-First name?: Tom
-IGN?: Kizeax (My alt account is Broowaki)
-Skpye name?: banksy-lurker
-Age?: 15 (16 1st January)
-Donor on MCGamer (Yes/No)?: Not currently.
-Pvp Strengths?: Ping abuse?
- Criticals - Bow and Arrow - Water battles
-Pvp Weaknesses?: Hackers and Rod spam
-Average ping to MCGamer (CMD check)?: 15-30
-Win/Losses?: Kizeax: 0/0 - Broowaki: 11/66
-Why apply for this clan?: I used to be in a clan previously with w0wmonkey, Joshavcf9 and severall other members, it would be nice to reunite myself with these players on a fresh new account
-Favorite maps?: Zone 85, Enchanted Forest, Turbulence, TSG2, SG4, Demon's Breeze, Breeze Island, Fallen Empire and Valleyside University.
-Know routes on the most played map?: Yes of course, I have a route for all the 'classic' clan war maps that you are unable to leave if voted in, and I know maps for new maps and external 'non-core' maps.