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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
I hope you realize that we had permission from the organizers of the tourneys as we weren't sure of what to do.It isn't our fault clans can't hold up.
Didn't get permission from the other clan to just throw up a 3-0 as if the game had been played though :p
Anyway, Teku was nice enough to put up an explanation underneath as to why it's like that so I'll just leave it at that


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Didn't get permission from the other clan to just throw up a 3-0 as if the game had been played though :p
Anyway, Teku was nice enough to put up an explanation underneath as to why it's like that so I'll just leave it at that
oh, gohl, Gohl = GetOnHisLevel, KY :p


Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
1. Age: I am 14 years old
2. In-game name: My main ign is pevasty as I have had that for a long time but I do have another ign that is called YoureTanked_ that I bought a couple of months ago.
3. Wins / Games played: On pevasty I have 525 wins and 2856 games played.
On YoureTanked_ I have 7 wins out of 28 games played
4. Residence (country): I am from England, Norfolk
5. Your Skype (PM if needed): Im pretty sure most of you have it but its PevastyFTW
6. Why are you applying for this particular clan: I am applying for this particular clan because I want to be in a strong clan that looks like it is very friendly and can help me perform even better at pvp. Also I am applying because I have a few friends in this clan that I havent spoke to for a while so I would like to start to talk and to play with them again. But there are also a few people I have never played with so I would love to start to play with them and make some new friends and improve my team work
7. Why should we accept you (Give us a good reason): You should accept me because in my opinion I am a good pvp'er. I also don't really argue however I can sometimes rage but that doesn't happen very often, only when I feel I have played bad or let the team down in a Clan battle or a round of the clan battle.
8. How active are you: I will try to be as active as possible, I do have my End of year tests coming up, but I have done about half of them, but I will still try to be as active as possible. If I am not on the TS then I will probably be revising for one of the tests/exams that deter mains what set I will be in for Next year.
9. Do you meet the requirements: YES
10. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I was in this clan before but I never finished my trial because I felt I was going to burst out at one of the admins, Which has now left, so I feel like I can complete my trial, If I get accepted, and hopefully become a full member of this amazing clan.
11. Past clan experience (Don't give us a list of clans, tell us about your experience) : Well I have been a mcsg player for about 2 years and I had been in different styles of clans, Weak clans which relied on me to perform, and strong clans, where I would only play 1-2 rounds of a clan battle. I have been in lots of stronger clans on hive because I play that competitively
• 12. (a) Your playstyle (Defensive/Offencive, etc.): Well I can't really say what style I play because I play both. It depends on what situation I'm in. For example if I had better stuff than my opponent and I had got him low from an earlier fight I would play offensive because I would have to upper hand on him and I wouldn't want to let him become more decked then me. But then on the other hand if I had worse stuff than my opponent then I would play Defensive. For example I would try to light the player with a flint and steel to make him panic because he wouldn't know what to do and then I would strafe him and start to attack him more Offensively. As I said it all depends on what situation I am in. I can play both offensively and defensively pretty good in my opinion.
(b) Your weaknesses: I would say one of my weaknesses is my Map Knowledge. I do know some routes on some maps, but because I moved to hive nearly a year ago, I have forgotten some routes on some maps and the new maps. I have never played the new map so I might have to start playing it a lot more often.
(c) Your strengths: I would say that one of my strengths is a fishing rod: I would say I am really good with a fishing rod. Even though mojang nerfed the rod so you if you hit someone with the rod you can't hit them for 1 second I have adapted to that way. I realised that you have to hit them with the rod a second before I usually did. I would also say I am pretty good with a flint and steel: I feel as if I accurately hit them with the flint and steel yet I feel as if I can accurately dodge flint and steel as well. One more PVP strength that I am good at is a bow: I would say I have massively improved this year with my bow, I used to be terrible with it and I usually wouldn't be able to hit a single shot sometimes. But this year I have changed, I have been practicing with it for a while and now I can hit quite a lot of shots but I can still miss some. Me and a bow, its quite weird because sometimes I'm amazing at it and sometimes I'm terrible with it but I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles. My second from lastPVP strength that I would say I'm good at is the sword: I can a lot of sword hits but it does can down to my fishing rod sometimes. I can strafe pretty well but some people have better ping than me so sometimes strafing back fires quite a lot.
