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Annihilation [EU]


District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
Guys, I hate to break the news to you, but you need to remove your 5-4 win against EmperorsReborn.
Gabriel was unbanned for a false ban of hacks. He was unbanned legitemently by a Senior Moderator, and is now playing MCSG perfectly fine.

And also the counter evidence can be found here.


Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, I hate to break the news to you, but you need to remove your 5-4 win against EmperorsReborn.
Gabriel was unbanned for a false ban of hacks. He was unbanned legitemently by a Senior Moderator, and is now playing MCSG perfectly fine.

And also the counter evidence can be found here.
and Chris is permbanned for abusing in the cw, so you're the one getting dq'd. I'm leaving the thread now, unless you decide to reply.


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, I hate to break the news to you, but you need to remove your 5-4 win against EmperorsReborn.
Gabriel was unbanned for a false ban of hacks. He was unbanned legitemently by a Senior Moderator, and is now playing MCSG perfectly fine.

And also the counter evidence can be found here.
and Chris is permbanned for abusing in the cw, so you're the one getting dq'd. I'm leaving the thread now, unless you decide to reply.
As i stated, Take this to a skype chat. NOT the forums. Last chance or thread will get locked. (Both of your threads)


Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: pevasty
Age: 14
Nationality: England
Wins: around 550
Games Played: around 2930
Skype Name: PevastyFTW
Do you have a microphone?: Yesh Sir
PvP Strengths:
Flint And Steel: I think of myself as a good flint and steel user, as I have did start on mcsg, I learnt the fns tactic before others. I can accurately place flint and steel and dodge flint and steel, I rarely get lit by them and I rarely miss getting someone into it. I understand that there are many better flint and steel users, but I think I am better than the average fns user.
Turn Ons: When I'm running from someone or I am low from fighting him/her, I love to quickly turn around and catch my opponent of guard leaving them surprised and they then panic and therefore making them run away from me. Sometimes, I like to rod the as I trun around so they fall back and I can get an even better combo.
The Rod: As I usually play more hive, and because the recently fixed the rod delay, I have become as good as I used to be with the rod. I understand that mcsg had fixed/never had the rod delay and that kept me from not getting rusty with the rod tactic, as I explained early I love to get rod combo's on people as it usually kills them or, it gets them very low, without the rod tactic I wouldnt be the same pvp'er I am now. I am also a very good rod spammer ;P
Sword: I can accurately hit sword hits. I find that my mouse definitely helps as I have adapted to it, and it can help me hit the opponent. I can hit lots of crits whilst fighting, I just jump whilst I am fighting, leaving me to get more crits. I found out that you only get crits as you fall down from jumping, it has helped me to kill more people quicker. I can also click pretty fast which means I can get more sword hits.
Strafing: I can strafe very well, as well as jumping to get crits, I always turn different ways whilst fighting to get more hits and to land more combos, I find that my sensitivity helps me strafing better.
PvP Weaknesses:
Bow: I have never been good with a bow, I can hardly ever hit multiple shots which leaves me to have a less chance of killing the player I am fighting. 50% of my deaths in average have been because my opponents have always landed more bow shots on me which leaves me lower and they are then on the attack and usually kill me.
Map Knowledge: I know some routes on the overplayed maps like Valleyside and Solar Frost (even though I dont think Solar frost is overplayed but oh well) but I have either forgotten or dont know most of the routes on either underplayed maps or new maps I hardly ever play, I understand I am playing more mcsg now, so hopefully I can find more OP routes c:
Favourite Map (Why?): Solar Frost. The reason this is my favourite map is because I know a really OP chest route and I find I pvp very well on the map
Why do you want to join Annihilation: I have been searching for an mcsg clan for a long time that has people that I know, and I havent talked to the owners for a while so it would be nice to catch up with you and this looks like a solid clan with a very good future
Accepted as Private.


Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Wins: 210
Games Played: 3500
Skype Name:Owen.montague2
Do you have a microphone?:Yes
PvP Strengths:Sword, Fns and rod
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights
Favourite Map (Why?): Sg4 got a very good route and a very good map for pvp
Why do you want to join Annihilation?: Because I think I will do very well with this clan and I think this clan is probably one of the best I've seen.
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Wins: 210
Games Played: 3500
Skype Name:Owen.montague2
Do you have a microphone?:Yes
PvP Strengths:Sword, Fns and rod
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights
Favourite Map (Why?): Sg4 got a very good route and a very good map for pvp
Why do you want to join Annihilation?: Because I think I will do very well with this clan and I think this clan is probably one of the best I've seen.
Accepted as a Trial. Your trial will commence when you and the Commanders are ready, and we'll test and see if you're right for our clan.

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