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Apocalypse [EU]

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Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft in-game name- DeadStrikers10
Age (13+)- 15
Wins (100 Minimum)- 522
Games Played- 1900
Skype Name (You can send this in a private message)- DeadStrikers10
Why do you think you should be accepted into Apocalypse?- Because this looks like will be a great clan and will get better and bigger. :)
PvP Strengths- Everything.
PvP Weaknesses- h4xx0rs.
Do you agree to abide by the set rules of both MCSG and Apocalypse?- Yes, I do.

Accepted: Rank - Elite :D


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft in-game name- William4444
Age (13+)- 16
Wins (150 Minimum)- 389, leaderboards are glitched for me atm there fixing it right now
Games Played- like 1203
Skype Name (You can send this in a private message)- Don't have atm
Why do you think you should be accepted into Apocalypse?- I can give this clan support
PvP Strengths- Swords, bows, and water fights
PvP Weaknesses- Teams over 4+, and baccas
Do you agree to abide by the set rules of both MCSG and Apocalypse?- Yes I do


Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft in-game name- William4444
Age (13+)- 16
Wins (150 Minimum)- 389, leaderboards are glitched for me atm there fixing it right now
Games Played- like 1203
Skype Name (You can send this in a private message)- Don't have atm
Why do you think you should be accepted into Apocalypse?- I can give this clan support
PvP Strengths- Swords, bows, and water fights
PvP Weaknesses- Teams over 4+, and baccas
Do you agree to abide by the set rules of both MCSG and Apocalypse?- Yes I do
We will think about it once we have proof you have that many wins and once you have skype.
So for now; Declined


Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft in-game name- RetrosMC
Age (13+)-14
Wins (150 Minimum)-176
Games Played-Not sure, sorreh!
Skype Name (You can send this in a private message)- theorangealpha
Why do you think you should be accepted into Apocalypse?- Because I am hilarious and cocky.
PvP Strengths- Sword, Water fighting
PvP Weaknesses- What is a weakness?
Do you agree to abide by the set rules of both MCSG and Apocalypse?- Yes.


Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft in-game name- RetrosMC
Age (13+)-14
Wins (150 Minimum)-176
Games Played-Not sure, sorreh!
Skype Name (You can send this in a private message)- theorangealpha
Why do you think you should be accepted into Apocalypse?- Because I am hilarious and cocky.
PvP Strengths- Sword, Water fighting
PvP Weaknesses- What is a weakness?
Do you agree to abide by the set rules of both MCSG and Apocalypse?- Yes.

Declined: Too cocky and a poor reputation within the clan.


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
~okay, Voei, I know we got off to a bad start. But I've changed! I'm sorry for anything I may of said/done that caused upset/anger.

Minecraft in-game name- PiixL
Age (13+)- 16
Wins (150 Minimum)- 27 (I only started playing properly recently)
Games Played- 135
Skype Name (You can send this in a private message)- woolzeh
Why do you think you should be accepted into Apocalypse?- I've been playing on MCSG for a while, but only recently began to take it seriously (hence my dramatic increase in wins), I'm begining to realise running solo doesn't always work, which is where I need a team. Apocalypse have a flawless record and I've already made myself known to the owner and a few other members through in game. Although my wins are very low compared to the required 150, I feel this is because I've been running solo since I joined, and it's very difficult to win solo. If you take a look at my kills, 15/307, you'd notice that I'm still fully capable to get a lot of kills on my own, showing independence (as I amassed a 15 killstreak in one game of 24 people), my current rating is 3138.
PvP Strengths- Melee/Sword fight, Strafe, Bow
PvP Weaknesses- overconfidence in taking on large groups
Do you agree to abide by the set rules of both MCSG and Apocalypse?- Indeed I do! :)


Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
~okay, Voei, I know we got off to a bad start. But I've changed! I'm sorry for anything I may of said/done that caused upset/anger.

Minecraft in-game name- PiixL
Age (13+)- 16
Wins (150 Minimum)- 27 (I only started playing properly recently)
Games Played- 135
Skype Name (You can send this in a private message)- woolzeh
Why do you think you should be accepted into Apocalypse?- I've been playing on MCSG for a while, but only recently began to take it seriously (hence my dramatic increase in wins), I'm begining to realise running solo doesn't always work, which is where I need a team. Apocalypse have a flawless record and I've already made myself known to the owner and a few other members through in game. Although my wins are very low compared to the required 150, I feel this is because I've been running solo since I joined, and it's very difficult to win solo. If you take a look at my kills, 15/307, you'd notice that I'm still fully capable to get a lot of kills on my own, showing independence (as I amassed a 15 killstreak in one game of 24 people), my current rating is 3138.
PvP Strengths- Melee/Sword fight, Strafe, Bow
PvP Weaknesses- overconfidence in taking on large groups
Do you agree to abide by the set rules of both MCSG and Apocalypse?- Indeed I do! :)

Aha I find 27 wins right next to 150 minimum really amusing.


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Aha I find 27 wins right next to 150 minimum really amusing.

as I said, I play solo - well, up until this point. Have you ever tried going aganist 23/47 other people and winning on your own? Without any call outs from team-mates, no assistance. Especially as I never used to play properly, it used to be a chilled thing I'd do when my factions server went down.


Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
~okay, Voei, I know we got off to a bad start. But I've changed! I'm sorry for anything I may of said/done that caused upset/anger.

Minecraft in-game name- PiixL
Age (13+)- 16
Wins (150 Minimum)- 27 (I only started playing properly recently)
Games Played- 135
Skype Name (You can send this in a private message)- woolzeh
Why do you think you should be accepted into Apocalypse?- I've been playing on MCSG for a while, but only recently began to take it seriously (hence my dramatic increase in wins), I'm begining to realise running solo doesn't always work, which is where I need a team. Apocalypse have a flawless record and I've already made myself known to the owner and a few other members through in game. Although my wins are very low compared to the required 150, I feel this is because I've been running solo since I joined, and it's very difficult to win solo. If you take a look at my kills, 15/307, you'd notice that I'm still fully capable to get a lot of kills on my own, showing independence (as I amassed a 15 killstreak in one game of 24 people), my current rating is 3138.
PvP Strengths- Melee/Sword fight, Strafe, Bow
PvP Weaknesses- overconfidence in taking on large groups
Do you agree to abide by the set rules of both MCSG and Apocalypse?- Indeed I do! :)
Declined: Not enough wins and a general dislike within clan. However I appreciate how good the application was.

as I said, I play solo - well, up until this point. Have you ever tried going aganist 23/47 other people and winning on your own? Without any call outs from team-mates, no assistance. Especially as I never used to play properly, it used to be a chilled thing I'd do when my factions server went down.

I've played solo for 80% of my games. I got a 21 win streak solo. It's not as hard as you're making it out to be.


Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Declined: Not enough wins and a general dislike within clan. However I appreciate how good the application was.

I've played solo for 80% of my games. I got a 21 win streak solo. It's not as hard as you're making it out to be.
I also mentioned I never took this seriously until around a week ago.
if you have a look at my statistics (under my avatar), you'd see a clearer representation of a win/loss ration there tbh.
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