• 13. Any additional information: I like Chicken, CHICKENN
14. I, pevasty will agree to my word on the application written above and do my best to support and assist this clan.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
1. Age: I am 14 years old
2. In-game name: My main ign is pevasty as I have had that for a long time but I do have another ign that is called YoureTanked_ that I bought a couple of months ago.
3. Wins / Games played: On pevasty I have 525 wins and 2856 games played.
On YoureTanked_ I have 7 wins out of 28 games played
4. Residence (country): I am from England, Norfolk
5. Your Skype (PM if needed): Im pretty sure most of you have it but its PevastyFTW
6. Why are you applying for this particular clan: I am applying for this particular clan because I want to be in a strong clan that looks like it is very friendly and can help me perform even better at pvp. Also I am applying because I have a few friends in this clan that I havent spoke to for a while so I would like to start to talk and to play with them again. But there are also a few people I have never played with so I would love to start to play with them and make some new friends and improve my team work
7. Why should we accept you (Give us a good reason): You should accept me because in my opinion I am a good pvp'er. I also don't really argue however I can sometimes rage but that doesn't happen very often, only when I feel I have played bad or let the team down in a Clan battle or a round of the clan battle.
8. How active are you: I will try to be as active as possible, I do have my End of year tests coming up, but I have done about half of them, but I will still try to be as active as possible. If I am not on the TS then I will probably be revising for one of the tests/exams that deter mains what set I will be in for Next year.
9. Do you meet the requirements: YES
10. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I was in this clan before but I never finished my trial because I felt I was going to burst out at one of the admins, Which has now left, so I feel like I can complete my trial, If I get accepted, and hopefully become a full member of this amazing clan.
11. Past clan experience (Don't give us a list of clans, tell us about your experience) : Well I have been a mcsg player for about 2 years and I had been in different styles of clans, Weak clans which relied on me to perform, and strong clans, where I would only play 1-2 rounds of a clan battle. I have been in lots of stronger clans on hive because I play that competitively
• 12. (a) Your playstyle (Defensive/Offencive, etc.): Well I can't really say what style I play because I play both. It depends on what situation I'm in. For example if I had better stuff than my opponent and I had got him low from an earlier fight I would play offensive because I would have to upper hand on him and I wouldn't want to let him become more decked then me. But then on the other hand if I had worse stuff than my opponent then I would play Defensive. For example I would try to light the player with a flint and steel to make him panic because he wouldn't know what to do and then I would strafe him and start to attack him more Offensively. As I said it all depends on what situation I am in. I can play both offensively and defensively pretty good in my opinion.
(b) Your weaknesses: I would say one of my weaknesses is my Map Knowledge. I do know some routes on some maps, but because I moved to hive nearly a year ago, I have forgotten some routes on some maps and the new maps. I have never played the new map so I might have to start playing it a lot more often.
(c) Your strengths: I would say that one of my strengths is a fishing rod: I would say I am really good with a fishing rod. Even though mojang nerfed the rod so you if you hit someone with the rod you can't hit them for 1 second I have adapted to that way. I realised that you have to hit them with the rod a second before I usually did. I would also say I am pretty good with a flint and steel: I feel as if I accurately hit them with the flint and steel yet I feel as if I can accurately dodge flint and steel as well. One more PVP strength that I am good at is a bow: I would say I have massively improved this year with my bow, I used to be terrible with it and I usually wouldn't be able to hit a single shot sometimes. But this year I have changed, I have been practicing with it for a while and now I can hit quite a lot of shots but I can still miss some. Me and a bow, its quite weird because sometimes I'm amazing at it and sometimes I'm terrible with it but I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles. My second from lastPVP strength that I would say I'm good at is the sword: I can a lot of sword hits but it does can down to my fishing rod sometimes. I can strafe pretty well but some people have better ping than me so sometimes strafing back fires quite a lot.
• 13. Any additional information: I like Chicken, CHICKENN
14. I, pevasty will agree to my word on the application written above and do my best to support and assist this clan.
Nice one, your application has been reviewed.
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