but currently no.
PastClans: Synergy US, Vizion, 2 more I cannot remember.
Maturity (Out of 10): Depends on situation if we're just being stupid on a mcsg game then its like 4 but if its a cb then like 7 1/2
How Active are you?: Depends on how much homework I have that day, but I try to be as active as I can.
Do you know anyone in this clan?: Nope
Why do you want to join Exotic?: I would like to join Exotic because it would bring me back to the clan community which I love, and i would like to be apart of uythis clan because I believe we can make it to the top! It would be amazing if I could be accpeted to this clan.
Accepted as a member plz tell me Skype so we can get you in some scrims or cbs!


Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: chopchop2001

Age: 12

Skype: sully.chop

Wins: 32, I know this is a very low amount, But I feel that joining your clan will help me improve my skill and help me get my stats better

Games Played: 415

Strengths: Bows, Combo's, strafing, fns, Rods

Weaknesses: Playing wreckless sometimes, Hackers

Timezone: EST United States

Donor: Yes, I am Diamond Donor

PastClans: Dexterity, Savages

Maturity (Out of 10): 9/10, Sometimes I can be a little immature such as raging after getting killed, But that doesn't happen very often

How Active are you?: I am very active, I play almost everyday, I am currently in 7th grade so I will be having to start sports soon but that will not really come in the way of our clan stuff

Do you know anyone in this clan?: No I do not, But I am willing to anyone I come across of

Why do you want to join Exotic?: I would like to join Exotic because I feel that you guys have a awesome community and I feel that joining good clans can just help you get better, Such as pvping a really good clanmate and practicing with him/her and getting better in that way, etc., Also I love meeting new people and I love playing mcsg. I went inactive for a little bit because I got staff a server called TheArchon, And If I wasn't on then I would be demoted, But I got demoted so now I am back playing mcsg again.
CHOP CHOP?!!?!!? AZZAMO CHOP COHP?!!!!!!!?!?!?


Dec 18, 2013
Reaction score
GG #Corazon We came back and had to try hard as we were losing 3-1 damn we ended up winning 4-3 holy shat!

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