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Deceiving - AU Clan

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Apr 20, 2014
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Dec 21, 2013
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https://gyazo.com/ed1376208c01f280980b55f60c8b5f6d ?

Most of the time if not all the time clan leaders don't put up scrims. It's alright that you put it up there, however you should probably state that it was indeed a scrim and not an actually clan battle. If you try to say to me that it wasn't a scrim, but indeed a clan battle you Mrs.Starstrong can gaze your eyes upon this screenshot.
Have a terrible day xoxoxoxoxoxoxo.
Lmao it wasn't a scrim. They confirmed it was a clan battle lmao. This is actually the first time I've been told it was a "scrim" by someone who isn't even in their clan.

About that last screenshot ep1c just can't accept the fact that he lost.

Their clan even said to their trial member lil_josh it was a cb.

Our best lineup was actually on and we cb'd them.

If you want a screenshot of him asking for a 3v3 and me replying with "sure" on the day we did the CB I'll give it to you.
Apr 20, 2014
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Since you want to be arrogant about it ill put it where we can all see it.
You say it was a cb, but really it was just a normal scrim. First off i want to say that your acts of completely disregarding any kind of communication from both integrity and I are both arrogant and stubborn which I do expect from you. Okay lets start with how it was a scrim first. You say that I was the first person who told you OUTSIDE OF THE CLAN that it wasn't a cb, but rather a scrim. This leads me to think that yes, you were told it was a scrim, however as I have said you completely disregard it in any way shape or form. Thirdly you say ep1c cannot take the fact of losing. Well i'm pretty sure ep1c can considering he lost a clan battle on Friday against PC xoxoxo. Then the one that really tide the shoe lace was when you said that they used lil_josh ahaahahahahahahahaha no. By agreeing to the CLAN BATTLE rules for integ it states that no member who hasn't been part of the clan for atleast 24hrs cannot play in a CLAN BATTLE. So its alright considering this was a scrim. What i'm trying to say is I think ep1c is intelligent enough to know his own rules and not use a TRAIL MEMBER (WHICH FYI MEAN NOT IN THE CLAN) in a clan battle. Thats why they used him for a scrim most likely to test the waters with him. GG demote?


Dec 21, 2013
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Since you want to be arrogant about it ill put it where we can all see it.
You say it was a cb, but really it was just a normal scrim. First off i want to say that your acts of completely disregarding any kind of communication from both integrity and I are both arrogant and stubborn which I do expect from you. Okay lets start with how it was a scrim first. You say that I was the first person who told you OUTSIDE OF THE CLAN that it wasn't a cb, but rather a scrim. This leads me to think that yes, you were told it was a scrim, however as I have said you completely disregard it in any way shape or form. Thirdly you say ep1c cannot take the fact of losing. Well i'm pretty sure ep1c can considering he lost a clan battle on Friday against PC xoxoxo. Then the one that really tide the shoe lace was when you said that they used lil_josh ahaahahahahahahahaha no. By agreeing to the CLAN BATTLE rules for integ it states that no member who hasn't been part of the clan for atleast 24hrs cannot play in a CLAN BATTLE. So its alright considering this was a scrim. What i'm trying to say is I think ep1c is intelligent enough to know his own rules and not use a TRAIL MEMBER (WHICH FYI MEAN NOT IN THE CLAN) in a clan battle. Thats why they used him for a scrim most likely to test the waters with him. GG demote?
We vsed Fade in a scrim. We vsed Philosophy in a scrim. Are those results on my clan page? Ofc not because they were a scrim. It was a clan battle as confirmed by this screenshot https://gyazo.com/422fb1221bcef9017b9bfa0b49e55d02 . Also, notice how it said "Wednesday" on the top? That's the day we did the cb that you're telling me it was a scrim which it wasn't.I didn't say these used lil_josh I said that they told him it was a cb so he was meant to leave.

Seriously, I can't even be bothered to write to you anymore.


Dec 21, 2013
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None of the rounds were a 2v4, only 2 out of the 5 rounds were a 3v4 and the rest were a 4v4
Round 1: 4v4 until Nofinq lagged out making it a 3v4
Round 2: 4v4 all of us died to randoms
Round 3: 2v4
Round 4: 4v4 (The only legit round)
Round 5: 4v4 (12e and Nofinq lagged out)

Yes, I did exaggerate on how most of the rounds we only had 2 players.

All though it is 12e's and nofinq's fault to lag out in a cb. Not using that as an excuse but it didn't help us whatsoever.
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