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[Build Team] Team Xonia

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Jun 27, 2012
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Minecraft IGN: PM_MoLoToV
Age: 18
Skype: paul.bloedjes
Why do you want to build a map? I've been around on MCSG since alpha, I've played much and tried to make my won maps. But alone this is just impossible.
How do you add detail? Adding depth is the most important, why using a full block if you can't make a nice pattern with stair? These sewers look nice, but it could use some more leafs and vines. If you get my point. I'll try to make a place look like it could've been real.
How can you make each build unique? Every building needs a different look at it, if it looks similair to another i've failed by job as detailer.
Post pictures of your details:
*note this is on a SURVIVAL server, the cows and wheat are a prank...
Also i am able to do 3d animations, which means i can make really nice map trailers. such as the well know sky-block trailer.
Here is a little test i made just to see i needed to render it in for youtube.

Anything else you would like to tell us? Nothing on my mind.

I, Paul, pledge that I will work with Team Xonia to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove me from the team.


Jun 16, 2013
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Minecraft IGN: JustFreeky
Age: 15
Skype: justfreeky7
Why do you want to build a map? I want to meet new people, and have tons of fun. I love to help community build teams, and I believe I am fit for this job. I want to make terrain fun to play on.
How long have you worked with Terraforming? about 2 years
Are you familiar with WorldEdit? VoxelSniper? I prefer Voxel Sniper. But yes I use both.
Post pictures of your terraforming:

Anything else you would like to tell us?
I hope I get consider.

I, [JustFreeky], pledge that I will work with Team Xonia to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove me from the team.
All I have to say is wow, this looks great


Oct 25, 2013
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Minecraft IGN: DeformedYZ

Age: age 15 (09.23.98)

Skype: theDeformedChild

Why do you want to build a map? I am interested in joining Team Xonia, and assisting them with mapmaking needs because I feel this is a good way to get more involved with the community. I am a good builder (in my opinion), and am interested in seeing if I can fit in with a high-level build team.

How do you add detail? You can add detail through several means. For example, arranging stairs in pretty patterns, adding a multitude of depth to a build using a different array of blocks, decor blocks, and any other items available. You can add detail to landscapes by using decor blocks such as grass, flowers, and using a diverse variety of blocks in the landscape according to the selected theme.

How can you make each build unique? I can make each build unique by applying a great amount of detail to every segment of a build. I have a good understand of most themes (excluding steampunk) and understand how to apply depth according to the theme.
Post pictures of your details:

Anything else you would like to tell us? It would be an honour to be accepted for a trial. :)


Dec 24, 2013
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I am sorry to say, but I am not longer applying for this team. My goal will now be RedForest, and that is it. Sorry


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
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Gameplay Aspects - Open
This position has all to do with the gameplay. Whether it is parkour, chests, stories, or traps, it's all within this position. Copy and paste the application below to apply:

Minecraft IGN:
Age: 13
Skype: ToeHair45
Why do you want to build a map? I just love the feeling of being creative, and what better way to prove it then by making some maps!
What kind of aspects can you add to our map? I like to focus on the little things, such as block placement, vines getting in the way of things, things that don't seem to really make sense, that's my type of stuff! I will be honest, sometimes I go over things a little too fast, and I miss something important. If that ever happens, you may notify me at any time, even if I am working on something else. Fixing mistakes helps my knowledge for minecraft grow, and that is always a plus side for me!
How can your aspects make our map better? I found out recently that I am fairly good at making spawns. (I will have a picture below showing my work on a map that I made by myself) whether it is adding detail, making interesting patterns, or just doing some simple landscaping, I can contribute in everything! (Except for Terraforming. I suck at Terraforming... xD) Anyways, I can be a pretty decent builder as well. I do not have that many screenshots of my work, since I had to delete my old Minecrfat folder due to a glitch causing me to lag out every 5 seconds. I will show you more pictures of how I detailed more of the sections of my map
Post pictures of your aspects:
Anything else you would like to tell us? #SquirtleNation4Life
-ToeHair45 out


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
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I, ToeHair45, pledge that I will work with Team Xonia to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove me from the team. (So sorry, forgot to uploads this in my application! Sorry for the inconvenience!)


Nov 21, 2013
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Minecraft IGN:ChargedPVP
Skype:Mr. Flint&Steel
Why do you want to build a map?: I enjoy building and collaborating with other people
How long have you built in Minecraft?: I only recently took to making better builds and working on detail
What kind of building styles fit you best?: Any really but i like smaller builds
Post pictures of your builds: http://imgur.com/a/hN8hN
Anything else you would like to tell us?: I loved deception valley.

I, ChargedPVP, pledge that I will work with Team Xonia to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove me from the team.


Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Redstone - Open

Minecraft IGN: mfungamer
Why do you want to build a map? Because i like it to create things.
How long have you worked with Redstone? Quiet long. I can't build that good but i want to impress my friends so i started "redstoneing" soon (after i got MC).
Are you good at complex Redstone contraptions? I like it to creat new things with redstone and i'am able to solve problems. So yes i'm quiet good at complexe Redstone.
Post pictures of your work: http://vegetorix.imgur.com/all/
Anything else you would like to tell us? The Tradestation and the Transportsystem are made in Survival. They are connected. The Hoppers come from my farm to transport the wheat and so on, but the Fram isn't finished yet (design). The Farm is automatic too. And i'm working at a calculator too but it's not finished yet.

I, mfungamer, pledge that I will work with Team Xonia to my fullest to create a fun and creative environment and that any action or mistake unapproved by our team could remove me from the team.
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